Corruption in the Legal System and Policing. Breaches of Constitutional Rights and Human Rights and Civil Rights which affect most people and may affect you. When you are deprived of basic rights and basic justice under law, then you are a slave.
There is a massive amount of evidence of corruption in the Irish legal system and Policing system. Some of this discussed in the Corruption Problem section of this web site.
the Disclosures Tribunal involving Garda Maurice McCabe. Nobody went to jail for serious crimes. All covered up.
the Morris Tribunal, the Flood Tribunal, McCracken Tribunal, Mahon Tribunal and Moriarty Tribunal all exposed crimes and corruption among politicians, government ministers, the police, the DPP's office and the courts. And most of these crimes have not been prosecuted in the courts.
the sexual abuse and murder of thousands of children in Industrial Schools, Reformatories, Orphanages, Mother and Baby homes and Religious Institutions, and the Magdalene Laundries AND the cover ups of these crimes. A legal system and political system which is in disrepute and not fit for purpose.
the cover ups of crimes of the rich and powerful including the Mary Boyle case in Donegal, and the cover up of the murder of Fr. Niall Molloy in Offaly
the 1924 act concerning Irish courts was not commenced so therefore the district and circuit courts have no legal standing in law.
the crime crisis and the courts crisis where violent criminals are allowed to walk free or receive soft sentences such as ‘community service’ or 'bound to the peace' or 'non prosecution' or 'payments to the poor box'. This empowers criminals to commit more and more crimes.
refusal of senior gardai and the DPP to prosecute state employees, senior civil servants, and politicians involved in
crimes and corruption
cover ups of elite paedophile rings in Ireland and abroad
which abuse children and kill them and are involved in trafficking women and children
cover ups of serious crimes and harassment and assaults of innocent people by criminals on the orders of
senior gardai and the DPP.
Corrupted Courts
the corruption in the legal system, courts and police where many thousands of people have been deprived of justice under law, crimes gone un-investigated and unprosecuted,
crime victims are ignored, and innocent people framed for crimes
The evidence across Ireland shows some courts are rigged, verdicts are rigged, puppets and false witnesses put in place, and perjuries are deciding court cases and going unpunished and plenty of fob offs and misdirections for those people seeking justice under law.
no separation of power and function between the police and the prosecutor. The police can act as or represent the prosecutor in district court cases. This can and has led to malicious and wrongful prosecutions.
witness and whistleblower accounts that election boxes were illegally interfered with during elections
there is no separation of powers between executive, legislative and judiciary. The executive controls the legislative, the judiciary and the press and media. This is unConstitutional and unlawful.
accountants, lawyers and most bankers were not prosecuted and jailed for false financial reporting and audits, false accounting, accounting frauds, and other financial crimes over the last 30 years. Indeed their crimes were ignored by police, prosecutors and politicians
the creation of money out of nothing by the banks and lending this to the general public, businesses and the government. Fraudulent mortgages based on money created out of nothing by the banks. The banks offer no financial consideration in such contracts. If anybody else did this they would be jailed for counterfeiting and fraud.
the blocking of justice in thousands of criminal cases and the stonewalling of victims of crime by the state
the closure of police stations and post offices in rural Ireland and the explosion in rural crime. This was done to pay for the bail out of corrupt bankers, property developers, speculators, hedge funds and bondholders.
NoConstitutional Oversight
All state bodies and agencies and those businesses and organisations which contract with the state are not subject to Constitutional oversight. Breaches of the Constitution and Constitutional rights are ignored and fobbed off.
The Irish people have been denied their Constitutional status as the supreme authority in Ireland and are treated as slaves.
The Irish Constitution itself has several contradictions, conflicts and ommissions within it which have not been dealt with. The original Constitution of 1937 had 63 articles and 13 of these were removed in 1941. These are known as the '13 Transitory Provisions'. Yet these articles are still legally binding. It is unlawful, illegal and irregular to conceal these Constitutional articles from the Irish public who are the ultimate authority according to the Irish Constitution. The general public should be made aware of what they voted for and what all of the Constitutional articles are and of what articles are legally binding. And the Irish language version of the 63 article Constitution of 1937 is not available to the general public even though Irish is the first language of the Irish state and republic.
The denial of Constitutional rights and freedoms to the Irish people in the period 2020 - 2022 and new plans and proposals to inflict further denials of these rights in the future
using false, misleading, deceptive and manipulated versions of the 'common good' or 'benefit of the people' in Article 6 of the Constitution need to be addressed here.
Article 6.1 of the Irish Constitution mentions 'mas is gabad cun leas an pobail' in old Gaelic Irish (Clo Gaelach scrip) or ' mar is chun leasa an phobail' in modern Irish, translated 'as necessary for the benefit of the people' or 'as necessary for the benefit of the community' or 'according to the requirements of the common good'. The context of this phrase is important.
Modern Irish translation of
Article below
1. Is ón bpobal, faoi Dhia, a thagas gach cumhacht riala, idir reachtaíocht is comhallacht is breithiúnas, agus is ag an bpobal atá sé de cheart rialtóirí an Stáit a cheapadh, agus is faoin bpobal faoi dheoidh atá gach ceist i dtaobh beartas an Náisiúin a shocrú de réir mar is gá chunleasa an phobail.
This is a highly controversial term as it can be misinterpreted many ways to deny Constitutional rights to the general public. The private interests and profit interests of big business, globalists, government ministers, senior civil servants and lobbyists can be deliberately misinterpreted and misrepresented as for the 'benefit of the people' or 'common good'. The facts and evidence from tribunals, court cases, state and private investigations, whistleblower reports, etc. clearly show that corruption was and still is a prominent part of Irish politics. Conflicts of interest dominate Irish politics. And this corruption affects their laws, statutory instruments and policies. Corruption means that the 'common good' or 'benefit of the people' is abused, misused, and misrepresented to serve corrupt private interests. This is NOT for the benefit of the people or common good as stated in the Irish Constitution. It is for the benefit of private business interests, corrupt politicians, civil servants, and lobbyists, and this is a very important point. Denying Constitutional rights and freedoms on this basis is an outrageous abuse of the Irish Constitution. The Constitution states that our Constitutional rights are inalienable, imprescriptable, inviolable and antecedent and cannot be taken away by politicians or statutory instruments or positive law. At present, there are no checks and balances, no effective separations of power, no structures of accountability, no independent oversight, no police or legal enforcement to determine what exactly is for the "benefit of the people" or the 'common good' and differentiate this from private business interests, profit interests, globalist interests, and corrupt political interests which misuse and manipulate these terms.
The Political party system has failed and continues to fail and it affects you and everybody The evidence is widespread and well known - Laws and policies have been constructed to benefit the lobbyists of the big political parties and party leaders and their cronies and to place you and most Irish people, and your children and grandchildren into debt slavery, tax slavery, very high costs of living, and subjected to political corruption and legal corruption and denial of justice under law. This includes
the bank bail outs costing over 80 billion euros from 2010 to the present. This benefitted politically connected bankers, property developers, rich bondholders, speculators, vulture funds, private equity funds, and hedge funds. They were bailed out by Irish taxpayers. High taxes paid by you and your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren will pay for this. A combination of debt slavery and tax slavery to enslave generations of Irish people.
the massive over-spending and wastage on public contracts, hospitals, infrastructure projects, NGO's and privatised "community centres" at national level and local levels amounting to at least 25 billion euros. All politically connected people. And this was added to the national debt.
the massive tax breaks for multinationals, vulture funds, hedge funds and banks costing the country at least 10 billion euros per year in lost tax revenues. All politically connected people. Also added to the national debt.
the accumulation of lost tax revenues due to tax evasion and avoidance by the Irish elite since the 1980's amounting to over 30 billion euros. All politically connected people. This increased the national debt.
the central banks and commercial banks which create money out of nothing and lend it to the government amounting to at least 90 billion euros. This imposes debt slavery on the Irish people and nation through fraudulent money created out of nothing. High taxes paid by you and your children and grandchildren will pay for this.
the climate change laws which impose costs of 20 billion euros per year until the year 2050 on Ireland accoding to the IMF. This includes increased higher fuel prices, higher transport costs and higher food prices for you and your family.
the 35 billion euro covid19 bail outs in 2020 and 2021 which has been added to the national debt, and will result in higher taxes for you and future generations
the covid19 bail outs led to hundreds of billions euros being printed by the ECB and this is leading to high inflation in Ireland and Europe. Money printing has been proven to lead to high inflation. This is imposing high prices and costs on you and many others.
the injuries, illnesses and disabilities caused by the covid19 vaccines are imposing high financial costs on families and on Irish taxpayers
the corruption in the legal system, policing, courts, Hospitals, HSE, Tusla, etc. detailed below impose higher costs on us all and on Irish society. Do you want this for you and your family and grandchildren ?
This has added massive amounts to the national debt, which is now over 250 billion euros or 49,000 euros for every man, woman and child in Ireland. Ireland has been bankrupted by corruption and reduced down to debt slavery.This has led to high taxes and over taxation in Ireland. These corrupt party leaders will force you and your children and grandchildren and great grandchildren to pay off this massive national debt through high taxes, more taxes, more charges and levies, and more cutbacks in health, hospitals, education, housing, etc. The people of Ireland, the voters, have been reduced down to debt slaves. The Irish people are no longer sovereign, they are debt slaves and under the rule of corrupt tyrants who are robbing you, your family and communities and robbing the Irish people and nation.
Hundreds of thousands of innocent people in Ireland have suffered from the effects of widespread Corrruption ! It is estimated that 800,000 innocent people have been directly or indirectly affected by corruption in Ireland. They have suffered
at the hands of corrupt politicians and corrupt state bodies including Tusla, the HSE, some councils, the gardai, judges, courts, dpp personnel, GSOC personnel, lawyers, barristers, the legal system, medical doctors, quangos, ngo's, monopolies, and the controlled and censored media. All of this corruption is upheld, facilitated and supported by corrupt party leaders and senior civil servants for over 50 years. Nobody is held to account, the corrupt do NOT lose their jobs, their pensions, their status, and they are not properly investigated, not prosecuted in courts, not jailed, not fined, etc. for corruption, serious crimes and wrong doing. There is no accountability in the state sector. Its widely acknlowedged internationally that Ireland is one of the most corrupt countries in the world.
The main political parties have done nothing to end this corruption for the last 50 years. In fact, the main political parties have aided and abetted this corruption, facilitated the corruption, supported the corruption, and profited from the corruption. They have failed Ireland and the Irish people. They have destroyed everything that is good in Ireland and profiteered from it.
Corruption in Politics, which includes breaches of Constitutional Rights and Human Rights and Civil Rights and the Enforcement of Debt Slavery and Tax Slavery on you which affects everybody. Corrupt politicians have turned you into slaves.
There is corruption in politics at national and local level which has led to
the Flood Tribunal, McCracken Tribunal, Mahon Tribunal and Moriarty Tribunal all exposed crimes and corruption among politicians and government ministers, and the main political parties.
It exposed the
link between property developers, big banks, big businessmen, Globalists and Irish politicians.
financial and property bubbles and crashes which enriched property developers and politicians and Globalists such as hedge funds, private equity and hedge funds, and created more bank bail outs which increased the national debt, a housing crisis, a homeless crisis, home evictions, and thousands of families living in hotels and emergency accommodation since 2009.
the banking crash in 2008 and bail out of banks and speculators, and Globalists such as hedge funds, private equity and hedge funds, amounting to over 80 billion euros which you the taxpayers are paying off and your children and grandchildren will be forced to pay off. A national debt of 250 bilion euros which is mostly money created out of nothing by big banks and the ECB. Permanent national bankruptcy - a combination of Debt Slavery and Tax Slavery.
lack of strategic planning, funding and investment in healthcare which led to the hospitals and A& E crisis, the waiting list crisis, the cervical check disasters, hepatitis disasters and other healthcare disasters. And worsened by a national debt of 250 billion euros which severely limits government investment.
the crime crisis and the courts crisis detailed in the section above were accepted and supported by the main political parties and governments in the past and present.
the sexual abuse and murder of thousands of children in Industrial Schools, Reformatories, Orphanages, Mother and Baby homes and Religious Institutions, and the Magdalene Laundries AND the cover ups of these crimes. A legal system and political system which is in disrepute and not fit for purpose.
cover ups of elite paedophile rings in Ireland and abroad
which abuse children and kill them and are involved in trafficking women and children
the over priced infrastructure projects which cost taxpayers hundreds of millions of euros extra and the kickbacks (bribes) given to politicians and civil servants
the Senate in Ireland is not democratic. Most people in Ireland cannot vote in Senate elections. Mant Senators are politically appointed. The Senate is a rotten borough controlled by narrow party interests.
evidence concerning the covid19 scandals where early treatment and safe and effective medicines were denied to patients from May 2020 onwards which led to deaths and injuries, and breached criminal laws. And the transfer of ill patients from hospitals to nursing homes and the failure to implement protection measures which led to many deaths and breached criminal laws. The covid19 frauds, lies and false diagnostics and covid19 vaccines scandal, and lockdowns which breached Constitutional rights, human rights and legal rights and criminal laws. And prolonged lockdowns which bankrupted Ireland and Irish businesses and enforced vaccine passports and discrimination which breached Constitutional rights and Human Rights and criminal laws. Scientific and legal facts and books of evidence on
And Coroners Reports and Autopsies on
and more scientific and legal evidence on US and German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich's web sites - and and and
the closure of police stations and post offices in rural Ireland and the explosion in rural crime
the neglect and deprivation of rural Ireland
with many rural towns becoming ghost towns during and after the financial crash
the resurgence of property speculators over 2014 - 2020 who were paid generous salaries by NAMA after the crash and now these speculators bought back their properties at less than 30% of their price from NAMA, costing the taxpayers billions of euros
tax scams which allow vulture funds to buy NAMA properties at less than 30% of their price and sell them for massive profits and not pay tax here costing the taxpayer tens of billions of euros, etc. etc..
These crises have existed for over 50 years. This points to continuing failures by Fianna Fail, Fine Gael and Labour. Most of these politicians have become very wealthy during this time, many of them became multi millionaires from corruption.
Scandals, Injustices and Corruption in the HSE, Hospitals, Health Systemand Tuslaand a hospital waiting list of over 500,000 people. No accountability for the illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by medical malpractise and mistakes, wrong doing and crimes in the healthcare system. People kept down in illness, despair and slavery.
Corruption in the HSE and health system. Nobody was held accountable for the healthcare disasters over the last 50 years. Examples include:
The Hepatitis C scandal
- The Bridget McCole scandal
Cervical Check scandal
- The Dr. Michael Neary and Symphysiotomy scandal
Swine flu vaccine scandal
Leas cross scandal
- The death of Savita Halappanavar
- The PPAR’s payroll computer system that went from costing €9 million to €220 million
- Covid19 scandals
Evidence concerning the covid19 scandals where early treatment and safe and effective medicines were denied to patients from May 2020 onwards which led to deaths and injuries, and breached criminal laws. And the transfer of ill patients from hospitals to nursing homes and the failure to implement protection measures which led to many deaths and breached criminal laws. The covid19 frauds, lies and false diagnostics and covid19 vaccines scandal, and lockdowns which breached Constitutional rights, human rights and legal rights and criminal laws. And prolonged lockdowns which bankrupted Ireland and Irish businesses and enforced vaccine passports and discrimination which breached Constitutional rights and Human Rights and criminal laws. Scientific and legal facts and books of evidence on
And Coroners Reports and Autopsies on
and more scientific and legal evidence on US and German lawyer Reiner Fuellmich's web sites - and and and
- The Department of Health autism dossiers scandal
- the Tusla scandals where children have been illegally removed from their parents and cases where children have been abused in care homes or by foster parents and the crimes covered up
The illegal vaccine experimentation on children in industrial schools and care homes which led to many deaths and injuries
The starvation and lack of medical treatment of children in mother and baby homes and industrial schools
- The €10 million overpayment of rent for the Department of Health’s headquarters.
- The Accident and Emergency crisis in hospitals since the late 1990's to the present day
- the neglect of chronic illnesses
in Ireland which costs the ill and the economy billions of euros per year
- a hospital waiting list of over 500,000 people
- the X Ray scandal uncovered in 2021
The death of Susie Long
The Chief Medical Officer and senior civil servants and politicians did not lose their jobs and pensions, and were not prosecuted in the criminal courts. All of this was covered up and the corrupt were fully protected. People in high positions continue in their overpaid and lucrative careers and have escaped accountability and prosecution. The A & E crisis, the long waiting lists, the false diagnostics crisis, the vaccine injuries scandal, and the hospital beds crisis has existed for over 20 years and has worsened from continuous government cutbacks since the 1980’s and a lack of strategic planning, investment and management by government.
Debt Slavery for Everybody - Banks, Money Creation Frauds, Fraudulent Debt, Speculation and Crashes, Bail outs and Massive National Debt. The present system has turned governments into beggars, begging for fraudulent money created out of nothing by banks AND created false scarcity where governments are deliberately deprived of the resources necessary to run their countries.
Money is created out of nothing by banks and lent to governments and also to businesses and individuals and families. The high taxes are being used to pay off a) the fraudulent money and debt created out of nothing by banks for many, many years and decades b) massive national debt which was increased by the banker and speculator bail outs of 2010 c) the massive covid19 bail out which was funded by banks which created the money out of nothing, costing 35 billion euros
The evidence clearly show that the present system has turned governments into beggars, begging for fraudulent money created out of nothing by banks. This has created false scarcity where governments are deliberately deprived of the resources necessary to run their countries.
97% of all money is created out of nothing by commercial banks when making loans and 3% is created out of nothing by central banks. Central banks and commercial banks create money out of nothing and lend it to governments, businesses, individuals and families. Since 1972, there is no limit to money creation as the tie to gold has been cut. Central bank money is the coins and paper currency in your pocket (and its only 3% of total money created). This money is debt created out of nothing by banks. See supporting evidence below:
This debt slavery causes the high taxes, the many charges and levies, the government austerity policies and the cutbacks to hospitals, education and other vital public services, and the excessive house prices, high and unaffordable rents and accompanying high level of evictions and homelessness. It is also behind the speculation in assets, house prices and shares, financial bubbles and crashes, massive bail outs which have cost taxpayers many billions of euros / dollars, and recessions and depressions. It is the means by which nations and peoples are destroyed and kept in debt slavery.
Corruption in the banks and money creation processes is at the core of most economic and social problems. During the Celtic Tiger years, the incompetent and corrupt Irish government, Bank Regulator and ECB in Frankfurt allowed corrupt banks to break regulations and laws and endanger Ireland in a massive speculative bubble. This led to the banking crash in 2008 and to the enforced EU bail out imposed upon Ireland by the ECB president Cluade Trichet and the Troika, where Irish taxpayers were forced to bail out European banks, speculators and bondholders, and Globalists such as vulture funds, private equity and hedge funds, at a cost of over 80 billion euros (including interest every year). This increased the national debt by over 80 billion euros - your grandchildren and great grandchildren will be forced to pay off this corrupt debt. Money is created out of nothing when a bank gives a loan or mortgage to a person and this money created out of nothing is mostly used for price speculation in property and assets, similar to a gambling casino ; this creates financial bubbles and crashes. This is a classic Ponzi scheme which has existed for over 200 years, where money created out of nothing (by banks) funded excessive speculation in property, shares, other assets, and derivative frauds, which led to bubbles and crashes. It is pure counterfeiting and fraud, and should be criminalised. Yet most politicians are ignorant about this Ponzi scheme, ignorant about money creation processes and this ignorance means a continuation of the same failed system of more banking corruption and financial bubbles and crashes.
EU Parliament Debate about Banking
Facts about Banking presented by a Professor and an Experienced London Banker
Special bank deals and court deals for the elite and politicians - write offs of millions of euros on debts. But, the banks and courts do NOT give debt write offs to ordinary Irish people and the working class and small businesses.
The banks write off many millions
of euros of debt for the elite and for politicians in Ireland. The courts also write off debt for the elite and rich. This was revealed in the banking scandals of the 1990's and early 2000's and is still being revealed today. Here is a recent news item from 2022
The banks and courts do NOT give debt write offs to ordinary Irish people and the working class and small businesses. They are not given any write offs for their debts and mortgages. If ordinary people don't pay their debts, they can have their homes repossessed, their assets seized, their bank accounts seized and they can be sent to jail. The courts are very ruthless when dealing with ordinary people and the working class. There is one law for the rich and elite and their political cronies and another law for ordinary people and the working class.
As banks create money out of nothing when making loans, they can afford to make some losses through write offs of loans. These write offs are motivated by elite interests and political interests, which have a corrupting effect on Irish society.
It allows one part of society to benefit from massive write offs and thus free money and assets while another part of society - ordinary people, the working class and small businesses are persecuted and robbed via debt slavery.
The banking system and courts are deeply unfair and are acting against ordinary people and the working class and acting against the public interest and the common good. The banks and courts are breaching Constitutional rights and Human rights and promoting the worst forms of debt slavery in Ireland.
The High Costs of Living and High Inflation
the high energy and fuel prices, high food prices, high inflation, high prices of raw materials, over priced houses, over priced rents are all caused and worsened by political corruption and incompetence
Money Printing and Lockdowns
Massive money printing between 2020 and 2022 which bailed out businesses and workers affected by the covid19 frauds and unnecessary lockdowns Combined with a large reduction in production caused a big rise in inflation today. History has proven that large scale money printing leads to high inflation. And this inflation is worsened if there is no increase in production. There are many published scientific studies about this. The high costs of living are badly affecting working class people and communities and the middle class and small and medium sized businesses. Corrupt and incompetent politicians and governments are destroying Ireland and whole economies and nations.
(b) No Energy Security
Higher Fuel Prices driving many Irish businesess into bankruptcy and forcing many families into fuel poverty. Higher Fuel prices is also leading to higher transport costs and higher food prices and high inflation.
The main political parties have supported policies which impose higher energy costs on everyone. These policies include
Most of our fuel comes from the Middle East, the west coast of Ireland, Europe, Asia, and North America not from Russia but politicians and Globalists falsely claim that Russia is our biggest fuel supplier and that the war is causing fuel inflation. Big Energy Cartels and speculators are artifically driving up fuel prices, using the Russian-Ukraine war as an excuse, and profiteering from this. Speculation has become the dominant economic activity in most western countries.
The carbon taxes and other taxes on energy and restrictions on the use of fuels have led to high fuel costs, transport costs and food costs in Ireland.
(iii) Supporting
speculators in oil and petroleum who manipulate their prices for profit. Many of these speculators operate tax free in Ireland and Europe.
(iv) Support for Globalist intimidation of countries, Globalist conflicts, wars and regime changes, and Globalist expansion of alliances which badly affect energy prices
Support for the massive money printing which bailed out businesses and people affected by the covid19 frauds which caused a rise in inflation today. History has proven that money printing leads to high inflation. This in turn affects energy prices.
The higher costs of living and higher inflation are hurting working class people, farmers and business people. You are suffering from these higher prices. This is very damaging to families and communities. Countries such as China, India and many countries in Asia and Africa do not have to abide by these climate change taxes and charges and higher inflation. Why should we ?
The energy policy of the green party and fianna fail and fine gael is a disaster and imposing higher fuel prices and food prices and massive costs on Irish families and Irish businesses and industry.
Previous governments and the main political parties have NOT invested enough in green energies and green transport and are imposing panic policies on the Irish public which is leading to higher prices. Their mad rush to impose new energy taxes and energy restrictions have had a disastrous effect on fuel prices, food prices, inflation, on businesses and farmers, and the Irish economy. Top Scientists disagree with this climate emergency and panic measures and many are advocating for a gradual transition to greener energy over 80 years or longer while keeping energy costs low.
The Climate Change panic was started by a Maurice Strong who had no scientific qualifications in the 1970's. He worked in the UN and had made millions of dollars from the oil and gas industry in North America. Many predictions have been made about climate disaster by him and others in the UN and in academia and they have all proved to be false. Some information about Maurice Strong below:
Massive grants are given to Universities and think tanks to promote this climate change panic, and to create false models and false predictions which have been widely used but not subjected to critical analysis, audits, and public scrutiny. Open public debate and scientific debate on this topic has been blocked and censored in many countries. They continue to peddle false theories and panic around climate change, while ignoring the science of climate change over thousands of years. They have created a false panic around climate change which some billionaries and corporations are profiteering from. Politicians are using this climate change panic to implement tyrannical political policies which are bankrupting farmers, businesses, organisations and families in many countries. And creating mass poverty and deaths. The carbon taxes and related policies are pushing up the price of food, fuel and basic household items, contributing to high inflation. This combines with the massive money printing (by the same people pushing the climate change panic ) to push up inflation more. We are being governed by criminals and incompetent fools.
Professor Jordan Peterson gives an important interview about climate panic and the psychological issues and economic issues involved
(c) Destruction of Rural Irelandand of Food Security
The main political parties have supported policies which have damaged and destroyed rural Ireland
the closure of banks, post offices, police stations and public services in rural Ireland
since 2011
restrictive planning laws which block young people and young families from building on their family lands or locally
Big Cartels in the agricultural sector which pay farmers too little for agricultural goods and then sell these products at inflated prices for massive profits. This is enriching the Cartels, impoverishing farmers and leading to higher food prices..
the main parties have refused to invest in rural Ireland and in increased tillage of land and value added services and in farmer owned coops and in food security
for Ireland
ineffective and unsafe water supplies in rural areas
carbon taxes which are imposing higher costs on farmers and this leads to higher prices
(d) High taxes and too many taxes and levies and charges in Ireland. Over-taxation creates slaves out of ordinary working people and business people. Ireland is over taxed. You are over taxed. You and us all are being robbed.
This is being used to pay off the massive national debt which is mostly money created out of nothing by banks. And the fraudulent debt was itself used to pay for fraudulent policies, lockdowns and over-priced contracts. And this was increased by the banker and speculator bail outs of 2010 and austerity measures, the fraudulent money and debt creation system which traps governments and nations in debt, and the covid19 bail out. You are paying too much tax and too many taxes, levies and charges. The Irish people and nation are being robbed to pay for frauds. Your wages and salaries and profits which is your hard earned money is being robbed from you every week and month. This is a legal fact and a scientific fact. The incompetent politicians and main political parties are too stupid to understand this and they "go along with it" and think robbery and theft is "normal". This needs to change radically.
Housing Crisis, a housing waiting list of over 120,000 people, and over 15,000 Homeless Irish people. High Rents and Evictions similar to the 1800's.A return to the Landlordism and Slavery of the 1800's.
The homeless crisis emerged from
the creation of many billions of euros of monies out of nothing by the banks for the purpose of speculating in house prices and commercial property prices. This has drove house prices up too high and made them unaffordable to ordinary people, workers and families. Globalists such as large vulture funds, hedge funds, private equity funds and corporates have access to massive loans at low interest rates to outbid everybody else in the housing markets. They are interested in speculating in house prices not living in houses. And the Irish government have given generous incentives and tax breaks to these vulture funds, private equity and hedge funds also known as 'Globalists'.
the lack of investment in social housing during the Celtic Tiger years and after the financial crash in 2008.
The bail out of banks and speculators which bankrupted Ireland after 2008 greatly reduced the money available for social housing.
banks which are empowered to create many billions of euros out of nothing, in the form of electronic credits, and then create debt slaves out of governments and businesses and families. The 250 billion euro national debt which has bankrupted Ireland blocked investment in social housing and incentives for affordable private housing and serviced lands.
the blocks to planning permission in urban and rural areas and the refusal of state bodies to provide more serviced land. These provide corrupt incentives to lobbyists and crooked politicians.
city councils and county councils and state bodies hoarding valuable sites of land and derelict buildings and refusing to use them for housing for many years and decades
the corrupted banking and money creation
processes and accompanying speculation processes which created severe instability in the housing market and destroyed it in the crash of 2008.
banks and auctioneers and property developers who manipulate the housing crises for profit and use their political connections to ensure political and government support
governments blindly throwing billions of euros at failed 'housing solutions' which produce over priced houses which are unaffordable and massive profits for property speculators, auctioneers and banks.
the covid19 scandal shut down housing construction and investment in new housing for over 2 years
the massive rise in population since 2012 and the refusal of the government to invest in social housing and provide incentives for affordable private housing combined with the greed of the big banks who are involved in property price speculation and the funding of hedge funds and speculators.
the incompetence of Irish politicians and government and their inability to devise housing solutions. Many of these elected politicians are landlords and have made fortunes from renting and speculating in property. Gombeenism is dominant in Irish politics.
City councils and county councils refused to allow public land and property to be used for social housing and affordable housing. The refusal to build social housing, combined with the corrupted planning processes, the hoarding of land and property by speculators and by incompetent state officials, the inability to provide zoned and serviced land at affordable prices, the inability to implement the Kenny Report and engage in strategic compulsory purchase orders, and the corrupt house price speculation processes which overprices property and land has created a housing crisis and homeless crisis. This corruption is endemic and is destroying many Irish families and individuals. Also, the childish and infantile Neo Liberal economics followed by some corrupt and incompetent politicians promotes over priced, price rigged private housing and hoarding speculation as the solution to the housing crisis
Evictionssimilar to the 1800'ss
The over priced and rigged rents and house prices which are crippling our young generation and depriving them of home ownership and the mass evictions which are attacking the family. These high rents and high house prices are rigged by Globalist firms such as Big Corporates (vulture funds, hedge funds, private equity funds), big speculators and big banks, most of whom have tax free status and have the full support of the Irish government. This speculation in house prices and rents is fed by big banks which create money out of nothing (in the form of loans) and give this to Globalist Vulture Funds, Private Equity funds, Hedge Funds, and big Speculators. This is known as the 'Cantillon effect' in economics where speculators get first preference in all new money created by private banks and central banks. And these same speculators and organisations fund and control many corrupt politicians and parties. This price rigging also encourages the build up of debt as ordinary people borrow more just to survive and this feeds the debt slavery mentioned earlier. This is Globalism's effects on home prices, rents, home and family security.
The same economic processes which caused the Land crisis and evictions and Irish Famine in Ireland in the 1800's exist today in the 21st century. Globalism which is the New Imperialism and its speculators and political puppets enforce this tyranny of high house prices, rents, and evictions. The law enables speculators to bid up the prices of various types of properties, assets and derivatives to unrealistic levels and unsustainable levels, and to engage in many types of fraud and criminality to achieve this. The law also allows retail banks and central banks to create money out of nothing and use it to create debt to keep driving up the prices of properties, assets and derivatives to unrealistic levels, and create massive bubbles. Having drawn in millions of customers into over-priced mortgages based on speculation, widespread frauds, and other criminal activities mentioned above, they trap people, businesses and families in massive personal debt, family debt and business debt. When the crash comes as it did in 2008, millions of people lost their jobs or their businesses. Then to worsen matters, the brutal austerity programmes by governments to bail out banks and financial institutions in the middle of a recession forced up unemployment levels and business failures - and this led to even more evictions. Families forced into unemployment or poverty could not pay for their homes, and the banks repossessed them. Businesses forced into bankruptcy by the crash and government austerity policies had their businesses closed down, properties seized and assets stripped by the banks. The banks, hedge funds, bond holders, vulture capitalists and speculators moved in to asset strip home owners, families and buisnesses ; buying up repossessed homes and business assets at very low prices (30% or more below the original purchasing price) and hold them for a few years or decades to make big profits from rent and sell at a massive profit.
Thus the price of homes, assets and derivatives were deliberately manipulated by fraud and criminal means to create unrealistic and unsustainable prices, which had the final effect of stripping homes from families and assets from viable businesses. Vast numbers of people and businesses were defrauded, robbed and destroyed by this criminality.
Courts and judges need to examine in more detail the validity of these illegal loan contracts (banks lend something they do not have), the fraudulent creating of money out of nothing and lending it out, the illegal charging of interest, and the illegal securitisation of these illegal loans, and the fraudalent manipulation of house prices and asset prices to cause the crime of debt slavery and ultimately the theft of property from the masses.
Monopoly Capitalism which enslaves people
We live in monopoly markets which are rigged not free markets
Extensive research and the evidence reveals that a few big private equity firms own most shares in the world's largest corporations and banks. Blackrock, State street, Vanguard own the world's largest corporations, big banks, and hedge funds and vast amounts of real estate in the biggest cities in the world. They have multiple cross shareholdings. They are worth over $50 trillion and continue to grow and expand. They secretly own competitors in the marketplace which appear to compete against each other. Small and medium sized businesses are continuously being taken over or bought out by them in developed countries worldwide. In Ireland, vast amounts of real estate and property and the big global corporations are owned by these three private equity firms. They are responsible for the high price of goods and services, the high rent prices, the high house prices and the high fuel prices, etc. as they have the power to manipulate and rig markets. They are 'Globalists' and they exercise considerable power and influence over governments in Europe and North America and Asia.
Watch this great educational video which shows how they own the world through multiple cross shareholdings of large and medium sized corporations, hedge funds and banks. Click on picture below.
Most Irish people do not know the Irish Constitution, their Irish Constitutional rights, their human rights, their sovereign rights, their civil rights, and their legal rights and their right to due process and fair procedure. If you don't know your rights, then you are a slave.
This keeps the people in a state of ignorance and slavery. All voters should have a minimum standard of education and knowledge about their rights. This would ensure a properly functioning democracy where rights and freedom are respected, protected and defended.
The Destruction of Irish National Sovereignty and Irish Culture. The dominance of Globalism, the new Imperialism in Ireland and other countries.
The 1916 Proclamation one of the founding documents of the Irish state stated:
We declare the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies, to be sovereign and indefeasible................................"
The Democratic Programme of the First Dail in 1919 declared
'We declare in the words of the Irish Republican Proclamation the right of the people of Ireland to the ownership of Ireland, and to the unfettered control of Irish destinies to be indefeasible, and in the language of our first President, Pádraíg Mac Phiarais, we declare that the Nation's sovereignty extends not only to all men and women of the Nation, but to all its material possessions, the Nation's soil and all its resources, all the wealth and all the wealth-producing processes within the Nation, and with him we reaffirm that all right to private property must be subordinated to the public right and welfare.'
They did not declare Ireland to be a vassal state or servant state of the European Union and the WHO and Globalists and controlled by them. They did not state that Ireland was to be owned and controlled by foreigners and have a foreign culture imposed upon Ireland. Yet, the main political parties in Ireland have done this, they have made Ireland into a vassal state or servant state of the European Union and the WHO and Globalists and controlled by them and let foreigners impose foreign culture on Ireland. They have destroyed Irish national sovereignty and Irish culture.
Since 1992, Ireland has lost it's national sovereignty. The Irish government (representing the sovereign Irish people) have lost control of
our own Irish currency
- the creation of new money in Ireland. The government has to beg for their own money from the ECB and foreign banks
and this leads to more national debt
- Irish fiscal policies and monetary policies. These have to be approved by foreign bureaucrats and politicians first.
their government expenditure and investment policies and social policies
public investment policies
their housing policies
healthcare and education expenditure policies and capabilities
control of the Irish banking system
their government borrowings system (now rely on ECB and international banks and bondholders)
their bail out capabilities for resolving financial crashes, economic crashes, pandemics and other crises
the Irish fisheries area
their farming policies
the national border and immigration policies
- the bankrupting of Ireland by the EU and ECB. The EU instigated money printing and speculation mania led to the crash of 2008 and bankrupted Ireland and then the EU and ECB forced Ireland to bail out 42% of the EU banking system and many rich bondholders. This cost Ireland 80 billion euros in direct and indirect costs and bankrupted Ireland.
- Irish laws
which are over-ruled by EU laws
- loss of the jurisdiction of the Irish courts and Irish Constitution
loss of Irish neutrality through membership of NATO's 'partnership for peace' and the new EU army
Ireland's foreign affairs policies
Irish trade policies (which is greatly affected by Brexit).
The Irish Government have lost most of their powers. They are no longer a government ; Ireland has been reduced down to a vassal state of the federalist European Union. And there are ongoing efforts by the EU to take over all Irish taxation policies. This loss of national sovereignty is serious.
EU federalism has destroyed national sovereignty and democracy and freedom in Europe and turned it into centralised control structure, controlled by unelected bureaucrats, a Communist state comparable to the USSR. National governments elected by the people have no control, no power, and are mere vassal states or servants of bureaucrats in Brussels and globalist organisations such as the WHO.
Disgraceful speech by Irish political leader, Michael Martin, where he rejects and opposes Irish national sovereignty
For hundreds of years Ireland and the Irish struggled to get national sovereignty, and this involved a long fight against British Imperialism. Today, some Irish politicians reject and oppose Irish national sovereignty ; this is a disgrace. Globalism is a continuation of the Imperialism and Colonialism of the past. Examples of Globalists were the empires of the British, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Ottoman, Mongolians, Romans of the past, the German nazis, the Soviet Union and its empire, etc. Wealthy elites imposed and benefitted from these empires - enforcing this imperialist or globalist system on nations and peoples for many centuries. Globalists have always dreamed of global dominance and this continues today.
Globalism - the new Imperialism
Globalism is the new Imperialism. It is also a form of colonialism or neo colonialism. The facts and evidence prove this. The European Union has become a dictatorship, a Globalist institution, a new empire. Globalism has the same desire for empire and global domination as previous empires in history. Globalists are federalist organisations such as UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, the WEF, the EU, and large mulitnational private equiry firms such as Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard which own most shares in the world's biggest corporations, large hedge funds, and banks who dominate countries and governments worldwide. They enjoy monopoly and cartel status, and rig markets on a national level and global level and prevent the free market from expressing itself. Research shows a vast network of cross shareholdings between the largest central and commercial banks and mega corporations and big hedge funds and private equity firms, press and media giants, and Internet giants.
Watch this great educational video about the Globalists and how they own the world through multiple cross shareholdings of large and medium sized corporations, hedge funds and banks. Click on picture below.
Several governments and leading academics around the world are very suspicious of the motives and plans of the World Economic Forum (WEF). The threat to national sovereignty and democracy and Constitutions is very real. The leader of the WEF, Mr. Schwab has publicly stated that he wants a 'Great Reset' which will end the sovereignty of nations and democracy and freedom, and bring in 'transhumanism' and a '4th industrial revolution'.
The World Economic Forum (WEF) has powerful members such as leaders of the UN, WHO, IMF, World Bank, the EU, and large mulitnational private equity firms such as Blackrock, State Street and Vanguard which own most shares in the world's biggest corporations, large hedge funds, and banks who dominate countries and governments worldwide. This enables the WEF to influence, manipulate and dominate governments and politicians wolrdwide. The World Economic Forum (WEF) acts as a meeting place and international coordination point for these large Globalist firms and banks and organisations and governments and politicians. Policies and actions are developed, planned and decided here.
Schwab wrote a book about this. This 'Great Reset' and 4th industrial revolution and it involves :
gene editing of humans through medical drugs, vaccines, and other measures. For the purposes of more control over them. This has been publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.
microchips and nanochips in the human body via medical drugs, vaccines, implants and other measures. A trans-humanism for control purposes. This has been publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.
increased state control and more surveillance of people through nanochips in human bodies, facial recognition cameras on streets, mobile phones, bank cards, Digital ID's, vaccine passports, social media monitoring etc. etc. This has bee n publicly stated by WEF leaders and members. Loss of privacy, individual autonomy, Human Rights and Constitutional rights.
use of new Digital ID's similar to vaccine passports to monitor people and for analytics and control purposes
big globalist firms and cartels buying up massive amounts of agricultural land and this land lying idle, unused and untilled leading to huge reductions in the food supply. This is being done to 'reduce carbon emissions' etc.
Ending the use of cash and forcing people to use electronic money
In 2022, some Irish banks announced that they would not be using cash anymore and would be cashless. This is part of a larger plan internationbally. The use of Electronic or Digital Money created out of nothing by central banks will be linked to the Social Credit systems and used by the state to reward or punish citizens. This will be the key factor behind Totalitarian control and government.
Chinese styleSocial Credit System
Implement the Chinese styleSocial Credit System which uses surveillance technologies to control people's behaviour, and reward or punish people. Also being introduced under the term 'universal basic income. This is already happening in China in 2021 and 2022. The Chinese have combined cctv cameras on streets, roads and shops with facial recognition technologies and mobile phone tracking and artificial intelligence technology with digitial money and ID's and the new Social Credit system to put the Chinese population under surveillance and brutally enforce Communism and dictatorship. The WEF and Globalists are hoping to copy this system and implement it in Europe and North America and South America and gradually worldwide.
use of Artificial Intelligence technologies to oversee, process and enforce the surveillance system, the Social Credit System and totalitarian control. This is being done at the moment in Europe and North America.
The WEF leaders and members have publicly praised China and its Communist system. They promote use of the communist government of China as a role model for governments and nations worldwide and for a 'new world order'. Both the state and a tiny elite will have total control over people in this new system. This is the world portrayed in the '1984' book and film written by George Orwell.
The WHO has taken over the health policies of many nations, including Ireland, destroying their national sovereignty. The new WHO treaty will reinforce this control by WHO. Manipulation of health politics by the WHO is one of the main weapons of the Globalists
many breaches of Constitutional rights, Sovereign people rights, Civil rights and Human rights
under false pretexts including misuse and manipulation of terms such as the 'common good' and 'public interest' to destroy Constitutions and human rights. Loss of these rights over time, and the introduction of totalitarian societies and government. Corrupted courts and judges to uphold these abuses.
the WEF Young Global Leaders Program has been used to groom young business people and young highly qualified people with political ambitions and young elected politicians and prepare them to serve the WEF's agenda when they get into government. Penetration into governments is the key factor according to it's founder Klaus Schwab. The WEF Young Global Leaders Program has political leaders and Ministers and politicians from Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, USA, Russia, Britain, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, the EU Parliament and EU Commission, Greece, Denmark, Slovenia and few countries in Africa, Asia and South America.
The WEF also has
top executives from big corporations, banks and the press and media and they assist these Young Global Leaders in terms of funding, business connections, mentoring, and exposure in the press and media.
the strategic use of crises to implement many of the WEF measures to an unsuspecting public ; Schwab's famous quote is "never let a crisis go to waste".
These crises involve pandemics, lockdowns, closure of businesses, vast reductions in goods and services, experimental vaccines, high excess mortality, massive money printing by central banks and commercial banks to bail out banks and speculators or for lockdown purposes, money printing leading to high inflation, deliberate food shortages, manipulation of fuel prices and very high fuel costs, speculative bubbles followed by massive economic crashes, recessions, depressions, more bankruptcies and dispossessions, excessive debt and national bankruptcies, wars and conflicts, etc.. These create mass fear, panic, vulnerability and desperation and a public demand for more control and false security.
disempowerment and dispossession of the people through crises and reactions to them.
Schwab has another famous quote - "you will own nothing and be happy" and this is one of the objectives of the Great Re-set. The proposed 39th amendment to the Irish Constitution in 2022 which is detailed below follows this dangerous trend.
This is a tyranny on a par with Hitler's regime and Stalin's regime in the past. The Young Leaders program of the WEF contains many political leaders worldwide who are implementing this plan in their own countries. His book 'The Great Re-set' outlines this plan.
The tyranny of Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin
is returning under the guise of the Great Re-set, Transhumanism, Social Credit, Debt Slavery, Globalism and the New World Order
This video by a liberal American presents the facts and evidence and WEF plan in a risqué manner
This move towards totalitarianism and the subversion and destruction of democracy, national sovereignty and freedoms in western countries is well
described in this video.
The Globalists control the Deep State in the USA and other countries . The WHO which is funded and controlled by billionaire Bill Gates can start "pandemics" or versions of them and control the response of governments to them worldwide. This includes use of fraudulent diagnostics to create fake pandemics and opportunities for profiterring from rushed and untested vaccines. The new WHO treaty due to be passed by all governments by Spring 2023 will give the WHO complete control over the pandemic policies and health policies of over 100 governments worldwide. This gives them the WHO the power to declare pandemics and health emergencies and to implement lockdowns, destroy Constitutional rights, Civil Rights and Human Rights, and national sovereignty, and enforce communist policies in Ireland and many other countries worldwide. It gives the Globalists a new level of control. The Globalist organisation - World Economic Forum (WEF) is another major player and coordinates with the WHO and other Globalist bodies. The World Economic Forum (WEF) has several political leaders and government ministers from many countries in it, leaders from the EU, other trading blocs, the WTO, the WHO, the IMF and World bank, and multi billionaires and the executives of top corporations, hedge funds and banks in it, and they use their meetings to coordinate Globalist agendas worldwide. They are known as the 'Davos clique' as they regularly meet in Davos.
They have vast money, power, resources, and political influence and actively use this to coordinate together and to force their agendas on countries. And they have publicly stated that they do this in the press and media. Some may call this treason. These Globalists instigate wars, coups, conflicts, "Regime Changes", false allegations of "weapons of mass destruction", invasions of countries on false pretexts, civil wars, false flag terrorist attacks, social conflict, etc.. They also instigate pandemics and health emergencies and are well known to instigate speculative booms and busts, the movement of vast sums of money - trillions of euros / dollars across borders, recessions and depressions, inflation and deflation, and put countries into massive debt - all of this is done to gain control of natural resources and governments and peoples. These Globalists or Imperialists are destroying the national sovereignty of nations and they have publicly stated in the press and media that their aim is to build a so called 'New World Order' - a global dictatorship run by them.
George Orwell, the famous author, warned us about Globalism and its Communist forms of controlling the people
Vast Wastage of Taxpayer’s Money. Enrichment of special interests.
Massive wastage of taxpayers money in the area of healthcare, hospitals and consultants, community centres, infrastructure projects which are
massively over priced and the kickbacks (bribes) given to some politicians and civil servants
overcharging in the provision of general services and products to the government or state bodies
providing poor quality services to the public
not fit for purpose
abuses of social welfare which include vast wastage on alcohol abuse, illegal drug abuse and criminal activity
supporting the corrupt wars and ‘regime changes’ of the USA and other countries, and paying for the refugee crises, forced migrations, and humanitarian disasters, and the provision of scarce resources
the provision of over-priced legal and accountancy services to government bodies and tribunals
the accumulation of massive national debt to pay for the bail out of banks and speculators, and the provision of very cheap, under priced NAMA properties to speculators and vulture funds who operate tax free.
High Crime Rates and drug addictions in every village and town
The main political parties and senior civil servants are responsible for the massive increase in crime over the last 20 years. There are illegal drugs in every city, town, village and rural area of Ireland and drug gangs are involved in vicious and violent feuds involving guns, knives, iron bars, incenidary devices and explosives. This is getting worse every year. Rapes and murders have risen to historical highs in recent years. There is anti social behaviour in most communities around Ireland and many people including possibly yourself no longer feel safe in your own communities. There is sexual abuse, grooming gangs, child and women trafficking, and elite paedophile rings are widespread, and are not being properly investigated and prosecuted due to "lack of garda resources" and "lack of funding" and "over crowded prisons" and soft sentences by judges which encourage more crimes. And there is evidence of cover ups of many serious crimes. The crime problem has been ignored by elected politicians, gardai, DPP and judges, and allowed to fester and worsen. Ireland has been turned into a sewer of crime, corruption, cover ups, and filth !
Press and Media and Failure to Investigate and Expose Corruption
The press and media has failed to report on many cases of corruption in politics, the legal system, the policing system, the banks, the health system etc. This was especially true during the covid19 scandals from 2020 to 2022. They are not holding people and organisations to account. Press and media ownership has become highly concentrated in Ireland and those persons who control it have close relationships with corrupt polticians, senior civil servants, and state officials, bankers and speculators, and actively block or cover up news stories of corruption, abuses and injustices by these people. Journalists who try to expose corruption in the press and media have been threatened, blackmailed, slandered, undermined, and fired from their jobs.
The press and media
have been censored since 2020 and they played key role in propaganda to deprive people of their Constitutional rights, human rights and civil rights, and in promoting mass formation and totalitarianism. The famous Belgian psychologist and University Professor explains this in the video below.
A new Constitutional amendment and laws giving the state permission to seize private property, including your property, to further Globalist objectives and Communist objectives. The WEF has stated that "you will own nothing and be happy".
This "delimiting" of private property was introduced into Dail Eireann in Spring 2022. This is being done for the so called "Common Good"
and in the "Public Interest" which are vague and ambiguous terms. This will be used to enforce compulsory purchase orders to take homes, property, houses and land off Irish people. It will disposess Irish people and give properties to favoured groups and multicultural groups in Irish society so as to further Globalist objectives and Communist objectives. This is the proposed Constitutional amendment below.
If this Constitutional amendment is passed, this will enable new laws and policies to be implemented to disposess Irish people of their homes and land and dispossess businesses of their properties. This Constitutional amendment has coincided with a massive increase in migration into Ireland in 2021 and 2022 due to wars, famines, poverty, injustices and the destructive effects of lockdowns worldwide, all caused by Globalists, and massive housing shortages and housing crisis in Ireland. The Irish government has admitted that it does not have enough accommodation for everybody in 2022.
The robbery, theft, and stealing of private property by the state can be done in the name of a so called "common good" and "public interest" which are vague and ambiguous terms which can be manipulated and misused by politicians to destroy Constitutional rights, Human rights, Sovereign People rights, and Democracy and introduce totalitarian policies which seize and rob private property, and enforce a type of Communism. The "common good" term was used to enforce unnecessary and prolonged Lockdowns and social restrictions and vaccine passports and discrimination in 2020 - 2022, which robbed Irish individuals, families and businesses of billions of euros in income and wealth and private property while enriching big globalist corporations which operated online and also as massive retailers offline. The Lockdowns and now the proposed seizure of private property in Ireland prove this point and provide more evidence of government over-reach, dictatorship and a blend of Globalism with Communism / Fascism. Irish people must not stand idly by and allow their private property to be robbed. This Constitutional amendment to rob people is supported in the Great Re-set of Mr. Schwab and the WEF. His famous quote "you will own nothing and be happy" is very relevant here.
A Lecture about manipulations and misuse of term "common good" by Globalist totalitarians, and communists and fascists
High and Rising Suicides
Ireland has one of the highest suicide rates in the world and this worsened in the period 2020 - 2021. Suicide is the strongest indicator that a society is sick. This is the end result of a corrupt political, legal, economic, spiritual and social system which works against the individual, the family and the community, and destroys them. It grinds down community and whole societies to benefit a corrupt elite and their few cronies and toadies.
Under the present system run by corrupt political parties and leaders, disrespect, nastiness and irresponsibility are the dominant values in Irish society and this is destroying relations between people, destroying marriages, families, relationships, and communities, destroying businesses, destroying careers, causing all types of crime. And it is worsening stress levels for most people, instigating addictions, degeneracy, and financial and social ruin for many, and the abuse of disabled people and the elderly, and disrespect for national culture and national identity. It is superificial and vain, and highly destructive of ethics, morals, and purpose and meaning in life. The we site, healing centres, outlines how destructive our society and some other societies have become - . And this sick society is encouraging corruption for selfish and socially destructive reasons, worsening greed and the overcharging, over pricing and scamming of innocent people, and the widespread disrespect, abuse, insults, discrimination, slander which adversely affects the lives of many people. This is the breeding ground for suicides, and the suicide problem continues to worsen and will worsen under the corrupt regime of the main political parties and fake opposition in Ireland.
China's Communist system and covid19 lockdowns in 2022 forced many Chinese people to commit suicide. Many western democratic nations have tried to copy China's lockdowns and other social restrictions. See video of suicides in China below.
The Destruction of Communities and Community Spirit
The main political parties have destroyed communities all over Ireland
through :
socially destructive policies which neglected communities and neglected and ignored problems such as anti-social behaviour among the youth, illegal drug use and sales, vandalism and graffitti, sexual abuse, violence and harassment, illegal car racing, and domestic abuse. According to senior gardai, there are illegal drugs in every city, town and village in Ireland. Many communties around Ireland are unsafe and this problem is worsening.
the corruption in policing and the legal system which covers up crimes and refuses to prosecute crimes. This is greatly damaging to communities.
no family supports to teach families responsibilities and duties. No positive role models for the youth.
no family supports to help families discipline their children and teach them social responsibilities and self discipline
a social welfare system which funds and supports alcohol abuse, illegal drug use, criminality, addictions, domestic abuse, child neglect and many other social evils.
community centres which do nothing for the community, neglect community problems and in many cases harm communities. But these community centres enrich their owners and managers.
false allegations of racism being used to incite hatred and violence in communities. This is being done by malicious individuals in the community and by "community workers" invovled in crime. Nothing is being done to address and remedy this crime.
No properly funded sporting facilities, scouting facilities, adventure facilities, youth clubs, community gardening and farming, community carpentry and repairs, charity work, disabled work, community litter picking, and other facilities to get the youth involved in positive, constructive and law abiding activities. Too much talk and promises and ‘hot air’ by politicians and ‘activists’ and nothing done, nothing delivered.
Lack of community engagement by religious such as priests, pastors, church ministers etc. and the flourishing of evil activities such as crime, drugs, anti social behaviour. Fobbing people off, turning a blind eye to evils and ignoring evils in communities should not be part of religions and the activities of religious leaders and followers
the promotion of selfishness, greed, the me fein attitude and disrespect, insults and discrimination against others
by government and politicians and their corrupted system. This is the vicious race to the bottom in the interests of Globalism and serving the elite.
social workers who are ineffective and do not have the resources to make a significant impact on families and communities
a bankrupt government which has refused to invest in communities and social work as they were too busy spending billions of euros bailing out bankers, property developers, speculators, bondholders, Globalists and mulitnational firms, Big Pharma and vaccine makers.
Water Charges to bail out the political cronies
The introduction of water charges by stealth through usage limits. Much of this will be used to pay off the corrupt and massive banking and speculator debt forced on Irish taxpayers during the bail out ; over 80 billion euros. This is outrageous.
The Inaccurate and Manipulated Consumer Price Index. Manipulated for political purposes.
is used to measure inflation, but in Ireland and many countries it does not include
rents and housing costs
- house prices
energy costs
- banking costs including bank charges and compound interest costs
- inflation costs caused by excessive money printing by banks
speculation costs including the high costs imposed on the national economy by banks and speculators.
This has created false and misleading inflation figures. This led to central banks and governments using false data and targets for inflation. This contributed to excessive money printing and credit creation by banks in the middle of bubbles and the fuelling and intensification of bubbles in housing, stocks and assets, which eventually crashed with catastrophic consequences for countries. Laws and government policies have provided for false measurement of inflation, which benefit speculators and banks.
Tax Scams
Tax scams which enable large international companies to pay no tax here or anywhere else in the world and deprive governments of hundreds of billions of euros in taxes. New tax scams which allow vulture funds to buy NAMA properties at less than 30% of their price and sell them for massive profits and do this through offshore tax havens, and not pay any tax.
Cartels, Overcharging and Destruction of International Competitiveness
Big cartels which have created monopolies in Ireland and can corruptly overcharge for their products and services and corruptly use and manipulate politicians and the legal system personnel. These cartels by overcharging have reduced Ireland’s international competitiveness and broken European laws. Yet this is ignored by the Irish government and legal system.
No Opposition Parties. Fake Opposition.
The opposition parties such as Labour, Green party, Sinn Fein, Social Democrats and the socialist parties have failed to stop this corruption politically, constitutionally and legally. None of them challenged corrupt laws, and corruption and injustices in the superior courts. They have sat idly by for over 30 years and done nothing. Some members of these parties abstained from Dail votes in 2020 and 2021 so that the government could pass unConstitutional laws which breached human rights. This was done through special deals with the government parties. The President, a member of the Labour party fully supported the harsh covid restrictions and laws and vaccine passports and discrimination, and he refused to refer these laws to the Supreme Court. The Opposition have been in bed with the government parties for a long time. They have changed nothing and will change nothing. Most like their social status and self importance, self aggrandisement, and ego as elected politicians and have benefitted from the gravy train.
These corrupt practises have enslaved the Irish people and nation. They have bankrupted Ireland, destroyed Ireland’s international competitiveness and ruined and destroyed Ireland and it’s people. The Irish people are being criminally robbed and abused, being killed and injured with experiments, deprived of homes and security, and deprived of rights and justice by corrupted politicians and their handlers and lobbyists. This is what Irish people have been voting for for many years. Its time for a change, its time to stop voting for these politicians.
Our Policies
to End Corruption and Create a New and Better Ireland
By Joining Nationalist Anti Corruption Independents and working for them, you are helping Ireland and the Irish move from being a slave people to being a free, democratic, prosperous, and sovereign people. You become empowered.