Detailed Policies to End Corruption and Injustices
and Create a New and Better Ireland for All

The Four Freedoms below represent our Detailed Policies:

The Four Freedoms are our Core Principles and Policies. The Four Freedoms emerged during the 1940's when democracies and sovereign nations worldwide were attacked by fascist forces and communist forces. The victory of democracies and sovereign nations in 1945 and later in 1989 was a vindication of these Four Freedoms, and led many governments to introduce democracy and deepen democracy and create better and fairer societies for all their citizens. We will restore this deepening of democracy and national sovereignty. A vast new army of people in every county, city, town and village committed to and working hard for change by democratic, Constitutional and peaceful means can change everything!

If elected, independent politicians will work for and implement the Policies listed below.

1. Main Points and Outcomes

  • Full Accountability and Transparency for elected politicians, the legal system and courts, the police, civil servants and state bodies. The creation of structures of accountability to track down and end corruption, 24/7. The closure of corrupt and rotten bodies.

  • Economic Policies to stimulate strong economic growth, massive new investment and employment, and low inflation through ending Debt Slavery and the High Concentration of Capital and Wealth

1. An end to corruption in the state sector, the public sector and the private sector through radical new policies, structures and laws. Enforcement of full Accountability.

2. Large reductions in taxes and a low tax environment. A massive reduction in the national debt and accompanying large reductions in taxes and the creation of a new low tax environment which promotes work, investment, consumer spending, employment creation and strong economic growth through radical new policies, structures and laws

3. A large reduction in inflation and in the cost of living for famillies and individuals and in the cost of energy, goods and services through radical new policies, structures and laws

4. Lower house prices through a massive investment in private affordable housing and social housing including short term, interim and long term housing solutions. House prices capped at 5 - 7 times average annual earnings so as to prevent more theft and robbery of the Irish people and nation. And monthly rents capped at 90% of average weekly earnings. An end to homelessness and high numbers of evictions. End the domination of Ireland by Vulture Funds and expose and prosecute their frauds and criminality in the courts.

5. An end to homelessness through the previous policy above and through radical new policies, structures and laws

6. Big reductions in mortgage payments through radical new policies, structures and laws

7. A vast restructuring of the entire economy to end Debt Slavery and enforce a new money system based on hard assets and infrastructural assets which can grow in line with output and investment in hard assets not speculation in asset prices.The removal of this Debt Slavery will give the Irish government the ability to massively invest in the Irish economy and Irish society.

8. Massive new investment in hospitals, fitness and diet programmes for everybody, alternative health programmes, schools, Universities, the vast expansion of private housing and social housing, in gardai and garda stations and more effective crime prevention programmes, improved wages and conditions for military personnel, light rail in cities and towns, completion of the western rail corridor and in healing centres, see, through radical new policies, structures and laws

9. Massive new investment in rural Ireland, in farming, in agri businesses, in farmer share ownership of agri businesses, in market expansion nationally and internationally, in new tech businesses and remote working, in affordable fuel for farming, in towns and villages and community regeneration

10. An end to Open Borders and Mass Migration into Ireland so as to protect Irish wages and worker's rights and take the population pressures off housing prices, rent prices, housing availability, hospital places, school places, hotel rooms for tourists, etc.. This would also make towns and cities safer and more business friendly and tourist friendly.

11. A new transaction tax to tax the speculators, hedge funds, big banks, and big foundations who profit from speculation worth trillions of euros per year in Europe. This would raise a few billion euros in Ireland.

12. A 30 - 40% reduction in the cost of living in terms of lower food prices, lower energy prices, lower goods and service prices, lower taxes, lower rents, and lower mortgage payments.

13. Rises in wages and incomes of 20% or more for all working class people and all workers in a fairer and more Democratic Capitalism system. Giving capital and shares to workers, families and communities and encouraging them to become investors in the businesses they work in and in other businesses which are local, community, and national based. Economic Democracy. This is the same capitalism proposed by Adam Smith who lived at a time when most businesses were partnerships.

14. Re-unite Ireland and create a 32 county Irish Republic or Eire and a 32 county Dail Eireann through Referendums as stated in the Good Friday Agreement of 1998. For over 25 years the big political parties have refused to do this.

15. Protect Irish neutrality which is being attacked and undermined by the big political parties in Ireland. Work with governments and organisations in other nations to promote Peace and Justice and Healing around the world, see , through radical new international policies, structures, and international laws and treaties. Create a safer world and better world for you and your family and children..

16. Help us create a better future for you and your family and for your children and their children.

Big reductions in taxes and the ending of several taxes and levies through ending fraudulent debt and money creation, debt slavery and permanent national bankruptcy.  Debt in the form of credits or money created out of nothing by banks would be returned to nothing. End the robbing, theft and looting of Irish workers, families, and businesses. The ending of debt slavery will provide room for tax cuts and massive new productive investment in Ireland.
This will provide room for
(i) big tax cuts to stimulate economic activity and growth and new investment. A 30% or more reduction in taxes due to removal of massive debt, fraudulent debt, and debt slavery.
(ii) massive public (state) investment
(iii) massive private investment. This includes investment in all sectors, including the agricultural sector
(iv) restoring the vast natural resources of Ireland and it's revenues and profits to the people of Ireland and using this to benefit the economy, society, people and families of Ireland
(iv) prioritise investment and consumption which creates employment within the nation
This will create new employment, and full employment within a short space of time, and provide sustainable consumption levels to justify new investment. A new era of low taxes, low debt, low inflation, economic growth, massive levels of productive investment not speculation, fraud, debt slavery, crashes, bailouts and recessions.

This will create room for big cuts in mortage payments which are based on fraudulent money created out of nothing. Money created out of nothing can be returned to nothing instead of being used to enslave and rob the people and nation.

2. New Structures of Accountability to enforce Accountability:
Enforce Justice and Fairness in the Legal system, Policing system, Health System, State Bodies, Regulatory Bodies and Banks

In order to implement our new and radical economic policies and social policies, we must root out the corrupt and those people who can be corrupted. And put a new system in place to monitor them 24/7. The Irish Constitution of 1937 states that the people of Ireland are the supreme authority in Ireland and that politicians, government, judges, gardai, civil servants, etc. are the servants of the people and are accountable to the people. This Accountability must be enforced as there is no accountability in Ireland, and corruption and cover ups and dishonesty are widespread.

New Structures of Accountability and new enforcement of accountability for the legal system, policing system, political system, healthcare system, state bodies and banks. Constant oversight and constant monitoring of corruption.
Corruption and abuses would be vigorously investigated and prosecuted regardless of a person’s social status or position.

Our policies will enforce Accountability through
(a) Direct Democracy and Regular Referendums
(b) new Structures of Accountability to identify and criminally prosecute hidden corruption
(c) the recall of elected politicians who lie to and deceive their constituents prior to and during elections
(d) a new and more honest and accountable courts system, legal system and police system.

New Structures of Accountability would include the following listed below.
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws and new bodies.
Time Scale: 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 36 months

a. new oversight bodies and watchdogs with High Court powers, named Structures of Accountability to enforce compliance with the Constitution, honesty, integrity and accountability in public office, politics, elections and the civil service, national laws, and Human Rights laws. These Structures of Accountability will be non political and be fully accountable to
(i) the Irish Constitution and the Irish people
(ii) Dail Eireann (Irish Parliament) and Senate
(iii) the Supreme Court
They will have special powers to investigate anyone regardless of social position and to use covert investigations, interceptions, national and international evidence gathering powers, access to foreign bank accounts including those in offshore tax havens, searches of houses, businesses, state offices, etc., without the need for warrants, the right to seize and freeze assets using their High Court powers, use of whistleblowers and undercover agents, bugging and eavesdropping, use of multiple identities for employees, use of many types of forensic experts, and military and private investigators. Special section for analysing foreign bank accounts and offshore haven accounts and acquiring legal control over them. Broad ranging powers to investigate all politicians, judges, DPP personnel, all police, all state organisations and employees and private businesses and organisations. The High Court powers of these oversight bodies and watchdogs would be very important, giving them the legal means to conduct intensive investigations. Employees of these structures of accountability will maintain the highest level of integrity and honesty and any serious breach of this will be termed treason in law and perjury in law, in addition to other criminal charges.

b. extensive use of Whistleblowers in all state bodies and in the banks and businesses embroiled in corruption, and new whistleblower legal protections. Witness and Whistleblower protection powers will be extended and subject to greater safeguards. Whistleblowers will liase with and coordinate with the structures of accountability to gather evidence and secure evidence.
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

c. Totally new courts and full accountability and transparency
- the 1924 act concerning Irish courts was not commenced so therefore the district and circuit courts have no legal standing in law. This matter is before the Irish Supreme court. New district courts, circuit courts, court of appeal and Common Law courts and tribunals will be established and act within the Irish Constitution and Human Rights laws and made fully accountable. Strict adherence to old legal principles due process, fair procedure, presumption of innocence, equal arms, full disclosure and all the rules governing courts and to the Irish Constitution and Human Rights laws. All held equal before the law and courts and No special deals or treatment for state employees, elected politicians, judges, gardai, lawyers, and DPP personnel.

- Bring juries into district court cases for crimes so that the decision to convict or not is taken away from a judge who may be biased, prejudiced, have conflicts of interest, be paid off / bribed, have secret allegiances to undisclosed organisations, have undisclosed deals with some gardai or some other parties.

- Fully independent, transparent and accountable judicial appointments boards and independent judicial oversight bodies would help improve justice and accountability in the courts. Independent, transparent and accountable judicial appointments boards and independent judicial oversight bodies would remove political interference and favouritism. Monitoring of this by the structures of accountability.

- New judges will be given 6 month provisional contract for the first 2 years and will be expected to defend Constitutional rights and human rights and civil rights and old legal principles in court. All allegations of abuses by judges will be thoroughly investigated by the judicial oversight body and the structures of accountability.

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

d. Sworn Declarations and Full Accountability in the state sector and government sector and in regulatory bodies
All state workers, civil servants, police, and elected politicians will swear an oath in a court to obey the Irish Constitution, Irish laws and Human rights laws and to refrain from corruption and corrupt practises. This oath will be an affidavit for the High court. Any serious breach of this will lead to their dismissal from the job and to a perjury charge in court for breaking an oath and a treason charge in some cases if the nation or the people as a whole were sacrificed due to corruption.

e. Call centres for people to address grievances to problems in their daily lives or with failures of government services or corruption in the state sector. After verification of persons and cases, serious cases of corruption would be identified and then verified and corroborated through other sources and channels and if verified, then made subject to investigation.

f. separation of power between the police and the prosecutor, which is the DPP in Ireland. The police will no longer act as or represent the DPP in court cases. The police and prosecutor will be completely independent of each other. This is very important and would help prevent malicious and wrongful prosecutions. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

g. powers will be given to the circuit court and High Court (i) overturn corrupt court verdicts and decisions from the past and (ii) overturn DPP decisions and Garda decisions not to prosecute and not to investigate crimes in the past and begin fresh investigations and cases for the courts or tribunals, including cases against those who covered up or perverted justice and (iii) overturn the many other decisions and measures used to deprive people of justice in the past and (iv) the GDPR will apply to gardai and garda investigations and cases, and it will be illegal to leak garda information to members of the public. Supreme courts and superior courts have ruled that corruption and fraud vitiates everything whether it is in the legal system, the policing system, the courts or any other system. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

h. The evidence shows that some garda and /or DPP personnel continuously block criminal cases from going to court, and this leads to a continuation and worsening of crime and anti social behavior in society and a festering which destroys communities. This needs to be effectively dealt with. All instances of this will need to be
(1) reported through a sworn affidavit to the garda ombudsman and  the DPP and Garda Commissioner in garda headquarters in Dublin and records kept and reported to the Structures of Accountability. Records kept for use in the courts. Sworn affidavit under pain of perjury.
(2) copy kept by victim and his/her lawyer and barrister AND records kept for use in the courts
(3) made the subject of intensive investigations by the Structures of Accountability
(4) a public prosecution in the criminal courts OR made subject to a private prosecution under the Common Informer Act, 1853 and prosecuted in the district court or circuit court. New amendments will need to be made to this 1853 law to facilitate private prosecutions in both the district court and circuit court.
(5) brought to the Common Law court for trial, if necessary. (Common law courts can be held in any courthouse in Ireland and require a booking and fee of 300 euros)
(6) breaches of your Constitutional rights and Human Rights and EU Fundamental Rights must be brought to the High Court for adjudication. And progressed to the European courts if necessary.
(7) fully reported in the press and media and on social media and the Internet so that the public is made fully aware of how the legal system operates and of any instance sof corruption, abuses and injustices. And all persons, families and communities involved including court officers, fully updated.

i. Necessary Constitutional amendments

Restoration of Full National Sovereignty for Ireland
Constitutional amendments for the repeal of and removal of the following:

- the Crown of Ireland Act, 1542
- Poynings law, 1495
- The grants of land by the monarchs of England to British colonists from 1200 to 1922
- the Act of Union, 1801
- the Anglo-Irish treaty of 1921
- the Papal Bull Laudabiliter issued by Pope Adrian in 1155

These will be completely repealed and removed and declared null and void in Irish law. They will be removed forever and deemed criminal activities in the past and the proceeds of criminal activity..

End the high legal costs crisis which prevent access to the courts and to justice in Ireland
A Constitutional amendment to end the champerty and maintenance laws which were introduced into Ireland by Oliver Cromwell and used by the British and elite to deprive the Irish people of justice in the courts. These Cromwellian laws have been used in Ireland since 1922 and are supported by the political parties in Ireland.

Constitutional amendment to set up a Peoples Council to oversee the three organs of government (executive, legislative, and judiciary), by
(i) scrutinizing legislation for un-constitutionality before it is passed, and strike down complicated, ambiguous, vague, and arbitrary legislation
(ii) sanction judges who misrepresent the law
(iii) Punish the Executive when they do not perform to deliver public services, which the taxpayer is funding, eg; bad roads, bad health system, bad court system, etc etc..and for serious cases remove the protection of corporation sole and make the TD or civil servant personally liable and fire civil servants and force re-election of a TD

The "VERICATIVE" would be brought in by Referendum and have Constitutional footing by amendment. It would have the ability to Fire those people who do not perform their public duties responsibly. In other words, put an end to the " excuses mentality, public inquiries by public officials, and wasteful tribunals which go nowhere", and let the Peoples Council of the VERICATIVE, put issues of government heel dragging, mis-managment, corruption, wrong doing, breaches of Constitutional rights and/or Human Rights, collusion, nepotisim, etc etc, to We the People of Ireland acting as a public jury, by an audited, overseen, and honest voting system. 

A Constitutional amendment and new law to make perjury a criminal offence regardless of the social status and importance of the person who commits it. This law will apply to all elected politicians, all state employees, all civil servants and all gardai (police). And there will be new grounds for overthrowing corrupt court verdicts and contracts and government policies based on perjuries in the past. It will be retrospective and apply to all prior courts cases, contracts and government policies. All court verdicts, government policies, contracts, etc. arising from Perjury will be adjudged be fraud, and to be null and void in law. And there will be extensive powers for the new structures of accountability to investigate, detect, unravel, and prosecute perjuries.

Free Speech
A Constitutional amendment very similar to the first amendment of the American Constitution protecting the right to free speech and having this as the first line of protection for all other freedoms. This will prevent future occurances of censorship of the press and media and scientific journals and public debate, and of threats and blackmail against medical doctors and scientists as occurred in the period 2020 - 2022. Social media companies with over 1 million users shall be considered to be public squares where speech shall not be censored. Truth shall be considered protected speech. Censoring truth shall subject the platform to a fine of 1,000 euros per day per post.

j. Constitutional Oversight
All state bodies and agencies and those businesses and organisations which contract with the state will be subject to regular Constitutional oversight on a yearly basis. Breaches of the Constitution and Constitutional rights will be identified and legal remedies applied for via the criminal and civil courts. Constitutional Oversight will operate on behalf of the sovereign people of Ireland who are the ultimate authority according to the Irish Constitution of 1937.

Structures of Accountability will monitor this and will be completely indepedent in their operations.

The Irish Constitution itself will need to be reviewed regularly and any contradictions, conflicts and ommissions within it resolved via Supreme Court rulings or national Referendums. The original Constitution of 1937 had 63 articles and 13 of these were removed in 1939. These are known as the '13 Transitory Provisions'. Yet these articles are still legally binding. It is unlawful, illegal and irregular to conceal these Constitutional articles from the Irish public who are the ultimate authority according to the Irish Constitution and these hidden articles continue to be binding on people. The general public must be made aware of what they voted for and what all of the Constitutional articles are and of what articles are legally binding. And the Irish language version of the 63 article Constitution of 1937 should also be made available to the general public as Irish is the first language of the Irish state and republic.

The denial of Constitutional rights and freedoms to the Irish people in the period 2020 - 2022 and new plans and proposals to inflict further denials of these rights in the future using false, misleading, deceptive and manipulated versions of the 'common good' or 'benefit of the people' in Article 6 of the Constitution need to be addressed here.

Article 6.1 of the Irish Constitution mentions 'mas is gabad cun leas an pobail' in old Gaelic Irish (Clo Gaelach scrip) or ' mar is chun leasa an phobail' in modern Irish, translated 'as necessary for the benefit of the people' or 'as necessary for the benefit of the community' or 'according to the requirements of the common good'. The context of this phrase is important.
Modern Irish translation of Article below

1. Is ón bpobal, faoi Dhia, a thagas gach cumhacht riala, idir reachtaíocht is comhallacht is breithiúnas, agus is ag an bpobal atá sé de cheart rialtóirí an Stáit a cheapadh, agus is faoin bpobal faoi dheoidh atá gach ceist i dtaobh beartas an Náisiúin a shocrú de réir mar is gá chun leasa an phobail.

This is a highly controversial term as it can be misinterpreted many ways to deny Constitutional rights to the general public. The private interests and profit interests of big business, globalists, government ministers, senior civil servants and lobbyists can be deliberately misinterpreted and misrepresented as for the 'benefit of the people' or 'common good'.The facts and evidence from tribunals, court cases, state and private investigations, whistleblower reports, etc. clearly show that corruption was and still is a prominent part of Irish politics. Conflicts of interest dominate Irish politics. And this corruption affects their laws, statutory instruments and policies. Corruption means that the 'common good' or 'benefit of the people' is abused, misused, and misrepresented to serve corrupt private interests. This is NOT for the benefit of the people or common good as stated in the Irish Constitution. It is for the benefit of private business interests, corrupt politicians, civil servants, and lobbyists, and this is a very important point. Denying Constitutional rights and freedoms on this basis is an outrageous abuse of the Irish Constitution. The Constitution states that our Constitutional rights are inalienable, imprescriptable, inviolable and antecedent and cannot be taken away by politicians or statutory instruments or positive law. At present, there are no checks and balances, no effective separations of power, no structures of accountability, no independent oversight, no police or legal enforcement to determine what exactly is for the "benefit of the people" or the 'common good' and differentiate this from private business interests, profit interests, globalist interests, and corrupt political interests which misuse and manipulate these terms.

The concept of the Common Good will be treated conservatively and examined in great detail and political corruption also examined and analysed in this regard and no policy involving the alleged “Common Good” will ever be used to strip away the Constitutional rights and Human Rights and democratic freedoms of the Irish people. And enrich certain special interests with political connections. The lessons of 2020 - 2022 have been learnt. Resorting to communist or fascist Lockdowns and censorship of the press and media, and use of mass formation techniques and vaccine passports and discrimination and heavy handed policing which destroyed Constitutional rights and Human Rights was a failure and an outrageous attack on the Irish people and their rights and freedoms.

We will insert bodily integrity, self-determination and medical freedom into the Irish Constitution. No man, woman or child will ever again be denied healthcare or loss of Constitutional rights and Human Rights or suffer discrimination and prejudice for exercising their fundamental rights. Any attempts by Globalists and big business interests to insert experimental vaccines or drugs into Irish people and use coercion and mandates to do so, will be subjected to vigorous investigations and open public debate and scientific debate and a free press and media, and will be opposed if harms are proved. And the new structures of accountability and new separations of powers (see below) will ensure that Irish democracy and the Irish Constitution and Human Rights are defended and never attacked again. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

k. these structures of accountability will continuously scrutinise Regulatory Bodies to ensure that they are independent, fair, impartial, honest in their dealings, accountable and effective. Accountability will be vigorously enforced. Victims, witnesses, and whistleblowers will have the right to contact structures of accountability directly in serious cases. Criminal court cases and High Court / Supreme Court cases will be fast-tracked for these type of cases. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

l. The Power of Recall
the power of recall of politicians. This would make politicians accountable to voters for the promises they made before and during elections. Lies and liars would have no place in politics. See section Power to Recall Elected Politicians below. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

m. Fair and Honest Elections
more independent oversight of elections and voting boxes and counts to ensure honesty, integrity and fairness. Fraud, interference with votes and voter rigging must be prevented through many types of security and oversight. This must be done by the aforementioned structures of accountability and also by multiple independent individuals and organisations during elections. And there must be freedom of the press and freedom of speech to report on alleged and actual election frauds, rigging, and wrong doing. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

n. greater use of common law courts to try common law cases and more advertising of this to the general public.

o. restoration of many Brehon laws and making them legally binding. These were the ancient laws of Ireland. This would restore more sovereignty to Ireland and help break its connection and subservience to foreign powers and Globalists. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

p. courts and judges will examine in more detail the validity of illegal loan and mortgage contracts (banks lend something they do not have), the fraudulent creating of money out of nothing and lending it out, the illegal charging of interest on money created out of nothing, and the illegal securitisation of these illegal loans, and the fraudalent manipulation of house prices and asset prices using these frauds. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

q. new forms of Financial Regulation and a National Financial Regulator and European Financial Regulator who is independent of the banks and is held accountable. And additional oversight by the new structures of accountability. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

we will maintain Constitutional protections of free speech and freedom of assembly against all attempts to undermine it, attack it, subvert it and abolish it by some politicians obsessed with their versions and their interpretations of "hate speech" which shuts down free speech and free debate and promotes corruption, misuse, lies, cover ups, and criminality. The truth needs to be exposed regularly in public and not covered up and not censored and blocked. if any person slanders another they will be made subject to existing laws and more affordable court cases to get justice. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

s. citizens will be given the legal right to sue justice ministers, public prosecutors, DPP personnel, judges and state officials for refusal to prosecute crimes, giving wrongful bail which leads to further criminal offences, blocking or impeding justice and imposing sentences which are too lenient for repeat offenders. Far too many criminals with many criminal convictions continue to commit crimes and terrorise law abiding citizens and communities. And most criminals never pay the fines imposed by the courts due to incompetence and lack of resources in the policing system. All of this is disgraceful and has brought the law into disrepute. Citizens must become empowered to become enforcers of accountability. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

t. Legal System Structural Reforms
The abolition of the Bar Council, the BAR, and of the crown system and of barristers which was inherited from the British Empire. This system was designed for the British Empire and the British Establishment and to serve its interests. The evidence shows that it acted to block access to justice for the ordinary people and deprive them of their basic rights, human rights and Constitutional rights and was used to further the cause of British empire and Imperialism. It supported oppression, corrruption and tyranny in the past. Today, the Bar has become a cartel and there is evidence of price manipulation and price fixing which has priced justice out of the market. It forces peole to hire a lawyer and a junior barrister and a senior barrister and can cost from 50,000 euros to 200,000 euros to bring a basic High Court action and this is well beyond the means of ordinary working people. It unlawfully, unConstitutionally and corruptly blocks and impedes people from getting justice in the courts. It is not fit for purpose and has become a system of oppression by blocking justice under law, and has brought the legal system into disrepute.

Under our new legal system, only lawyers who swear allegiance to the Irish Republic, the Irish People, the Anti Corruption law and the Irish Constitution would represent people in court. Barristers would automatically convert to being lawyers. Civil litigants would have to swear the same allegiance as all lawyers. The Irish legal system and its representatives and officers will become national, sovereign, act for the public interest and common good, and be subject to oversight and accountability. Legal fees would be standardised and transparent to ensure justice is affordable to ordinary people. Private prosecutions would be allowed in the District courts and Circuit courts. Public Interest cases would be protected from being sued in the Superior courts by the passing of a new Constitutional amendment. These reforms would transform Ireland into a Republican Democracy with access to justice for all. And end the age of empires, imperialism, class privilege, corruption, injustices, and the many evils associated with them.
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

u. Judges
All Judges would be required to complete special post-graduate courses on :
- Accountability, Ethics, Human Rights, and Aarhus Convention Rights
- Judical Council Guidelines, The Bangalore Principles
- Superior Court rules and court procedures
- Legal principles, laws and Constitutional provisions relating to judicial honesty, impartiality, independence and fairness

prior to taking their oath as a Judge and working as a Judge. And Judges would be made aware that they are accountable to the law, the Constitution and the people of Ireland and that several Structures of Accountability are there to monitor this.

v. Senate Reforms

The Irish Senate is a 'rotten borough' and is undemocratic in Ireland. Many Senators are appoined by political party leaders and by political parties who are in government and appointed by groups and Universities. Most Irish people cannot vote in Senate "elections". Most Irish citizens are discriminated against in Senate elections, and this is anti democratic and unConstituitional. The Senate is not representative of the Irish people and nation. It is not independent and is controlled by narrow party interests. The Senate is unConstitutional, unlawful, undemocratic, anti democratic, is discriminatory, not independent, not performing the traditional and legal duties of a Senate, and is acting against the Public Interest and Common Good and against the Irish people and nation.

We will give every citizen the right to vote in all Senate elections. There will be 2 Senators per county. Only independents will contest Senate elections. This will ensure independent oversight of government and provide another check and balance to power. It will be independent in it's composition, actions and functions, and will act in the best interests of the Irish people and nation and for the Common Good and in the Public Interest. No one political party will dominate or manipulate the Senate. The Senate will act as an additional separation of power, an additional check and balance. They will have the power to:
- debate new bills and proposed laws
- propose new bills and laws
- refer controversial bills or laws back to the Dail or to the Supreme Court or European Human Rights Court or International Criminal Court
- act to defend the Irish Constitution even if this involves legal actions in courts
- carry out Senate investigations and subpaona people to them
- have senate committees and oversight bodies
The elected leader of the Senate will be deemed to be the President of Ireland and the head of state. The current presidency will be abolished as it is ineffective, useless, a waste of taxpayers money, not independent, not impartial, and he/she agrees with everything the government does. The Senate will act as an independent check on the Dail and Dail parties and members, so as ensure conformance to the Irish Constitution, to Oireachtas rules, to Due Process and Fair Procedure and Anti Corruption policies, to Human Rights and its duties to the Irish people and nation. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

We will also enforce Accountability on all elected politicians for their role in
(i) the illnesses and disabilities and deaths caused by the covid19 vaccinations. The Evidence from the HPRA, the state Regulator in Ireland shows 21,000 Irish people harmed, made ill or disabled or killed by the coivd19 vaccinations
(ii) the denial of Informed Consent and breach of the Precuationary Principle in relation to covid19 vaccinations. See
(iii) crimes committed by illegal migrants in Ireland and human trafficking gangs. See


x. structures of Accountability will evolve and change over time to meet newer types of corruption and criminality. We will make use of books such as
'Criminality in the Irish Courts' at
and ' Indictment & Application for a Public Enquiry Into State-Sponsored Criminality in Ireland at
and Restoring Power and Democracy Back to the People available at
to strengthen the legal system and law and order and protection of Constitutional and Human Rights

y. Education about rights in all schools from a young age
all schools, colleges and Universities will have compulsory courses to teach people their Constitutional rights and Sovereign rights and Human rights and how to legally deal with corruption and injustices. This will enable them to stand up for justice under law and for the basic rights of all. They would also learn their civic duties and responsibilities and that all rights come with responsibilities. This would provide the foundation for protecting and defending sovereignty, democracy and freedom and realise the aims and objectives of Ireland's leaders and patriots from the past. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

These new changes will protect and uphold the legal rights, human rights and Constitutional rights and Sovereign rights of all people regardless of who they are or what they are, and end corruption at all levels of the legal system and policing system. Wrong doing would be fully investigated and exposed, there would be no more cover ups of corruption and no toleration of such.

z. Constitutional Safeguards
We support the Irish Constitution of 1937 and aim to restore its rightful place in Irish politics, the legal system, and society. And to restore power back to the Irish people, to empower people like you and ordinary Irish people and give them a say in the government and direction of Ireland. Restoration of national sovereignty and democracy which is government of, by and for the Irish people and accountable to the Irish people NOT to globalists, the elite, federalists and foreign rulers and their lobbyists. Not rule by unaccountable and unelected corporation soles as is presently the case in Ireland.

And restoration of wealth, land, property and power back to the Irish people not to globalists, the elite, the big banks which create money out of nothing, and corrupt politicians. In recent years, this Constitution has been breached, undermined, attacked and subverted by certain politicians and Globalist forces in Irish society.

The Gaelic Irish version (Clo Gaelach script) of The Irish Constitution of 1937 is deemed under Article 63 to be the proper and legal version of this Constitution and all 63 Articles are binding on the Irish people and nation and all organisations operating within it. The Constitution states that our Constitutional rights are inalienable, imprescriptable, inviolable and antecedent and cannot be taken away by politicians or statutory instruments or positive law or Globalist organisations or incorrect and corrupt court decisions. This is a key factor in our mission to restore and defend Constitutional rights, Sovereign rights, and Human rights in Ireland today.
Original Irish Constitution in Gaelic Irish (Clo Gaelach script) with 63 Articles is downloadable here and amendments to Constitution here

Protection of the Common Good as defined in the Irish Constitution
We will prioritise the corruption which is destructive to the Common Good as defined in the Irish Constitution. The following video gives an exmaple of corruption which is highly destructive to the Common Good and Constitutional rights and human rights in Ireland and other countries :

The approval of new medical drugs and vaccines will be subject to
(a) independent testing by independnent organisations funded by the Regulator and the pharmaceutical company seeking drug or vaccine approval. All claims would be tested, examined, analysed and verified and validated.
(b) no interference in this independent testing. No conflicts of interests allowed.
(c) the Regulator and the pharmaceutical company seeking drug or vaccine approval and the independent testing lab or company would be subject to scrutiny and oversight by structures of accountability, which would be covert and make use of whistleblowers. Coordination with the police in cases of fraud, misrepresentation, cover ups, undisclosed dangers to the general public
(d) outlawing the "revolving doors" system. Regulators and politicians prevented from being employed in the industry they regulated for a period of 10 years after they stop working as regulator or politician.
(e) payments to politicians and parties and the existence of "revolving doors" investigated by structures of accountability and the police.
(f) Full disclosure to the general public. Accountability will be enforced and be seen to be done.
(g) all existing drugs and vaccines for which there safety concerns would be made subject to the provisions in (a) to (f) above

3. New Separations of Powers - the Foundation of Democracy
The separation of powers between the executive, the legislative and the judiciary is the foundation of modern democracy. It is specified in the Irish Constitution. At present there is no separation of powers in Ireland as the executive dominates the legislative and also dominates the judiciary through the political party system and the appointments system which has political bias. Many judges were members of political parties or had close family members in them and relied on politicians and favours for their appointments. Its heavily dominated by political party interests and protection of these interests. There is no separation of powers in Ireland, and this is the main factor why corruption continues in Ireland. The Irish Constitution is being breached and the legal system is in disrepute and the political system is also in disrepute.

The separation of powers needs to be enforced in Ireland. The new structures of accountability above would help achieve this. And adding 7 new powers to the separation of powers would provide additional checks and balances to ensure a stronger separation of powers. So there will be 10 powers separated from each other or 10 separations of powers. They would be the following:
1) the executive
2) the legislative
3) the judiciary. Judicial appointments will not be done by politicians or political cronies.
4) a reformed and fully independent Senate as proposed above
5) a separation of power and function between the police and the DPP or Prosecutor. The police will be independent and impartial investigators, free of political interference. They are legally part of the executive. The DPP will be an independent and impartial prosecutor, free of political interference. They are legally part of the judicial. The legislative, and structures of accountability and the free press and media would act a check and balance.
6) a seperation of power between the police and the Minister for Justice and Dept. of Justice. Police will be held accountable to the Commisioner, the Dail and Senate, the Supreme Court and the Constitution and People.
7) a seperation of power between the DPP and the Minister for Justice and Dept. of Justice. DPP will be held accountable to the Dail and Senate, the Supreme Court and the Constitution and People.
a seperation of power between the state and the press. A private, free and independent press and media which would be free to report on corruption. No more state subsidies and grants to censor the press and media, and no more state intimidation of journalists.
9) complete separation of church and state
10) new Structures of Accountability to enforce accountability and constantly and covertly monitor corruption

Each would act as an independent check and balance against the other to ensure and protect democracy, freedom and justice. Each would rigorously oversee, audit, challenge and check the others. This will be strongest guardian of Democracy, Justice and Freedom and would replace the rotten, tyrannical and corrupt present system. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

RTE will be closed down and replaced by many independent and free media organisations which are uncensored. The checks and balances of the press and media should be further enhanced and strengthened by de-concentrating the industry and breaking up large busineses into smaller more independent competing units with a total commitment to truth and exposing corruption and wrong doing. New oversight bodies and watchdogs and whistleblower protections will be created to ensure a total commitment to truth, honesty, integrity and accountability in the press and media. Firing journalists and broadcasters for telling the truth and exposing corruption and cover ups would be made illegal and any businesses or organisations involved in this subjected to criminal penalties and civil penalties in courts. A free, private, independent and uncensored press and media would be empowered to report the truth, the facts and evidence and provide forums for open debates on controversial issues, and report on corruption.

Daniel O'Connell, Irish nationalist, who worked for an independent and free Ireland and for an end to corruption. Statue of him in the centre of Dublin city, Ireland.

4. Enforcement of Full Accountability and Transparency in Politics, State bodies, and Police
Deploy vast resources and personnel and new investigative bodies to fully investigate and publicly expose the corruption in all state bodies, the courts and within the Dail. Crimes and corruption going back over the last 70 years will brought to the criminal courts and other courts. Make the guilty accountable through loss of jobs and pensions, arrests, prosecutions in court, jailings, etc. and full exposure in the national and international press and media. No more cover ups and no more corruption. All state workers and semi state workers would sign a High Court affidavit swearing to avoid and reject corruption and to report corruption via the use of Whistleblower protections to the gardai or DPP. Any failure in this regard will constitute the crime of perjury in addition to the crimes committed. State workers will be made personally and financially liable for the effects of their corruption on others. This will mean their assets, homes, wages, and income will be used to compensate for the effects of this corruption.

Organisations such as the gardai, Tusla, the HSE, NPHET, the elite paedophile rings, the Garda Ombudsman, and the courts service will be prioritised for investigations. We will also implement refunds of monies to Irish taxpayers resulting from this corruption, comepensation for victims of state corruption, abuses and malpractise. Corrupt debt from fraudulent money creation will be written off or written down. This would force a massive reduction in the national debt forced on Irish taxpayers during the bail out of banks and speculators (and vulture funds). Similar arrangments would be made for business debt and home debt. Other refunds would involve monies to people overcharged by cartels and monopolies who have abused their market position. Cartels will be broken up in accordance with European law and Irish law. An end to gombeen economics and gombeen politics. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 18 months

5. Closure of Corrupt bodies and setting up Conflict of Interest bodies
Certain bodies such as Tusla, the HSE, NPHET, the Medical Council, the HPRA, Irish Water, the Garda Ombudsman and 90% of the NGO's will be closed down as they have been proven to be not fit for purpose. They are wasting vast amounts of taxpayers money and not performing properly, not meeting their objectives, and not getting results and are blocking and impeding justice while promoting corruption and injustices. Incompetent, dishonest and corrupt employees are very rarely fired. Most are covering up corruption and bad practises and actively engaged in corruption. Honest employees and members and whistleblowers have been persecuted and removed or fired. These organisations need to be replaced by Accountability and Responsibility Bodies which will be legally and Constitutionally forced to uphold high standards, and the attainment of certain objectives and results and regularly fire incompetent or corrupt people and be subjected to rigorous oversight and audits by independent bodies. Exensve use will be made of Whistleblowers. These new state bodies need to be able to root out corruption, wrong doing, incompetence and ineffectiveness inside their organisations and outside them. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

We will close down the Irish Medical Council and set up a Medical Accountability and Responsibility Body which will consist of medical doctors and highly qualified functional medicine doctors who use alternative medicine. There will be full accountability for all medical doctors. Declaration of all conflicts of interest will be necessary for all members. If conflicts of interest interfere with the decisions of the Medical Accountability Body or doctors, then these will be publicly declared and the decisions made null and void. There will be open and public debates about medicine and herbs and effective medical treatments, and no censorship as existed in the period 2020 - 2022. We will set up Conflict of Interest Bodies to oversee and actively investigate conflicts of interest in Medical Accountability and Responsibility Body and other professional bodies, state bodies, charities, and organisations which receive state funding. They will work with and liase with the new Structures of Accountability mentioned in sections above and whistleblowers to covertly investigate conflicts of interest, bribery, pay offs, corruption, fraud, censorship, and other crimes.

All grant applications and grants by government and state bodies would have to be sent to Conflict of Interest Bodies for scrutiny. This would help end the conflcits of interest, bribery, frauds, etc. which have tainted science, medicine, research, education, community projects, local business investment and charities.

Patients will be given the opportunity to take medicines which may be controversial but which have scientific studies and medical studies to back them up. A good example is the drug Ivermectin which could and should have been used during the covid19 pandemic. Patients would take personal and legal responsibility for their choice of medicine through signing legal waivers and personal responsibility forms.

Time Scale: 2 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

6. End Debt Slavery and High Taxes :
Massive reductions in taxes and the ending of several taxes and levies through ending fraudulent debt and money creation, debt slavery and permanent national bankruptcy.  Ending the robbing, theft and looting of Irish workers and businesses.

Money is created out of nothing by banks and lent to governments and also to businesses and individuals and families. The high taxes are being used to pay off
a) the fraudulent money and debt created out of nothing by banks for many years and decades
b) massive national debt which was increased by the banker and speculator bail outs of 2010
c) the massive covid19 bail out which was funded by banks which created the money out of nothing, costing 35 billion euros
The evidence clearly show that the present system has turned governments into beggars, begging for fraudulent money created out of nothing by banks. This has created false scarcity where governments are deliberately deprived of the resources necessary to run their countries.
97% of all money is created out of nothing by commercial banks when making loans and 3% is created out of nothing by central banks. Central bank money is the coins and paper currency in your pocket (and its only 3% of total money created). This money is debt created out of nothing by banks. This Debt Slavery is behind the high taxes, the high charges and levies, the government austerity policies and the cutbacks to hospitals, education and other vital public services, and the excessive house prices, high and unaffordable rents and accompanying high level of evictions and homelessness

‘Money Creation in the Modern Economy’,  by Bank of England, 2014. b  . And other publications of the Bank of England on the subject from 2014 to the present.

The Internet documentary ‘97% owned’ at and in video below

and the work by Positive Money

This debt slavery causes the high taxes, the many charges and levies, the government austerity policies and the cutbacks to hospitals, education and other vital public services, and the excessive house prices, high and unaffordable rents and accompanying high level of evictions and homelessness. It is also behind the speculation in assets, house prices and shares, financial bubbles and crashes, massive bail outs which have cost taxpayers many billions of euros / dollars, and recessions and depressions. It is the means by which nations and peoples are destroyed and kept in debt slavery.

The creation of vast amounts of money out of nothing by the banks and lent to governments and businesses and individuals is the fuel which drives up house prices, rent prices, the price of goods and services, inflation, overcharging, economic crashes and massive bail outs, high national debt and taxes, and Debt Slavery. The interest is not created when the money is created and the compound interest charged by banks creates a vast suction of money out of the economic system leading to economic instability and crashes and recessions/depressions. This money created out of nothing by banks and lent out is a fraud, it is fraudulent money and fraudulent debt ; in law, fraud vitiates everything. Taxpayers and governments are being robbed to pay for money and interest created out of nothing.

Money created out of nothing by banks on Computers can be easily written down, written off, or re-set meaning massive national debts and business debts can be written down. It involves changes to credits on a computer system. Money created out of nothing, which is debt, can be written off and written down as bad debt as has been done throughout history for over 5,000 years. These Debt Jubilees were held in ancient times, to write off most debt or all debt, and begin again, and were popular in Jewish culture. A fact acknowledged, accepted and supported by Jewish people and Jewish bankers.

The Irish National debt will be written down and reset to zero over 2 - 3 years, business and mortage debts will be written down by over 50% and set at sustainable levels, according to average national earnings. This will make room for massive strategic public investment and massive private investment in Ireland and a new national currency backed by hard assets. And provision made for full reserve banking and new community banks and public savings banks to fund productive investments, small and medium sized businesses and farmers, affordable private housing and infrastructure not more speculation. And this combined with the other changes mentioned on this web site will end the high inflation and recession / depression and provide strong economic growth which will last for many years and decades.

We will write off or cancel the fraudulent debt created out of nothing by the central banks and commercial banks. This will provide room for
(i) big tax cuts to stimulate economic activity and growth and new investment. A 30% or more reduction in taxes due to removal of massive debt, fraudulent debt, and debt slavery.
(ii) massive public (state) investment
(iii) massive private investment. This includes investment in all sectors, including the agricultural sector
(iv) restoring the vast natural resources of Ireland and it's revenues and profits to the people of Ireland and using this to benefit the economy, society, people and families of Ireland
(iv) prioritise investment and consumption which creates employment within the nation
This will create new employment, and full employment within a short space of time, and provide sustainable consumption levels to justify new investment

Once the debt is removed and debt slavery abolished, the new tax reforms will include:

- big reductions in incomes taxes
- big reductions in business taxes
- the abolition of the USC
- the abolition of water charges
- the abolition of stamp duty on property
- the abolition of property tax for properties valued below 1,000,000 euros
- reduction in VAT
- reduction in capital gains tax for employee share ownership and community share ownership
- reduction in inheritance tax

New Taxes
- a new transaction tax to tax the speculators, hedge funds, big banks, and big foundations who profit from speculation worth several trillion euros per year. This Tobin tax would bring in several billion euros per year in Ireland and many billions of euros per year in other countries.

Debt for Equity Swap to bail out over-indebted businesses
Replace fraudulent buisness debt with legal shares or equity on a massive scale for ordinary people and workers - this would involve cancelling fraudulent debt for individuals and businesses and organisations, and giving employees, managers, banks, suppliers, communities and customers shares in businesses, properties, land and other assets. This will be a massive debt for equity swap which would give most ordinary people a stake in the economic system and enable them to financially benefit from increased business activity and economic growth. It would reverse the present parasite system where vast amounts of debt created out of nothing is used to speculate in asset prices and derivatives, rob, defraud, take over and control vast amounts of property and wealth and keep most people in debt slavery.

The present system has turned governments into beggars, begging for fraudulent money created out of nothing by banks.
We will give governments the power to create asset backed currencies which are debt free. This will include infrastructural assets and productive assets not speculative assets. This will include use of cryptocurencies and blockchain technologies as a means of exchange, investment and stable store of value not speculation. This empowerment of governments will provide billions of euros for
This will provide Ireland with a vast amount of new resources and monies to invest in :
- people, families and communities
- radical housing solutions and ending homelessness for all Irish nationals and citizens. End high rents and evictions. Affordable homes for our Irish youth and young families. Treat the root causes of homelessness.
- well funded and effective hospitals and better healthcare for all Irish nationals and citizens
- well funded and excellent schools and third level colleges and trades and apprenticeship courses
- big reductions in taxes for the working class and for businesses. Stop the robbery and looting from ordinary Irish people and businesses.
- pay rises and proper wages and conditions for ordinary soldiers, sailors and airmen, and for ordinary gardai. An end to slave wages and bad working conditions.
- new production-focussed investments in Irish businesses, cooperatives, employee owned firms, farms, and farmers and agri-businesses. An end to speculation in asset prices, land prices and house prices.
- in technology and innovation, in vast scale continuous innovation across industries, in productivity, value added services and goods, massive increases in production of goods and services, and mass job creation. Massive increases in Irish productivity and wider distribution of the financial benefits to nationals and citizens via economic democracy.
- in Economic Democracy in all industries and agriculture, and other productivity measures and anti inflationary measures and anti deflationary measures
- in new forms of international trade and investment to benefit ordinary people and communities
- in a new public banking infrastructure to serve small and medium sized businesses, communities and farmers
- in a new hard asset backed national currency to provide long term economic stability. And cryptocurrencies which are based on this and are stable and usable.
- new more effective types of crime prevention
- innovative and radical solutions to the fuel crisis. And get rid of carbon taxes and reduce other taxes on fuel until conditions stablise nationally and internationally
- invest in alternative green energies and radical new energy technologies, and a gradual move to energy self sufficiency over 80 years while using fossil fuels to keep energy costs cheap and affordable in the short to medium term. Keep fuel inflation low which will keep Inflation low.
- more food production, more tillage of lands and more investment in rural Ireland to end the food crisis and high costs of living. Keep food inflation low which will keep Inflation low.
- the measures listed below would complement this and help control inflation, deflation and prevent economic crashes
And stop the vast robbery and theft from most people in Ireland. Ending debt slavery will restore sovereignty and democratic freedoms. The present system has turned governments into beggars, begging for fraudulent money created out of nothing by banks AND created false scarcity where governments are deliberately deprived of the resources necessary to run their countries. We will end this begging and this slavery.

This will be supplemented by the creation of a public banking system, similar to that in Germany and far eastern countries and some states in the USA to financially support businesses, farms, innovation in the business sector, employee and community share ownership and cooperatives, affordable housing, education, energy independence, full employment and strategic state investment not debt slavery and speculation, price rigging, and bank frauds, and more bail outs for them. This will enable all Irish people to reach their true potential in life and to participate fully in the economic and social life of the Irish nation. This would enable the Democratic Program of the First Dail to be achieved in Ireland, creating a better Ireland for all. Other innovative solutions are in 'Chapter 7   Ending Massive Debt Enslavement and Austerity  & Learning from the New Deal, Marshall Aid Programme and London Debt Agreement' (1953) of the book  ‘Restoring Power & Democracy Back To The People’ viewable on
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

7. Anti Inflation 1 and Stimulate Economic Growth

Polices to deliver low energy prices and end lunatic energy policies and high prices. A gradual move to energy security and green energy and self-sufficiency. Low fuel prices, transport costs and food prices and a gradual transition to green energy over 80 years

The energy policy of the green party and fianna fail and fine gael is a disaster and imposing higher fuel prices and food prices and massive costs on Irish families and Irish businesses and industry.

We will support a gradual transition to green energy and energy security over 80 years while continuing to use fossil fuels as a means to keep energy costs low and inflation low.
a) Eliminate carbon taxes and fuel taxes during the energy crisis. Reverse the climate emergency policies, taxes, and laws which are imposing high fuel prices, transport costs and food prices. This will reduce fuel prices and allow a gradual transition to green energy and energy independence.
Turf cutting and use will be restored during this transition so that farmers and low income people and families can have affordable energy
c) Re-open and use power stations in the midlands to increase energy supplies and output during the energy crisis
d) Prioritise Irish oil and gas supplies found off the coast of Ireland for Irish customers in Ireland.
e) Most of our fuel comes from the Middle East, the west coast of Ireland, Europe, Asia, and North America not from Russia but politicians and Globalists falsely claim that Russia is our biggest fuel supplier and that the war is causing fuel inflation. Big Energy Cartels and speculators are artifically driving up fuel prices, using the Russian-Ukraine war as an excuse, and profiteering from this. Speculation has become the dominant economic activity in most western countries. We will source energy in the Middle East, the west coast of Ireland, Europe, Asia, and North America at much lower prices.
f) Caps will be put on fuel prices to ensure ordinary people and SME's can afford it while we source cheaper energy suppliers internationally.
g) During this transition phase, we will invest massively in green energies and green transport so as to achieve the goal of energy security. This will allow Ireland to transition gradually to green energy and energy security without causing high fuel prices, high inflation, mass business closures, farm closures, and the bankrupting of Ireland.

A 30 - 40% reduction in cost of living as measured in 2022.

The removal of the massive fraudulent debt including most of the Irish national debt and business debt would create room for massive investment in green technologies and energy security. This would include investment in the following green technologies over 80 years or more:

    • wind energy
    • solar energy
    • biomass energy
    • wave energy from the sea
    • Geo thermal energy, deep earth pumps for communities
    • use of water as an energy source for cars and homes and businesses to replace fossil fuels
    • combinations of wind, solar and wave on one large device
    • community green energy schemes to make communities self sufficient
    • large machines which convert carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into oxygen. Re-engineering cars and other transport vehicles to convert carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide into oxygen
    • Spirit of Ireland projects around Ireland similar to fjords in Scandinavia. Hydro-electric energy. New hydro-electric power dams in deep mountain valleys
    • re-chargeable batteries
    • magneto-hydrodynamic generators which generate energy in the same way the earth, sun and planets generate energy.
    • magnetic levitation for  travel and transport purposes
    • free energy devices
    • Keshe free energy generators and molecular friction generators
    • hydrogen batteries and devices for cars, homes, businesses
    • fusion torches
    • Tesla energy devices. Developed by Nikola Tesla.
    • zero point energy devices
    • over-unity devices using magnets
    • tapping of torsion fields for vast amounts of energy
    • gravity manipulation machines for continuous free energy production
    • combinations of free energy on one large device
    • use of exercise bicycles and running treadmills to create electricity in batteries for personal use, home use or business use
    • free energy devices and more scientific research into them

Previous governments and the main political parties have NOT invested enough in green energies and green transport and are imposing panic policies on the Irish public which is leading to higher prices. They DO NOT support a gradual transition to green energy and energy security over 80 years. Their mad rush to impose new energy taxes and energy restrictions have had a disastrous effect on fuel prices, food prices, inflation, on businesses and farmers, and the Irish economy.

Top Scientists disagree with this climate emergency and panic measures and many are advocating for a gradual transition to greener energy over 80 years while keeping energy costs low.

1,200 Scientists and Professionals Declare: “There is No Climate Emergency”

Official Reports Slams Governments and Media for Spinning Climate Alarmism From IPCC Reports Without Scientific Evidence

International Climate Science Coalition Executive Director Tom Harris discusses how he was once a climate alarmist but now sees it as a scam

Tom Harris wrote a book about this named 'Climate Change Reconsidered' and is available at

The Climate Change panic was started by a Maurice Strong who had no scientific qualifications in the 1970's. He worked in the UN and had made millions of dollars from the oil and gas industry in North America. Many predictions have been made about climate disaster by him and others in the UN and in academia and they have all proved to be false. Some information about Maurice Strong below:
Massive grants are given to Universities and think tanks to promote this climate change panic, and to create false models and false predictions which have been widely used but not subjected to critical analysis, audits, and public scrutiny. Open public debate and scientific debate on this topic has been blocked and censored in many countries. They continue to peddle false theories and panic around climate change, while ignoring the science of climate change over thousands of years. They have created a false panic around climate change which some billionaries and corporations are profiteering from. Politicians are using this climate change panic to implement tyrannical political policies which are bankrupting farmers, businesses, organisations and families in many countries. And creating mass poverty and deaths. The carbon taxes and related policies are pushing up the price of food, fuel and basic household items, contributing to high inflation. This combines with the massive money printing (by the same people pushing the climate change panic ) to push up inflation more. We are being governed by criminals and incompetent fools.

Professor Jordan Peterson gives an important interview about climate panic and the psychological issues and economic issues involved

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 4 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

8. Anti Inflation 2 and Stimulate Economic Growth

Agriculture and Regeneration of Rural Ireland
New incentives to till the land and for agri-businesses and for protection of Farmers Rights, Rural Ireland and Food Security. Low Food prices and maintenance of this over time.

We will do the following:

  • Reject the UN 2030 agenda and the anti farmer and anti rural policies of the EU bureaucrats, the WEF and Globalist organisations.
  • promote a massive increase in cheap food supplies
    (a) provide incentives for farmers to till the land of Ireland and make greater use of organic food markets in Ireland and abroad. Ignore the climate change panic. Fous on high food yields and high productivity. 'Guaranteed Irish' brands will be restored. Food security for Ireland will be prioritised.
    (b) get ordinary people from towns and cities involved in increasing the food supplies. Set up coops for this purpose.
    (c) source cheap food supplies internationally and ignore the climate change panic. Work with other countries to increase cheap food supplies and ignore and end the climate change panic.
  • Set up new agri-business firms and cooperatives owned by farmers and farmer's families and farming communities and employees working in these firms and coops, and rural business people, rural banks, new public banks, and rural development bodies. These would be set up to replace the cartels and monopolies and Globalist firms and provide fair prices to farmers and also provide dividends to farmers once or twice a year or several times a year. Shareholdings will be of a long term nature and be owned by those people living in rural communities and making a contribution to such rural communities. Set up rural banks and new public banks which would provide loans and funding and this would be supplemented by grants from rural development bodies and government to stimulate food production and agri-business and rural based businesses and industries.
  • Invest in and provide incentives for and bank credit for value added production, technological innovations and product innovations, new product and new market development, modern marketing for farmers and agri-businesses in Ireland, and provide greater access to and penetration of processed food markets in Ireland and abroad. This would create and develop new national and international markets for Irish farmers and enable long term strategic growth. Rural banks and new public banks would provide loans and funding and this would be supplemented by grants from rural development bodies and government. Rural regneration on a massive scale to reverse the failed policies of fianna fail and fine gael and the green party.
  • promotion of biodiversity on farms and generous grants for this. Move away from monoculture and excessive reliance on one crop.
  • the energy anf fuel policies mentioned in the section above would reduce the costs of farming. Low energy and fuel prices would reduce the pressure on farmers and facilitate higher crop and cattle yields, higher productivity, and food security for Ireland. A gradual introduction of green energy and energy self-sufficiency over 70 years would enable a low cost transition to a green economy.
  • removal of tax on diesel used on farms
  • Meat and agricultural produce from outside the EU or Common Market would be charged significant tarriffs.
  • Post offices, public services, state bodies, and police stations will be re-opened in rural Ireland. And supplemented by rural banks and new public banks which would priorise the rural community, farmers and agri-businesses. ,
  • Maintain the RSS and TUS schemes and make them more innovative and more skills based and more commercial so as to better serve rural Ireland, farmers and agri-businesses, the tourist industry and the high tech and sciences sector

These would combine with many other anti inflation policies.
A 30 - 40% reduction in the cost of living in terms of lower food prices, lower energy prices, lower goods and service prices, lower taxes, lower rents, and lower mortgage payments.

Planning laws in rural Ireland will be relaxed to help young families build homes in their locality. And planning laws will be relaxed for farm extensions and for agri-businesses.

These strategic measures would protect the livelihoods of farmers and ensure a future for rural Ireland. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 4 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 36 months

9. Anti Inflation 3 and Stimulate Economic Growth

The Rights of and Livelihoods of Irish Fishermen
Restoring Irish government control of Irish territorial waters and fishing waters and effective policing of this. And an end to the theft of fish from Irish waters by foreign trawlers amounting to over 200 billion euros. Rebuild the Fisherman’s Cooperative movement to ensure Irish fishermen get fair prices for their produce and they and their families and communities get involved in adding value to fish products for national and international markets, and also benefit as shareholders of cooperatives. We will assist investment in cooperatives and in value added services, product and technological innovation and in marketing to help make these viable businesses. The aforementioned investment in rural areas would also benefit fishermen and their families. This will also increase cheap food supplies in Ireland.

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 16 months


10. Anti Inflation 4 and Stimulate Economic Growth

New Public Banking System and Community banking system:
A new more honest Public Banking System and Community banking system to serve ordinary working class people, small and medium sized businesses and communities
. Decentralised Finance and Cryptocurrencies based on hard assets and stable economic growth. Ending domination by Globalist Financial Firms.

The Irish banking sector is far too concentrated and centralised and acts as a cartel, blocking and impeding productive businesses and investment and blocking small and medium sized businesses, and blocking affordable private housing, and blocking ordinary people and communities. Over the last 50 years these big banks have supported speculation in property, assets, and derivatives and this led to crashes which bankrupted Ireland, and imposed massive national debt and business debt. Today the derivatives market is worth over 20 times the world economy and most countries are in massive debt due to speculation and a corrupt and fraudulent money creation and credit system.

During the covid19 lockdowns and scam over 20 trillion euros was printed to bail out businesses and people in Europe and North America. This has created high inflation in 2022 and for future years. T

We need a completely new banking system. We will build new Public banks and Community banks and an honest, hard asset backed National Currency for productive purposes not speculation and gombeen economics. Public banking and Community banking with no interest rate and full reserve controls which serves all the people, businesses and farmers and provides stable and strong economic growth NOT speculative bubbles, crashes, bail outs, recessions, and depressions, high inflation or deflation. The German Model, East Asian Model, Ellen Brown Banking Model will be used and have proved to be very successful.

We will implement and build public banks and community banks in Ireland and integrate them with the main Irish banks and payment systems and SWIFT system. This will mean people using public banks, community banks and credit unions can use bank cards and engage in electronic payments. In Germany, the Sparkassen banks make 60 - 70% of total lending and they lend to small and medium sized businesses, the Mittelstander businesses who have been a national and international success, to farmers, families and communities. This will be our banking model in Ireland. These new banks will invest wisely in native industries and SME's, similar to what was done in Germany, where they funded small and medium sized businesses and research and innovation, quality innovation and quality dominance, product development and market development, value added services, and marketing campaigns, making Germany a global economic powerhouse from the 1960's to the present. Similar successes have been reported in far eastern countries and in some states of the USA and we will use these as banking models also. The Public Banking Alliance and Republic Bank proposed by Jim Miller in Ireland will also be used. See and These public banks and community banks will also invest in communities and in price controlled private housing and coop housing and social housing which benefit ordinary people, not vulture funds, hedge funds, private equity funds and big Globalist corporations. This would create more competition in the banking market and lead to more credit and cheaper credit being available to everybody in society.

Hard National Currency
Other deeper banking reforms would concern changes to the way money is created ; money is created out of nothing when a loan is made and most loans were used to speculate in property and asset prices in the past. This Ponzi scheme has existed for over 350 years and has been the major factor in financial bubbles and crashes. New Money will be based on
(a) A hybrid of gold and silver combined
(b) Productive capital assets in industry and farming and infrastructure assets in a nation
This will allow stable growth of the currency / money supply over time. New money will be tied to production, productivity, expansion in goods and services, not speculation. This creation of a more stable money system which is backed by stable hard assets and productive assets (which have been used as money for over 3,000 years), and the diffusion of this newly created money into productive investments, production, infrastructure, agriculture, employe share ownership, stable consumption of products and services, research and innovation, and the discouragement of speculation in property and assets will have profound anti inflation and anti deflation effects. The gold and silver would help anchor the currency, preventing wild fluctuations of the currency. This would control inflation and deflation. The use of Full Reserve banking would also prevent high inflation and deflation.

We will use this hard asset backed currency to suck the excess money out of the economic system and drastically reduce the prices of assets, property, consumer goods, food and energy, and end the high inflation. This will involve a massive financial re-set. Prices of houses, assets, land, food, energy, commodities, mortgages, loans, etc. will be drastically reduced and brought into line with sustainability and affordability. This will suck over 20 trillion euros of money out of economies - this money was created out of nothing to bail out businesses and people in Europe and North America during the lockdowns of 2020 - 2022. And another 20 trillion euros was created out of nothing to bail out the banks, bondholders and speculators in the period 2008 - 2012. This suction of excess money out of the system will have strong anti inflationary effects which will last for several years. Its far more effective than raising interest rates which destroy businesses, farms, homes and families and whole economies.

This new hard national currency will be organised and distributed via blockchain technology. The great succes of cryptocurrencies show that this new money and national currency can be distributed honestly via the Internet, computers, and mobile phones and other mobile devices, and a reliable audit trail is created. The creation of new money would be linked to the expansion of productive capital in industry and farming, infrastructure expansion, and increases in gold and silver reserves not used for speculation in property prices, asset prices, commodity prices, energy prices and derivatives.

An international Tobin tax on currency speculation would halt the speculator attack on national currencies. A similar Tobin tax could be applied to homes so as to reduce property speculation and homelessness. The Bancor proposed by Keynes could be used to support strong international trade and investment, while allowing currencies to fluctate based on trade imbalances not speculation and manipulation.

A 30 - 40% reduction in cost of living as measured in 2022.

Decentralised Finance and Cryptocurrencies will be based on hard national currencies not speculative fiat money backed by nothing as is the case today. Cryptocurrencies and blockchain technologies will be developed further to enhance this new national currency and banking to make them all focus on productive investment, research and development, continuous technical innovation, increasing productivity, high levels of employee and community share ownership, and stable consumption, providing greater empowerment to ordinary people, families and communities and stronger feedback loops between consumption and investment.

Models of Excellence
The German banking model will serve as a guide for banking reforms worldwide as it has a stable banking system with many types of banks such as commercial banks, public savings banks, credit unions or cooperative banks, community banks, regional banks, state banks, and microfinance firms. These banks are competitive and provide various funding schemes for different sectors of the German economy. There is no high concentration of banks and banking power in Germany. And loans and credit for productive investments are prioritised over speculation in assets and derivatives. Public savings banks have been very successful in Germany and have provided great assistance to German industry for several decades, and they could serve as a model for a new banking system in Europe and North America. These public savings banks supported the development and continued successes of German small and medium sized companies, the Mittelstander companies which are the backbone of the German economy. These are behind the success of German exports, in addition to larger firms such as BMW, Mercedes and Volkswagen. In other EU countries and North America, and around the world, public savings banks and the others mentioned above could meet the needs of small and medium sized businesses, start ups, small and medium farmers, ordinary working people and the unemployed. Public savings banks would remove speculation and speculative risks and provide a stable platform for banking and credit expansion based on productive investment and sustainable consumption.

In Germany and some other countries Public Savings Banks are :

  • Operated on commercial principles with the aim of maximising sustainable lending and not on maximising profits.
  • Operated on the Principle of "Local deposits into local loans" keeping capital in their own area.
  • Surpluses remain with the Bank & within the region: Profits are used to increase equity and for non-profit purposes (the public benefit principle).
  • Banned from engaging in financial speculation.
  • Only allowed to lend only to local people and businesses in its designated catchment area.
  • Controlled by stakeholders from the local community.
  • Independent of political influence and control.
  • The Joint Liability Scheme provides protection for all Savings Bank Branches.
  • A combination of new laws, tax incentives and grants and reduction in ‘red tape’ and regulations could encourage the growth of these new types of banks in all countries.

Dr. Richard Werner of Southampton University is an expert on this type of banking and has written and lectured extensively on it. These banks could be jointly owned by employees and communities and by big pension funds and investors so to diffuse the profits from banking more widely to the population. The Public Banking Alliance and Republic Bank proposed by Jim Miller in Ireland will also be used. See and

The East Asian Banking model shared some of the characteristics of the German model. For several decades East Asian countries relied on Central Bank and / or Government guidance for banks, particularly in lending policies. Loans were prioritised for productive firms and for small and medium sized firms in the productive sector. Loans for consumption were restricted so as to curtail inflationary pressures. While loans for speculation were severely restricted and discouraged so to prevent bubbles and crashes.

Ellen Brown has proposed state banks in the USA and uses the Bank of North Dakota and the successful state banks in Germany, China, South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore as role models and proof that state banks are necessary for economic success. These proposed state banks would process and hold the tax revenues, wages and pension funds of all state employees and also accept deposits from the general public. They would provide loans for state infrastructure, small businesses and medium sized businesses, farmers, exporters of goods and services, and innovation and new business start ups in a state or country. No loans would be provided for speculation. Several states in the USA have bills before their state parliaments to create state banks, in 2016 and 2017. Her web site is based at .

Combining the German model and East Asian Banking models with Ellen Brown’s state banks, with the microcredit and microfinance models of the Grameen bank, credit unions and community banks would provide a diverse banking structure which would suit everyone, providing enough new credit to grow economies, while prioritising productive investment and output as a means to sustain and  increase incomes and aggregate demand over time

We will make use of Economic research and proposals on and
Research ‘bradbury pound’ on Google and other search engines
Grameen bank
books such as "Restoring Power and Democracy Back to the People" available at
to build a new banking system, more stable money, a strong economy, a strong democracy and a strong society which are sustainable over the long term.
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

11. Economic Democracy to Stimulate Economic Growth
New Economic Policies and Investment - Economic Democracy which gives all people and communities a financial stake and shares in the capitalist system and will provide
people and communities with jobs, careers, share ownership, stable pensions, sustainable economic growth, and hope

Article 45.2  and Article 45.3 of the Irish Constitution 1937 supports  Economic Democracy and new public banks and rural banks. Not monopolies and cartels which control many industries and rigged markets which is the present situation.

These banking and economic policies below would realise the Principles and Ideals of the 1916 Proclamation

‘We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible………equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens………. cherishing all of the children of the nation equally'     

And the Democratic Programme of the First Dail in 1919 declared

'We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraíg Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation's sovereignty extends not only to all men and women of the Nation, but to all its material possessions, the Nation's soil and all its resources, all the wealth and all the wealth-producing processes within the Nation, and with him we reaffirm that all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right and welfare.'

Padraig Pearse

The removal of massive national debts and business and private debts will provide room for vast new investments in people and communities and new types of businesses and business models which will create strong and sustainable economic growth. It will strongly stimulate both the demand side and the supply side. We will promote economic policies which will increase both domestic private investment and international investment into Ireland. This will involve strategic investment in education, special skills, infrastructure, a stable financial system, tax breaks for productive investment and research, the promotion of innovation, and the provision of stable economic growth not more speculation in assets, more bubbles and more crashes which have enriched bankers, speculators and corrupt politicians, and bankrupted the country. Economic Democracy where long term shares in companies, businesses and farms are widely distributed among workers, managers, farmers, and communities would enable all persons to benefit from economic growth and be economically and socially included. This Economic Democracy would ensure consumers have money to spend, and this would maintain strong demand for products and services and a stable supply of them over time from businesses and farms, while public banking would provide the loans and liquidity necessary to match demand to supply and investment. This would also facilitate new technologies and innovation while distributing its profits to a wider number of people. Economic Democracy would solve the "demand deficit" in economics, providing a steady and stable rate of demand for products and services as more people enter the workforce and become shareholders and as more communities become shareholders, and the benefits of economic growth are distributed widely.

Anti Inflation
Economic Democracy will give everybody and communities a financial stake in the capitalist system. Economic Democracy is a more democratic and inclusive capitalism, and its flexibility and adaptability can help end high inflation, deflation, high unemployment and deficient demand, speculation manias and crashes and high concentrations of wealth. The anti inflaiton effect will be felt throgh giving workers shares, profit sharing schemes and deferred bonuses instead of higher wages so as to increase production of goods and services. The increased supply would hava a strong anti inflationary effect while no wage increases would supplment this anti inflation effect. it would finally stop the wage-price spiral which is the case of high inflation and persistent inflation over years. Economic Democracy can build up a stronger economy, full employment and plenty of work for everybody, and a more just, prosperous and better Ireland for all of it's citiziens.

A 30 - 40% reduction in cost of living as measured in 2022 and an increase of income of 20% or more for ordinary workers and people in Ireland.

Deep reforms to banking and credit would facilitate and empower Economic Democracy. We will build public savings banks and community banks who will invest wisely in native industries and SME's, similar to what was done in Germany, where they funded small and medium sized businesses and research and innovation, making Germany a global economic powerhouse from the 1960's to the present. Similar successes have been reported in far eastern countries and in some states of the USA. We will consult with top economists from around the world, including Nobel Laureates, who know how to bring about strong economic growth and investment without having to inflate more speculative bubbles. We will make use of books such as "Restoring Power and Democracy Back to the People" available at
to build a strong economy, a strong democracy and a strong society which are sustainable over the long term.

The strategic use of MMT and Quantitative Easing for Infrastructure spending would act to sustain economic growth and activity especially during recessions or economic slow-downs. Value for money and cost savings would be at the core of all public spending, especially for infrastructure, quangos, and professional services. There would be more balanced national investment to ensure rural Ireland benefits from economic growth.

Break up Monopolies and Cartels and reduce high prices, rip offs, and inflation
Cartels and monopolies in banking, land ownership, property, technology, communications, law, agriculture, car sales, healthcare and insurance would be broken up so as to reduce price manipulation which is ruining farmers, consumers, employees, business people and harming Ireland’s international competitiveness. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 36 months

12. Ending Homelessness : Massive Investment in Social Housing and Affordable Private Housing

The 1916 Proclamation one of the founding documents of the Irish state stated:

‘We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible………equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens………. cherishing all of the children of the nation equally'       

The corrupted economic and social system has forced many people and families into homelessness, and this has persisted for over 50 years. Courts and judges will examine in more detail the validity of illegal loan and mortgage contracts (banks lend something they do not have), the fraudulent creating of money out of nothing and lending it out, the illegal charging of interest, and the illegal securitisation of these illegal loans, and the fraudalent manipulation of house prices and asset prices. This fraud and illegality will be prosecuted in courts and abolished through new laws and Constitutional amendments. This would clear out the corruption in mortgages and manipulated house prices which have robbed many people and kept them in debt slavery.

These pictures show the results of failed government policies and failed politicians and civil servants and their failed economic system and failed economic theories

Homeless Child eating on the streets of Dublin

Old Irish woman begging on the streets of Dublin

Disabled person sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin

Massive Public investment in Social Housing would include:

    • removal of most of the fraudulent and corrupt national debt which was created out of nothing for the purpose of debt slavery. This would free up billions of euros for investment in housing.
    • conversion of empty properties and lands owned by the state and state bodies into social housing.
    • conversion of boarded up private properties or derelict properties or vacant sites into social housing units through the medium of tax incentives and compulsory purchases by the state and housing bodies
    • hoarding and speculation of land and property would be discouraged and punished through new taxes and policy measures. Hoarded land surrounding new hosuing developments or new housing estates would be released onto the market at affordable prices or controlled prices to facilitate new and affordable housing and big increases in supply.
    • higher goverment spending on social housing, bringing it into line with historical peak spending
    • once the rent value paid is equal to the house price value, the property would be transferred to the tenant
    • give renters the opportunity to buy the property instead of renting
    • prioritise Irish nationals and Irish citizens in social housing
    • use of co-ownership deals to encourage social authority tenants to become owners over time, and invest in their own homes
    • invest in eco houses which have solar panels and bio digesters and innovative insulation and other green energy features.
    • Emergency and Interim measures
      use of mobile homes, modular homes, log cabins, 3D homes, and pods and compulsory land purchses to solve housing emergenices for those waiting for social housing
    • the Kenny Report from the 1970's would be enforced and lands would be opened up and serviced for private housing and public housing. Compulsory purchases and tax incentives would facilitate this. Compulsory purchases would also prevent excessive speculation in land prices.
    • a new scheme where rent payments over many years could be used to pay down a mortgage on a new home
    • Public savings banks similar to those in Germany and some states in the USA to provide cheap, affordable and honest credit for people to buy their social housing units and become owners.

Massive Increase in Affordable Private Housing and Housing Cooperatives through the following:

    • removal of most of the fraudulent and corrupt national debt which was created out of nothing for the purpose of debt slavery. This would free up billions of euros for investment in housing.
    • conversion of empty properties and lands owned by the state and state bodies for affordable housing
    • compulsory purchase of and conversion of boarded up properties or derelict properties or vacant sites into affordable private housing units. Use of tax incentives and gratns to facilitate private purcahse of affordable homes. This would greatly increase the supply of private housing.
    • Housing Coops and Land Coops
      Financial support and tax incentives for people to form cooperatives and buy land and convert it into private homes for people in the cooperative. No speculation allowed.
    • hoarding and speculation of land and property would be discouraged through new taxes and policy measures. Hoarded land surrounding new hosuing developments or new housing estates would be released onto the market at affordable prices or controlled prices to facilitate new and affordable housing and big increases in private housing supply.
    • the Kenny Report from the 1970's would be enforced and lands would be opened up and serviced for private housing and public housing and hosuing cooperatives. Compulsory purchases and tax incentives would facilitate this. Compulsory purchases would also prevent excessive speculation in land prices.
    • House prices set at approx. 5 - 7 times average annual earnings not at speculation prices or rigged prices. And monthly rents capped at average weekly earnings. Speculation prices or rigged prices have proved unaffordable and suited to Globalist exploitation, evictions and homelessness.
    • prioritise Irish nationals and Irish citizens in affordable private housing
    • grants and tax incentives for eco houses which have solar panels and bio digesters and innovative insulation and other green energy features.
    • the elimination of stamp duty and property taxes for afforadable private housing
    • higher taxes and levies for vulture funds, hedge funds, private equity funds and corporates involved in speculation in house prices
    • Emergency and Interim measures
      use of mobile homes, modular homes, log cabins, 3D homes, and pods and compulsory land purchses to solve housing emergenices for those wiating for affordable private housing
    • price controls : we would devise policies to ensure house prices would be brought into line with average industrial earnings so as to make housing affordable for all.
    • a new scheme where rent payments over many years could be used to pay down a mortgage on a new home
    • Other measures proposed by top economists would be used to increase housing supply, zoned and serviced land supply and discourage price increases, speculation and price rigging
    • Public savings banks similar to those in Germany and some states in the USA to provide cheap, affordable and honest credit for people to buy private housing.

Other more innovative ideas for housing solutions are in ' Chapter 8   Affordable Housing for All. Legal Protection of Family Homes and Communities against  Debt Fraud, Ponzi schemes, Debt Enslavement, Evictions and Vulture Funds' of the book  ‘Restoring Power & Democracy Back To The People’ viewable on
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 3 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 40 months

13. Restoration of Irish Sovereignty. Ending Slavery. Ending Open Borders.

The 1916 Proclamation one of the founding documents of the Irish state stated:

" We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible................................"

The Democratic Programme of the First Dail in 1919 declared

'We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraíg Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation's sovereignty extends not only to all men and women of the Nation, but to all its material possessions, the Nation's soil and all its resources, all the wealth and all the wealth-producing processes within the Nation, and with him we reaffirm that all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right and welfare.'

They did not declare Ireland to be a vassal state or servant state of the European Union, the WHO and Globalists and controlled by them. They did not state that Ireland was to be owned and controlled by foreigners and have a foreign culture imposed upon Ireland. Or that ireland was to be controlled and enslaved by banks which create money out of nothing. Yet, the main political parties in Ireland have done this, they have made Ireland into a vassal state or servant state of the European Union, the WHO, Globalists and big banks and controlled and enslaved by them and let foreigners impose foreign culture on Ireland. They have destroyed Irish national sovereignty and Irish culture.

Since 1992, Ireland has lost it's national sovereignty. The Irish government (representing the sovereign Irish people) have lost control of
- our own Irish currency
- the creation of new money in Ireland. The government has to beg for their own money from the ECB and foreign banks and this leads to more national debt
- Irish fiscal policies and monetary policies. These have to be approved by foreign bureaucrats and politicians first.
- their government expenditure and investment policies and social policies
- public investment policies
- their housing policies
- healthcare and education expenditure policies and capabilities
- control of the Irish banking system
- their government borrowings system (now rely on ECB and international banks and bondholders)
- their bail out capabilities for resolving financial crashes, economic crashes, pandemics and other crises
- the Irish fisheries area
- their farming policies
- the national border and immigration policies
- the bankrupting of Ireland by the EU and ECB. The EU instigated money printing and speculation mania led to the crash of 2008 and bankrupted Ireland and then the EU and ECB forced Ireland to bail out 42% of the EU banking system and many rich bondholders. This cost Ireland 80 billion euros in direct and indirect costs and bankrupted Ireland.
- Irish laws which are over-ruled by EU laws
- loss of the jurisdiction of the Irish courts and Irish Constitution
- loss of Irish neutrality through membership of NATO's 'partnership for peace' and the new EU army
- Ireland's foreign affairs policies
- Irish trade policies (which is greatly affected by Brexit).
The Irish Government have lost most of their powers. They are no longer a government ; Ireland has been reduced down to a vassal state of the federalist European Union. And there are ongoing efforts by the EU to take over all Irish taxation policies. This loss of national sovereignty is serious.

EU federalism has destroyed national sovereignty and democracy and freedom in Europe and turned it into centralised control structure, controlled by unelected bureaucrats, a Communist state comparable to the USSR. National governments elected by the people have no control, no power, and are mere vassal states or servants of bureaucrats in Brussels and globalist organisations such as the WHO.

Disgraceful speech by Irish political leader, Michael Martin, where he rejects and opposes Irish national sovereignty

In 2023, the WHO introduced the International Health Regulations which they want every country to ratify. If this is ratified and passed in Dail Eireann, the International Health Regulations will over-rule the Irish Constitution, human rights, Irish laws and EU laws. This will be more loss of national sovereignty for Ireland. It will lead to rule of Ireland by the WHO.

For hundreds of years Ireland and the Irish struggled to get national sovereignty, and this involved a long fight against British Imperialism. Today, some Irish politicians reject and oppose Irish national sovereignty ; this is a disgrace. Globalism is a continuation of the Imperialism and Colonialism of the past. Examples of Globalists were the empires of the British, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Ottoman, Mongolians, Romans of the past, the German nazis, the Soviet Union and its empire, etc. Wealthy elites imposed and benefitted from these empires - enforcing this imperialist or globalist system on nations and peoples for many centuries. Globalists have always dreamed of global dominance and this continues today.

Globalism is the New Imperialism
Globalism is the new Imperialism. It is also a form of colonialism or neo colonialism. The facts and evidence prove this. The European Union has become a dictatorship, a Globalist institution, a part of a Globalist empire. Globalism has the same desire for empire and global domination as previous empires in history. Globalists are federalist organisations such as UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, the WEF, the EU, and large mulitnational corporations, hedge funds, private equity firms, and banks who dominate countries and governments worldwide. They enjoy monopoly and cartel status, and rig markets on a national level and global level and prevent the free market from expressing itself. Research shows a vast network of cross shareholdings between the largest central and commercial banks and mega corporations and big hedge funds and private equity firms, press and media giants, and Internet giants.
Watch this great educational video about the Globalists and how they own the world through multiple cross shareholdings of large and medium sized corporations, hedge funds and banks. Click on picture below.

Loss of National Sovereignty and your Constitutional rights, and your Freedoms and Democracy. Subservience to Globalist organisations.

Several governments and leading academics around the world are very suspicious of the motives and plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The threat to national sovereignty and democracy and Constitutions is very real. The leader of the WEF, Mr. Schwab has publicly stated that he wants a 'Great Reset' which will end the sovereignty of nations and democracy and freedom, and bring in 'transhumanism' and a '4th industrial revolution' and Globalist control of governments and nations. He wrote a book about this. This 'Great Reset' and 4th industrial revolution involves :

  • WEF support for gene editing of humans through medical drugs, vaccines, and other measures. For the purposes of more control over them. This has been publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.

  • WEF support for microchips and nanochips in the human body via medical drugs, vaccines, implants and other measures. A trans-humanism for control purposes. This has been publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.

  • increased state control and more surveillance of people through nanochips in human bodies, facial recognition cameras on streets, mobile phones, bank cards, Digital ID's, vaccine passports, social media monitoring etc. etc. This has bee n publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.

  • use of new Digital ID's similar to vaccine passports to monitor people and for analytics and control purposes

  • Ending the use of cash and forcing people to use electronic money
    In 2022, some Irish banks announced that they would not be using cash anymore and would be cashless. This is part of a larger plan internationbally. The use of Electronic or Digital Money created out of nothing by central banks will be linked to the Social Credit systems and used by the state to reward or punish citizens. This will be the key factor behind Totalitarian control and government.

  • Chinese style Social Credit System
    Implement the Chinese style Social Credit System which uses surveillance technologies to control people's behaviour, and reward or punish people. Also being introduced under the term 'universal basic income. This is already happening in China in 2021 and 2022. The Chinese have combined cctv cameras on streets, roads and shops with facial recognition technologies and mobile phone tracking and artificial intelligence technology with digitial money and ID's and the new Social Credit system to put the Chinese population under surveillance and brutally enforce Communism and dictatorship. The WEF and Globalists are hoping to copy this system and implement it in Europe and North America and South America and gradually worldwide.

  • use of Artificial Intelligence technologies to oversee, process and enforce the surveillance system, the Social Credit System and totalitarian control. This is being done at the moment in Europe and North America.
  • The WEF leaders and members have publicly praised China and its Communist system. They promote use of the communist government of China as a role model for governments and nations worldwide and for a 'new world order'. Both the state and a tiny elite will have total control over people in this new system. This is the world portrayed in the '1984' book and film written by George Orwell.

  • many breaches of Constitutional rights, Sovereign people rights, Civil rights and Human rights under false pretexts including misuse and manipulation of terms such as the 'common good' and 'public interest' to destroy Constitutions and human rights. Loss of these rights over time, and the introduction of totalitarian societies and government. Corrupted courts and judges to uphold these abuses.

  • the WEF Young Global Leaders Program has been used to groom young business people and young highly qualified people with political ambitions and young elected politicians and prepare them to serve the WEF's agenda when they get into government. Penetration into governments is the key factor according to it's founder Klaus Schwab. The WEF Young Global Leaders Program has political leaders and Ministers and politicians from Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, USA, Russia, Britain, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, the EU Parliament and EU Commission, Greece, Denmark, Slovenia and few countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

    The WEF also has top executives from big corporations, banks and the press and media and they assist these Young Global Leaders in terms of funding, business connections, mentoring, and exposure in the press and media.

  • the strategic use of crises to implement many of the WEF measures to an unsuspecting public ; Schwab's famous quote is "never let a crisis go to waste". These crises involve pandemics, lockdowns, closure of businesses, vast reductions in goods and services, experimental vaccines, high excess mortality, massive money printing by central banks and commercial banks to bail out banks and speculators or for lockdown purposes, money printing leading to high inflation, deliberate food shortages, manipulation of fuel prices and very high fuel costs, speculative bubbles followed by massive economic crashes, recessions, depressions, more bankruptcies and dispossessions, excessive debt and national bankruptcies, wars and conflicts, etc.. These create mass fear, panic, vulnerability and desperation and a public demand for more control and false security.

  • disempowerment and dispossession of the people through crises and reactions to them. Schwab has another famous quote - "you will own nothing and be happy" and this is one of the objectives of the Great Re-set. The proposed 39th amendment to the Irish Constitution in 2022 which is detailed below follows this dangerous trend.

    This is a Globalist tyranny on a par with similar Globalist regimes in the past such as Hitler's regime and Stalin's regime. The Young Leaders program of the WEF contains many political leaders worldwide who are implementing this plan in their own countries. His book 'The Great Re-set' outlines this plan. .

    The Globalist tyrannies of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin is returning under the guise of the Great Re-set, Transhumanism, Social Credit, Debt Slavery, Globalism and the New World Order

    This video by a liberal American presents the facts and evidence and WEF plan in a risqué manner

    This move towards totalitarianism and the subversion and destruction of democracy, national sovereignty and freedoms in western countries is well described in this video.

    The Globalists control the Deep State in the USA and other countries . The WHO which is funded and controlled by billionaire Bill Gates can start "pandemics" or versions of them and control the response of governments to them worldwide. This includes use of fraudulent diagnostics to create fake pandemics and opportunities for profiterring from rushed and untested vaccines. The new WHO treaty due to be passed by all governments by 2024 will give the WHO complete control over the pandemic policies and health policies of over 100 governments worldwide. This gives them the WHO the power to declare pandemics and health emergencies and to implement lockdowns, destroy Constitutional rights, Civil Rights and Human Rights, and national sovereignty, and enforce communist policies in Ireland and many other countries worldwide. It gives the Globalists a new level of control.

    The following video interview hosted of Dr. Mr Philipp Kruse, a Swiss lawyer, by Dr. John Campbell in Britain in October 2023 outlines the problem with the "International Health Regulations" of the WHO. These regulations will overrule national parliaments and Constitutions and will destroy democracy and national sovereignty.

    The Pandemic treaty of 2024 will end the national sovereignty of nations and the sovereignty of living men and women. It will over-rule Irish laws and the Irish Constitution. An expert analysis of this was carried by James Roguski in the USA. I include research papers showing the facts and evidence about the Pandemic treaty below:
    Exit the WHO -
    100 Reasons to stop the Pandmeic treaty -

Video by Irish Barrister

The WHO is not elected by the people of Ireland and does not serve the people of Ireland. Yet the Irish people and nation will be subjected to the laws and corruption of WHO.

The Globalists have vast money, power, resources, and political influence and actively use this to coordinate together and to force their agendas on countries. And they have publicly stated that they do this in the press and media. Some may call this treason. These Globalists instigate wars, coups, conflicts, "Regime Changes", false allegations of "weapons of mass destruction", invasions of countries on false pretexts, civil wars, false flag terrorist attacks, social conflict, etc.. They also instigate pandemics and health emergencies and are well known to instigate speculative booms and busts, the movement of vast sums of money - trillions of euros / dollars across borders, recessions and depressions, inflation and deflation, and put countries into massive debt - all of this is done to gain control of natural resources and governments and peoples. These Globalists or Imperialists are destroying the national sovereignty of nations and they have publicly stated in the press and media that their aim is to build a so called 'New World Order' - a global dictatorship run by them.

In 2024, Dr. Brett Weinstein, a University Professor and Evolutionary Biologist in the USA provided a deep analysis of Big Pharma, covid19 and medicines to treat it, and covid19 vaccines in a news interview with Tucker Carlson.

George Orwell, the famous author, warned us about totalitarian governments such as Globalism, Communism and Fascism

Exits out of EU Federalism :
Replacing European Union Federalism and Dictatorship with a new community of sovereign nations which have national sovereignty and cooperate with each other. A system similar to the Common Market of the 1970's and 1980's

We will work with other European nations to leave the European Union and to end EU federalism and dictatorship and restore national sovereignty to all European nations and establish a Common Market for Europe similar to that of the 1970's and 1980's. We must reject EU federalism and dictatorship which is similar to Communism, Fascism, Nazism, and Imperialism. We will restore the national sovereignty of all European nations AND form an economic alliance of sovereign nations similar to the Common Market of the 1970's and 1980's in the interests of trade, investment, economic growth and prosperity, cooperation, international peace, and social stability (inside nations). This will involve implementing the following:
  • the restoration of our own national Irish currency and control over our money supply (not the euro)
  • restoration of the right to create our own money based on hard assets and productive assets and not beg from the EU and ECB for our own money. The money supply would grow in accordance with productive investment and output and infrastrastructual investment NOT speculation in assets and derivatives and wasteful government spending. Some hybrid of gold and silver may be used in addition to productive assets to anchor the currency and stabilise it.
  • a special tax on currency speculation to stop the speculation in cuurencies. Similar to a Tobin Tax. This would end the domination of parasites and speculators who have destroyed banking systems and nations.
  • the Dail (Irish parliament) having full control of fiscal policies and monetary policies in Ireland not the EU and ECB
  • the Dail controlling the Irish border and immigration policies not the EU or the UN
  • the Dail and new structures of accountability and the courts and the sovereign people of Ireland having jurisdiction over healthcare, hospitals, schools and domestic policies not the WHO or WEF or ECB or some other Globalist body.
  • Irish control of our own fishing waters not foreign control as is the case now. Prioritise Irish fishermen and fishing interests.
  • Irish control of farming policies not foreign control as is the case now. Prioritise Irish farmers and their interests and rural Ireland.
  • the power to write off or write down fraudulent debt created out of nothing and end debt slavery. This ending of debt slavery would enable Ireland to solve its housing crisis, homlessness problem, and healthcare crisis.
  • Prioritise housing for the Irish homeless and for young people and couples starting out
  • Restoration of the Common Market of the 1980's where sovereign nations traded, invested, and worked together as equals. And goods and services outside the Common Market would be charged customs and excise duties.
  • The Common Market will refuse to import goods and services produced in Communist countries, Fascist countries and dictatorships which abuse human rights. We will not support slavery.
  • compensating the Irish people and taxpayers for the EU instigated speculation and money printing mania which led to the crash of 2008 and bankrupted Ireland and the bail out enforced by the EU on Ireland amounting to 42% of the EU banking system and bondholders. This compensation being 80 billion euros to cover the direct and indirect costs of the bank bail out and austerity.
  • The 1919 and 1937 Irish Constitutions being the supreme authority in Ireland not the EU
  • regular referendums to let the people decide on important strategic government policies and legal proposals and European proposals
  • end the Globalist funded sexualisation of minors and small children in schools and public places. Education of children will be in accordance with the demands and wishes of the parents not Globalists or their political puppets.
  • investigate Globalist funding of wars and "regime changes" and corruption of democracies and apply sanctions against guilty individuals and organisations
  • abolish the Cultural Marxism which is being imposed by the EU and Globalists and is attacking and destroying national cultures, national identity, the family, the community and community spirit, law and order, and social cohesion and stability.

We will implement a Europe of free and sovereign nations working together and trading together as equals, not servants or slaves of an EU dictatorship. The Common Market of the 1970's and 1980's was a good example of sovereign nations trading, investing and working together as equals. We can return to that. Restoring national sovereignty would be a new ‘democratisation of Europe’, where real power would be given back to ordinary people - the elected politicians and the people of a country. These reforms would prevent more Brexits and fragmentation in Europe. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Rejection of the WHO Treaty of 2024
The WHO is a Globalist organisation controlled by Bill Gates and Big Pharma and serves their interests not Irish interests. The WHO was proven wrong on many issues and points during the covid19 episode from 2020 to 2022. The WHO is accountable to nobody. The WHO has many conflicts of interest, and exists to serve the profit interests and special interests of Bill Gates and Big Pharma. The WHO is an unelected and unaccountable body trying to gain some control over countries such as Ireland. We will reject and outlaw the WHO treaty of 2022. The WHO has no jurisdiction over the sovereign people of Ireland and the Irish Constitution. The elected Dail (parliament) of Ireland subject to structures of accountability and the courts and the people of Ireland have jurisdiction over health matters. The Irish are not the slaves of Globalist instituions and masters.

We will implement the provisions of the 1919 Constitution of Dail Eireann which gives sovereignty to the nation and sovereignty to individuals. People are not meant to be slaves of corrupted politicians or an elite in Brussels or in the WHO. The elected politicians and state workers are the servants of the Irish people - this is stated in the Irish Constitutions of 1919 and of 1937. The people are the masters and the elected politicians and governments are the servants of the people. This restoration of individual sovereignty would be reinforced through new laws. This would give respect and dignity back to the Irish people and nation.

This woud help restore Ireland's national sovereignty and greatness as envisaged by its brave leaders of the past. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 4 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

Education about Sovereignty
All schools, colleges and Universities will have compulsory courses to teach people their Constitutional rights and Sovereign rights and Human rights and how to legally deal with corruption and injustices. This will enable them to stand up for justice under law and for the basic rights of all. They would also learn their civic duties and responsibilities and that all rights come with responsibilities. This would provide the foundation for protecting and defending sovereignty, democracy and freedom and realise the aims and objectives of Ireland's leaders and patriots from the past.

Michael Collins
Padraig Pearse
Dan Breen
William Butler Yeats
 Thomas Clarke
Cathal Brugha
John Devoy
 James Connolly
O'Donovan Rossa 
Michael Cusack
Founder of GAA
Michael Davitt
Founder of Land League
Eamon De Valera

14. Natural Resources of Ireland belong to the People of Ireland

The 1916 Proclamation one of the founding documents of the Irish state stated:

‘We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible………equal rights and equal opportunities to all its citizens………. cherishing all of the children of the nation equally'     

The Democratic Programme of the First Dail in 1919 declared

'We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraíg Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation's sovereignty extends not only to all men and women of the Nation, but to all its material possessions, the Nation's soil and all its resources, all the wealth and all the wealth-producing processes within the Nation, and with him we reaffirm that all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right and welfare.'

The natural resources of Ireland belong to the people of Ireland as a whole not to corrupt politicians and their Globalist business clients. This fact is stated in the 1916 Proclamation, and the 1919 and 1937 Irish Constitutions. The natural resources never belonged to corrupt politicians or party leaders and their cronies. All sales of our natural resources to foreign corporations and persons in the past will be investigated and audited and rectified where necessary. The Irish taxpayers and Irish people will be given full ownership or partial ownership of these natural resources in accordance with the Irish Constitutions of 1919 and 1937. Corruption, bribes and offshore banks and tax havens will be fully investigated.

The billions of euros in income and profits from these natural resources will go to the Irish people and nation, and be used for investment in public services, housing, healthcare, education etc. and to provide financial incentives for native Irish industry and farming. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 14 months

15. Building a New Society of Respect and Responsibility
Pro Family Polices which support and protect the Family. Promotion of Purpose, Meaning, Respect, Belonging and Healing in Society AND Prevention of Suidices. Promotion of Social Cohesion not more Social Divides and Disintegration.

We will implement Pro Family policies and laws. The Irish Constitution states that


1     1° The State recognises the Family as the natural primary and fundamental unit group of Society, and as a moral institution possessing inalienable and imprescriptible rights, antecedent and superior to all positive law.

2° The State therefore guarantees to protect the Family in its constitution and authority as the necessary basis of social order and as indispensable to the welfare of the Nation and the State'
Irish Constitution 1937

We will uphold the Constitution in policies and laws. We will pursue Pro Family policies and we realise that individuals create families, and that both individuals and families have been damaged over the last few decades. We will put in new healing structures to heal individuals and individuals within families and this is described below. At present there are no effective healing centres or healing facilities in Ireland and many people are forced to rely on alcoholic drink, illegal drugs, sports, obsessive eating, gambling, etc. to cope. This has been a disaster, and the main political parties and governments are responsible for this disaster.

Ireland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and this worsened in the period 2020 - 2021. Suicide is the strongest indicator that a society is sick. This is the end result of a corrupt political, legal, economic, spiritual and social system which works against the individual, the family and the community, and destroys them. It grinds down community and whole societies to benefit a corrupt elite and their few cronies and toadies. This is Ireland today.

Under the present system run by corrupt political parties and leaders, disrespect, nastiness and irresponsibility are the dominant values in Irish society and this is destroying relations between people, destroying marriages, families, relationships, and communities, destroying businesses, destroying careers, causing all types of crime, worsening stress levels for most people, instigating addictions and financial and social ruin for many, abuse of disabled people and the elderly, disrespect for national culture and national identity. And encouraging corruption for selfish and socially destructive reasons, worsening greed and the overcharging, over pricing and scamming of innocent people, and the widespread disrespect, abuse, insults, discrimination, slander which adversely affects the lives of many people. More and more people are rejecting this and are demanding a new and better Ireland for all.

We will work to build a new type of society where Respect, Responsibility and Accountability would be the dominant values in Irish society. All persons would be given a chance to develop their abilities, their full potential in life, and their responsibilities and to respect others, as proposed in the 1916 Proclamation and the Programme for the First Dail in 1919. The dignity of all persons would be respected especially for those persons who have dealings with the policing system, the legal system and courts, the state sector and civil service, and the banks and businesses. This would be a recpricoal arrangement of mutual respect. Disrespect, abuse, insults, gossip, discrimination, slander, etc. which are destructive of individuals would be dealt with through new reforms to the courts and legal system. Everybody will be held to account.We will fund community development and audit it regularly to ensure that the services are effective and run honestly. Social welfare will no longer be used to support addictions, domestic abuse, drug dealing, anti social behaviour, crime and irresponsibility.

We will fund and build healing centres to heal Irish people, families and communities across Ireland, one example of this is at . Families will be given new supports so as to become more responsible and more caring, and more giving to the general well being and common good of society. Suicide prevention programmes will be properly funded and resourced to reduce and stop the high suicide rate in Ireland. The healing centres mentioned above will play a role here. And families and individuals overcoming suicide loss will be provided with more professional help, assistance and resources, and this will involve healing centres, Friends of Suicide Loss (FOSL), Pieta House, the HSE and other bodies.

We will expand the education curriculum to teach the youth respect for others, responsibility, duty, loyalty, honor, their rights, critical thinking skills, determination and resilience, integrity and service to their local community and to the Irish nation. We will support the spiritual, ethical and moral development of the Irish people and nation. This will help reduce the number of suicides in Ireland. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Sex education removed from the school curriculum and delivered outside school hours. Parents will decide the sex education given to their children in schools. Parents will be given responsibility and control over the sexual education of their children in schools. Children will have to wait until they are 18 years old to decide if they want a sex change.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 14 months

16. Healthcare Reforms to make hospitals and healthcare systems highly effective, efficient and affordable and subject to continuous improvement and innovation
New reforms, new policies, new procedures and oversight in combination with new strategic invesment in the healthcare and hospitals to achieve:

    • removal of most of the fraudulent and corrupt national debt which was created out of nothing for the purpose of debt slavery. This would provide billions of euros to invest in hospitals, primary care centres, healthcare, and promotion of healthy diets and lifestyles.
    • total commitment to diagnostic and treatment excellence and best international standards, and to constant innovation and total accountability and transparency. Those in high positions are held to account for their decisions and actions and made fully accountable.
    • An end to false diagnosis scandals and cover ups. the risks of injuries from treatments, vaccines, procedures, etc. are explained to patients and the providers and Pharma businesses and state officials responsible are made fully accountable for the injuries caused
    • Eliminate the liability protection for vaccine manufacturers as well as medical device manufacturers. If they claim it is "safe and effective" then they must accept liability for any lies they tell to the public.
    • expose and learn from the covid19 frauds, lies and false diagnostics and covid19 vaccines scandal. Evidence concerning the covid19 scandals where early treatment and safe and effective medicines were denied to patients from May 2020 onwards which led to deaths and injuries, and breached criminal laws. And the transfer of ill patients from hospitals to nursing homes and the failure to implement protection measures which led to many deaths and breached criminal laws. The covid19 frauds, lies and false diagnostics and covid19 vaccines scandal, and lockdowns  which breached Constitutional rights, human rights and legal rights and criminal laws. And prolonged lockdowns which bankrupted Ireland and Irish businesses and enforced vaccine passports and discrimination which breached Constitutional rights and Human Rights and criminal laws. Scientific and legal facts and books of evidence on  
      And Coroners Reports and Autopsies on  
      and more scientific and legal evidence on US and German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich's web sites -   and  and  and
    • the hospitals and healthcare reforms detailed in the document Healthcare.doc the health reforms proposed in the book "Restoring Power and Democracy Back to the People" available at
    • Make it illegal for anyone to coerce you to take a medical intervention to keep your job.
    • All vaccine mandates to attend school will be dropped.
    • Repurposing old drugs for use in epidemics and pandemics
      old drugs which are out of patent which are effective for treating infections causing an epidemic or pandemic will be used by the government and health authorities. Any attempts to block, stop or undermine this will be made subject to criminal investigations and prosecutions in courts.
    • It will be illegal to discriminate against people based on their vaccination status.
    • All existing vaccines should be tested against unvaccinated peers (true placebo) and look at all cause mortality and morbidity and absolute risk reduction. Any vaccine that cannot demonstrate a clear benefit should have its authorization dropped.
    • Public health officials, local and statewide, need to be held accountable for answering questions in live forums from a panel of experts who disagree with them.
    • Even in an emergency, the health authorities cannot force you to comply with any intervention that may have a net negative health consequence or for which there is no scientific justificatio or where conflicts of interest undermine government or health authority policies
    • A state of emergency shall be lifted if there are fewer than x people per month who are seriously injured or died from the infection.
    • Scientists who disagree with the mainstream consensus should be heard, not silenced. Open debate should be encouraged, not discouraged. Censorship, demonetization, and intimidation tactics leveled against those with different views shall not be permitted. Those who are harmed by such tactics shall be able to bring an action in a court of law to recover damages.
    • People inside health authorities including the HSE, NIAC, HPRA, EMA who deliberately looked the other way when legitimate and significant safety signals were brought to their attention shall be personally subject to criminal prosecution. People who did not bring these safety signals to the public’s attention shall likewise be subject to criminal prosecution. For example, how can Maddie de Garay’s serious injuries during the Pfizer 12-15 clinical trial, which was brought to the FDA’s attention because Pfizer ignored it, not be investigated? Someone needs to go to jail for that.
    • Next time there is a pandemic, instead of allocating near zero euros for research on using repurposed drugs on an out-patient basis, there should be several billion euros made available to fund such trials. Physicians should be free to use their judgement on treatment options and there should be a central repository for reporting results. Fareed and Tyson had a fabulous protocol for treating patients during the covid19 pandemic but that was ignored. That should NEVER be allowed to happen again.

These changes are far reaching and will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 6 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 36 months

17. Use of Alternative Healthcare and herbs which have been scientifically proven to work
Every year in the USA approximately 300,000 people are killed by medical drugs and medications. This problem is global and is linked to the unsafe chemicals in these drugs, adverse reactions to these chemicals, and human misuse of these medical drugs. Vast profits are made by big pharma from this human misery and loss. Alternative medicine and herbs have been proven to work scientifically for hundreds of years and there are millions of reports of their effectiveness and safety worldwide. We will introduce laws to
(a) legalise herbal medicine, and enable licensed and qualified herbal practitioners to give herbs to people for medical ailments. This can be done in conjunction with medical drugs or as a replacement for them. This will be overseen by a herbal medicine board which will be an independent body consisting of the top herbalists in Ireland and Europe.
(b) close down the Irish Medical Council and set up a Medical Accountability Body which will consist of medical doctors and highly qualified functional medicine doctors who combine medicine with herbs. There will be full accountability for all medical doctors. Declaration of all conflicts of interest will be necessary for all members. If conflicts of interest interfere with the decisions of the Medical Accountability Body or doctors, then these will be publicly declared and the decisions made null and void. There will be open and public debates about medicine and herbs and effective medical treatments, and no censorship as existed in the period 2020 - 2022.
(c) Medical insurance and state healthcare policies will recognise and pay for most of these herbal medicine treatments.
(d) We will invest in herbal medicine research and collaborate with other European countries and with North America and Asia in this. We will pursue our own national sovereign policy on this regardless of the big pharma influenced EU Directives and WHO policies. Herbs have proved effective and safe for thousands of years and many of the more effective modern medicines are derived from herbs and plants found in jungles, forests and in the countryside.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months

18. The Protection of Private Property Rights and of Human Rigths and Constitutional Rights
We will support Human Rights and Constitutional Rights and there will be no repeat of the lockdowns and censorship of the press and media, the rushed experimental vaccines, mandatory vaccine passports and accompanying discrimination and prejudice enforced upon the Irish people and nation in 2020 and 2021. Irish governments and politicians will not take their orders from the WHO which is an organisation controlled by Bill Gates and other Globalists.

We will protect private property rights and private income rights from the attacks of Globalists and Globalist organisations such as the WHO, the WEF, the IMF, and EU and others. Unnecessary and prolonged Lockdowns and social restrictions and vaccine discrimination in 2020 - 2022 robbed Irish individuals, families and businesses of billions of euros while enriching big globalist corporations which operated online and also as massive retailers offline. There were several breaches of Constitutional rights and Human Rights and an unwillingness by legal professionals and the courts to uphold the law. We will oppose this type of Globalist control of countries. We will consult many experts from both sides of the divide and allow free and open scientific debate in the press and media and online. We will not censor.

We will also oppose Globalism and Communism which seeks to "delimit" private property. This "delimiting" of private property was introduced into Dail Eireann in Spring 2022. This will be opposed as it is another form of theft by the state and Globalist radicals and Communist radicals. This proposed Constitutional amendment to dispossess people of their private property and give these properties to favoured groups and multicultural groups in Irish society so as to fulfill Globalist objectives and Communist objectives. This proposal is shown below.

The Irish government serves and is accountable to the sovereign Irish people not to Globalists, to foreigners, to communists and fascists. Making the politicians and government and state employees the servants of the people will be our primary objective. The Constitutonal rights and human rights of the sovereign Irish people will not be trampled on again. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months

19. Zero Tolerance Crime Policies
and Investment in Communities
The main political parties and senior civil servants are responsible for the massive increase in crime over the last 20 years. There are illegal drugs in every city, town, village and rural area of Ireland and drug gangs are involved in vicious and violent feuds involving guns, knives, iron bars, incenidary devices and explosives. This is getting worse every year. Rapes and murders have risen to historical highs in recent years. There is anti social behaviour in most communities around Ireland and many people including possibly yourself no longer feel safe in your own communities. There is sexual abuse, grooming gangs, child and women trafficking, and elite paedophile rings are widespread, and are not being properly investigated and prosecuted due to "lack of garda resources" and "lack of funding" and "over crowded prisons" and soft sentences by judges which encourage more crimes. And there is evidence of cover ups of many serious crimes. The crime problem has been ignored by elected politicians, gardai, DPP and judges, and allowed to fester and worsen. Ireland has been turned into a sewer of crime, corruption, cover ups, and filth !

We will implement zero tolerance policies to tackle crime and anti social behaviour. The anti corruption measures above will greatly improve crime investigations and prosecutions in courts. We will work with communities to build safer, more friendly and more respectful communities. This is outlined below:
- new types of Community Policing, see
- new types of Community Development, see
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 3 - 4 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

20. Reforms to Education system
Compulsory courses to teach students in national schools, secondary schools and Universities / Colleges and training institutes the following:

(i) critical thinking skills, logic, and deep analytical skills and apply them in the real world
(ii) lateral thinking skills and apply them in the real world
(iii) the failures of Communism, Marxism, Fascism and Imperialism and Globalism which is the new Imperialism
(iv) corruption and its effects in Ireland and other countries. What can be done to stop it.
(v) their legal rights, Constitutional rights, sovereign rights, and human rights and how to legally deal with corruption and injustices. This will enable them to stand up for justice under law and the basic rights of all
(vi) their civic duties and responsibilities and that all rights come with responsibilities
(vii) Sex education removed from the school curriculum and delivered outside school hours. Parents will decide the sex education given to their children in schools. Parents will be given responsibility and control over the sexual education of their children in schools.
(viii) children will have to wait until they are 18 years old to decide if they want a sex change.
(ix) education about the adverse effects of fradulent money or debt created out of nothing and accompanying debt slavery
(x) entrepeneurual skills and how ro run a successful business or cooperative
(xi) the need for a healing of humanity instead of more conflicts and wars for profit and geo-political advantage

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months

21. Irish Culture, Language, Music and Identity
We will invest more in preserving and promoting Irish Culture, Lanugage, Music and Identity through new technologies, more innovative ways of learning and new incentives for schools, Universities and businesses. This will include investing in Urban Gaeltachts in all cities, towns and villages. Sections of cities, towns and villages will be dedicated to Irish speaking and writing, and total immersion in the language, and learning Irish. And to Irish music and dancing and full participation. And learning traditional Irish crafts and Irish sports. We will also set up Digital Gaeltachts online to interact with real world Urban Gaeltachets, so as to to promote online and offline communities nationwide. A sovereign Irish nation requires its own native language and culture, and Irish Nationalists and Nationals should be able to communicate in Irish. Padraig Pearse stated that Ireland should be "not free merely, but Gaelic as well; not Gaelic merely, but free as well."

And investment in and regeneration of Gaeltachet areas would also be prioritised. We will make strategic investments to make the Irish language, music and culture enjoyable, fun, easy to learn, accessible to all, cool and modern. We also translate all Irish laws into the Irish language. Any laws enforced against people which were not translated into the Irish language will be overturned and the politicians and civil servants made fully accountable. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 14 months

22. The Good Friday Agreement
We fully support the Good Friday Agreement and Peace Process. We support Referendums to decide the future of Northern Ireland. As Nationalists we will be voting for a united 32 county Ireland in such Referendums, and support those who do so. We are nationalists and democrats, and we respect the democratic will of the people in Northern Ireland. For over 23 years the main political parties have refused to hold these referendums. But, they have held referendums on EU issues when ordered to do so by their EU masters. We support peace and reconcilitation between catholics and protestants and nationalists and unionists in Northern Ireland.

23. A thorough investigation of the covid19 scandal in tribunals and court investigations and cases
The covid19 scandal imposed massive losses on Irish businesses and Irish economy in the period 2020 to 2022. And forced a new bail out of 35 billion euros which has been added to the nation a debt. This has increased the national debt to over 250 billion euros which has bankrupted Ireland. This covid19 issue requires thorough and full investigation. This will require the use of existing bodies and the new structures of accountability and whistleblowers to establish the facts and evidence about covid19 and how it was handled in Ireland.

Evidence concerning the covid19 scandals where early treatment and safe and effective medicines were denied to patients from May 2020 onwards which led to deaths and injuries, and breached criminal laws. And the transfer of ill patients from hospitals to nursing homes and the failure to implement protection measures which led to many deaths and breached criminal laws. The covid19 frauds, lies and false diagnostics and covid19 vaccines scandal, and lockdowns  which breached Constitutional rights, human rights and legal rights and criminal laws. And prolonged lockdowns which bankrupted Ireland and Irish businesses and enforced vaccine passports and discrimination which breached Constitutional rights and Human Rights and criminal laws. Scientific and legal facts and books of evidence on
And Coroners Reports and Autopsies on  
and more scientific and legal evidence on US and German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich's web sites -   and  and  and

China's Communist system and covid19 lockdowns in 2022 forced many Chinese people to commit suicide. Many western democratic nations (including Ireland) have tried to copy China's lockdowns and other social restrictions. See video of suicides in China below.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 26 months

24. Equal rights, Respect and Dignity for Straight people and LGBT people
The Irish nation and Irish people consists of Straight people and LGBT people and we support equal rights, respect and dignity for both Straight people and LGBT people. Ireland is a modern country with democratic ideals and republican ideals and we support these high ideals. The Irish people have suffered from many centuries of prejudice, discrimination, judgmentalness, slanders, social exclusion, etc. and we will end this.

Republican Democracy is all about equal rights, respect, dignity and tolerance and this builds social cohesion, nationhood, and strong nations.

25. Direct Democracy and the Power of Recall of Elected Politicians
We will implement the provisions of the 1919 Constitution of Dail Eireann. We will enforce the power of recall for voters where if an elected politician has been found to have given false election promises to voters, lied to voters or is believed to be corrupt, then the politician's constituency would be subject to a new election. A petition of a certain percentage of the voters of the constituency would instigate a recall. This would help enforce accountability and honesty in politics. Additional Direct Democracy provisions at local level, regional level and national level would give citizens more say in the governing of the country and help expose wrong doing, corruption, injustices, errors and mistakes. Power needs to be restored back to the people ; the people are the ultimate power in the Irish Constitution, and many other Constitutions in other countries.
This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months

26. Borders
The Irish government will gain full control of its border and immigration policies and exercise more control over Ireland's border. An end to Open Borders. This is necessary in order to deal with drug trafficking, child and women trafficking, international crime and gangs, grooming gangs, international terrorists and cells, and threats to Irish worker's rights and wages, and the housing crisis and homelessness crisis in Ireland. Open Borders is worsening all of these factors, creating more crises and bankruptcy of the Irish nation. In particular, it is worsening International terrorism and People Trafficking and Drug Trafficking which are serious and growing criminal offences and need to be more vigorously tackled by the gardai and courts. Ireland will meet its international obligations and ethical duty to accept genuine refugees and those fleeing wars, and this will be balanced against affordability and national security, and the fact that Ireland has been bankrupted by a national debt which is over 250 billion euros and rising. Most of the debt was imposed by the European Union, ECB and IMF, the big banks, the big speculators, the Irish elite and globalists involved in tax evasion and avoidance, and the 35 billion euro covid19 bail out orchestrated by the WHO. Ireland has been bankrupted and this has placed severe limitations on Ireland and it's finances.

Over 15,000 Irish people are homeless in 2021 and 2022 and this number is rising due to incompetent government policies, bank and money creation frauds, economic recession and evictions and this problem will need to be addressed first and foremost. And we must protect Irish worker's rights from those people who exploit foreign labour who work for below minimum wages and pay no tax. The Irish government has duties to Irish citizens as defined in the 1916 Proclamation and 1919 and 1937 Irish Constitutions. Affordability in the context of a bankrupted country is the key factor here. Our policies will help end this national bankruptcy and help Ireland meet its national obligations and international obligations. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

27. Workers Rights
The present system is dominated by Globalists and serves Globalist interests, and it enforces Slave Wages on workers in Ireland and many other countries. It fires workers in Ireland and many other western countries and is replacing them with workers based in foreign communist countries or third world countries or imports cheap workers from abroad who work for less than minimum wages and pay no taxes. Many employers refuse to hire native Irish workers. Discrimination is widespread in Ireland. And most Irish employers refuse to accept unions. This is destroying workers rights in Ireland. This has destroyed worker's rights in Ireland and around Europe. Open Borders have worsened this. This has been widespread since 2004, and has led to massive job losses in western nations, lower wages, loss of workers rights, the end of Unions, longer working hours, under-employment, long term unemployment, lower standards of living, poverty, and higher personal and family debt in western countries. These Globalist firms re-direct their revenues and profits through several tax havens to avoid paying tax. While ordinary workers are forced to pay high taxes. This has enriched Globalist firms and their Globalist owners, the 1%, while impoversihing the many.

We will prioritise the employment of Irish workers and those people legally entitled to be in Ireland. New fines and business closures would be imposed upon those businesses which breach employment laws and worker's rights and discriminate against Irish citizens. Workers rights, minimum wages and unions will be fully protected by laws and whistleblowers will be encouraged and incentivised to report breaches of these laws. We will get the EU to enforce tighter border controls and prioritise production inside the EU instead of in communist countries and third world countries. We will provide new incentives for long term employee share ownership so that workers have a stake in the economic system. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months

28. Community
The main political parties have destroyed communities all over Ireland. See the section above outling this problem.
We will rebuild communities. This will involve :

    • using the savings from national debt cancellation and business debt cancellations to invest in communities and get results and measure these results
    • financial audits and effectiveness audits of community centres to ensure that they are serving the community and getting results
    • teaching families responsiblities and duties and providing them with positive role models
    • proper family supports to help families discipline their children and teach them social responsibilities and self discipline
    • change and reform the social welfare system which funds and supports alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, criminality, addictions, domestic abuse, child neglect and many other social evils.
    • expanding share ownership of businesses and corporations to communities to enable them to participate in the economy. This will provide economic inclusion and social inclusion.
    • new types of community policing, see
    • new types of community development, see

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

29. Religion and Spirituality
We support freedom of religion and freedom of spirituality and freedom of belief. We believe in the separation of church and state and that the state has no right to interfere with churches as was the case in the period 2020 - 2022. And people will not be discriminated against for their beliefs. The main political parties accepted this discrimination in the past, and indeed covered it up. We will not support the press and media constantly attacking a religion and inciting hatred and violence against it. If crimes are committed by religious people they will be punished the same way as they are for all others in society. We will oppose Globalist agendas to attack and destroy religion. We believe in the full development of the individual and realising his or her full potential in life and this includes, physical, mental, intellectual, spiritual, moral and ethical development.

We respect the Christian religions and heritage of Ireland and Europe. The Christian religions have made great contributions in the areas of art, literature, music, philosophy, ethics, law, reason, human rights, and architecture. Christian religions and heritage gave us the ethical, moral and philosophical foundation and values which led to human rights, the value of human dignity, the abolition of slavery, the start of modern democracy, the desire for self determination and national sovereignty, the right to due process in law, republican ideals, and the Enligthenment. These values and ideals have evolved over time, and are still evolving.

By contrast, the atheist and nihilistic and materialistic values of the last 150 years have given humanity dictatorships of the left wing and right wing, abuses of human rights, genocides, deliberate famines, higher crime rates, family breakdowns, degeneracy, addictions, selfishness, lack of meaning and purpose, corruption in politics and the legal system, and bankuptcy in financial terms, economic terms, social and moral terms. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

30. Private organisations pretending to be state bodies
There is growing public concern over allegations that certain state bodies are registered as private corporations or corporation soles. This has the effect of hiding corruption, corrupt practises and wrong doing by politicians and state workers, and blocking personal accountability. And these "corporations" behave as private corporations, enriching themselves while not having to disclose acocunts, sources of funding, investors, conflicts of interest, etc.. And there are allegations that birth certificates are securitised debt instruments and registered corporations and are being used as trading instruments or securities to enrich unscrupulous investors. This will need to be rectified through intensive investigations using existing bodies and the new structures of accountability and whistleblowers to establish the facts and evidence and present them before courts and tribunals.

Corporations or Businesses will no longer be deemed individuals in law. They will be classified as private organisations and be subjected to different laws and requirements than individuals. They will also be made subject to the Common Good and Public Interest, and have responsibilities in that regard.

This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws and amendments to Human Rights laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 16 months

31 Statues which uplift the Irish people and nation
The spire in the centre of Dublin city in Ireland is a monstrosity, is ugly and a disgrace, and is a monument put up by a disgraced ex prime minister of Ireland. We will knock it and demolish it and all that it represents and replace it with a monument to the Irish working class, ordinary working people, including farmers, who worked hard and honestly to build up Ireland. We will celebrate integrity and decency. And build another monument to the heroes of 1916 and the war of Independence. People who believed in freedom, democracy and national sovereignty. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 18 months

32. Environmental Accountability
The poisoning of food, water, air and products has contributed to the healthcare and hospitals crisis in Ireland and other countries. Those people, businesses and organisations both state and private responsible for poisoning food, water, air and products would he held to account in the courts and in the press and media. We will ensure this accountability and establish new structures and new policies of accountability, transparency and responsibility for protection of food, water and air. Nobody should have the right to poison large numbers of people and get away with it through false, misleading and superficial arguments about deregulation, no state interference, free enterprise, etc..Corporate executives, big bank executives and government ministers certainly would not like themselves and their families and children to be poisoned, and die or suffer in terms of Cancers and other chronic illnesses.

We will support clean drinking water, air and products and accountability in this area. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - 24 months

33. Peace not more wars
History continues to show us that corrupt leaders cause wars and/or cause and intensify the tensions which lead to wars and regime changes. Corrupt leaders create corrupt alliances and Globalist organisations to intimidate, antagonise, undermine and threaten other nations. Corrupt leaders support 'regime changes' and lies to justify wars. And Political parties are easy to bribe, corrupt and compromise. Globalist wars for profit, natural resources, and geo-political domination have been very common over the last 30 years. They are similar to the imperialist wars of the 1700's and 1800's. The pictures below give one an idea of the failure of politicians and political parties over the last 40 years.

The corrupt press and media actively promotes wars and conflicts. They lie to and deceive the generla public and act as propaganda agents for war mongers. See video below.

We need radical changes within nations and between nations at the international level to create a more peaceful world. Governments formed by anti corruption independents who are committed to democracy, freedom and justice and to international cooperation would provide a strong platform for peace worldwide. Respect for human rights and dignity would have a powerful influence nationally and internationally which would promote peace and goodwill. it would be a big improvement over the present system with its corruption, injustices, hypocrisy, disrespect, and incompetent, unethical and immoral leaders.

We will work with the EU and the sovereign nations of Europe and around the world to build peace and respect between the Europe and it's neigbours and peace between countries around the world. We will build healing between nations and between peoples and between individuals ; some examples of this healing will include healing centres, see . This will involve large scale investment in peace and in healing within nations and between nations to replace the large scale investment in weapons and wars.

The present corrupt system, supported by the main political parties and their Globalist masters is promoting war, regime changes, theft of natural resources and enrichment of global corporations and banks and their political clients, fake news, new tensions between countries, NATO over-expansion and intrusion into other countries and regions, international disrespect and paranoia, new EU armies and more military spending. The present system promotes war. They oppose and reject healing centres and the healing of peoples and nations, while they profit from wars, conflicts and regime changes which are destroying humanity.

We will ensure Ireland maintains its neutrality and be a force with many other nations for peace, justice. human rights, sovereign rights, and human dignity worldwide. This will involve new Constitutional amendments and laws.

Time Scale: 2 - 3 months of strategic planning
Implementation: 12 months - several years

By Joining Anti Corruption Alliance and working for them, you are helping Ireland and the Irish move from slavery and corruption to being a free, democratic, prosperous, empowered, and sovereign people. You become empowered.


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