Welcome to the Alliance of Independents

" Empowerment VS Disempowerment AND the Need for Full Accountability
The purpose of the current political and economic system is to grind you down, instil fear into you, and disempower you. Their objective is to disempower you and keep you disempowered. And they lie to you and provide you with false promises and false hope so as to keep disempowering you.
Only Independents representing the ordinary people and serving their interests can stop this, can empower you and build a totally new system"

Independents can form local governments in councils around Ireland and a national government in Dail Eireann and the Senate by means of alliances

We are the Alliance of Independents. We are an alliance of many Independents and groups of Independents in this Alliance of Independents. This enables Independents to run on their own agendas and policies and serve the people of their own constituencies NOT lobbyists, the developers and vulture funds, the elite and globlalists. Independents who are truly independent and not controlled or manuipulated by corruption, bribery, cronyism, and blackmail.

The purpose of the Alliance of Independents. is to serve and to empower all the ordinary people of Ireland, empower We the People of Ireland as stated in the Irish Constitution of 1937 and the Proclamation of Independence in 1916, NOT the lobbyists, foreign interests, Globalists, vested interests and corrupt elite who own and control the political parties in Ireland. Our Constitution is the Irish Constitution of 1937, all 63 articles, which you can download here. The present system dominated by political parties has led to Corruption which is engrained in Irish politics, the state bodies, the courts, Tusla, the HSE, the legal system. Over 90% of families and communities in Ireland have been harmed or badly affected by this corruption. As Independents in this Alliance, we will end the serious corruption and injustices listed below, which are destroying Ireland. We will enforce Full Accountability. When elected we will work to protect the Constitutional rights and freedoms, human rights, livelihoods, homes, incomes, farms, property, jobs, sovereignty and dignity of ordinary Irish people.

Political parties keep the problem in place and ignore the problem and provide superficial and useless solutions which don’t work, have not worked, and create more problems. We propose to fully remove the problems and the root causes of the problems. As Independents we agree on The Freedom Manifesto and the Elections Leaflet (print on both sides of page) and Core Principles and Policies to serve all the people of Ireland and form an alliance on this basis. This will govern voting pacts and alliances when elected at local level and national level and EU levels.

We are part of a grand alliance of many independents and groups of independents around Ireland. This is detailed in the next section.

Our Leaflet for elections and recruitment below:

Alliance of many Independents and Groups of Independents

There are many Independents and groups of Independents running in elections around Ireland and some are already elected. But most elected Independents are too small in number, and too isolated and are out-voted by the big political parties in the Dail, the Senate and in city councils and town councils. These Independents are powerless.

There is a solution to this: a grand Alliance of Independents and groups of Independents before and during all elections and after elections as elected independents

We, the Alliance of Independents are part of a grand Alliance of Independents. We are allied with other Independents and Groups of Independents such as:

- many individual independents. Men and women of the highest integrity and principles
- We the People Independents
- Nationalist Anti Corruption group
- Rural Independents group
- Republican Independents
- ex Fianna Fail people who quit the party
- Sinn Fein Independents
- Sovereignty Independents
- Christian Independents
- Independents who were former Progressive Democrats
- Workers Independents

It is important to ask all voters to vote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for Independents. This will ensure that all transfers go to Independents, and help them get elected. Independents can get elected on the 6th count or the 9th count or the 12th count. This increases the voting strength of all Independents at elections as Independents can rely on transfers from other Independents and from groups of Independents and vice versa. The power of Independents will be their promises and commitment to local voters and local constituents and their delivery of results for local voters, local constituents and local constituencies. This will ensure that more Independents get elected and they are NOT outnumbered 20 to 1 in city and town councils and in the Dail (Irish Parliament).

In all such alliances Independents will prioritise the promises and commitments they made to local voters in their constituency at election time. This ensures that Independents remain independent and serving their local constituents. This is pure democracy.

Independents and groups of Independents can cooperate together to get elected. And once elected, Independents can form voting pacts with other Independents and groups of Independents in the Dail, the Senate and city councils, town councils, and county councils. This gives Independents the power to pass laws, from governments, form councils, and get things done. It gives Independents more power than political parties.

In this Alliance of Independents and groups of Independents we campaign on:

(i) Local issues - which are of great importance to ordinary people in our Constituencies and deliver on these when elected. This is facilitated via our alliance of independents and through voting alliances and pacts with other Independents and groups of Independents. We will listen to local people and local communities and address their concerns, and deliver on them when elected. As Independents we have the power to deliver for local people, local voters, and not be stopped or blocked by political party leaders. We are not controlled or manuipulated by corruption, bribery, cronyism, and blackmail.

It is important to ask all voters to vote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for Independents. This will ensure that all transfers go to Independents, and help them get elected. The power of Independents will be their promises and commitment to local voters and local constituents and their delivery of results for local voters, local constituents and local constituencies.

(ii) National issues - which are of great importance to ordinary people in our Constituencies and to the people of Ireland opr "We the People" of Eire and deliver on these when elected. And this is facilitated via our alliance of independents and through voting alliances and pacts with other elected Independents in Dail Eireann, the Seanad and in city, town, and county councils.

It is important to ask all voters to vote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for Independents. This will ensure that all transfers go to Independents, and help them get elected. The power of Independents will be their promises and commitment to local voters and local constituents and their delivery of results for local voters, local constituents and local constituencies.

(iii) Large numbers of elected Independents in city, town and county councils and in Dail Eireann and the Senate can form government in local councils and in Dail Eireann and the Senate and change Ireland for the better.
The key to this is

It is important to ask all voters to vote 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 for Independents. This will ensure that all transfers go to Independents, and help them get elected. The power of Independents will be their promises and commitment to local voters and local constituents and their delivery of results for local voters, local constituents and local constituencies.

This will end the corrupt party system where the party leader acts as a dictator and the chief whip enforces the dictatorship on party members. And party members are expelled from political parties for trying to serve their local voters and constituencies, or trying to serve Ireland and the Irish people, or "We the People" of Ireland. And lobbyists, corruption, bribery, blackmail, "winning large amounts of money at the bookmakers" control political party leaders and political parties and the controlled opposition. These political party snakes always break their election promises and ignore, fob off and betray the voters who voted for them. Opposition parties have supported the government and have provided no opposition since 2011, when Ireland was moved into massive debt and national bankruptcy, while corruption has worsened, and Irish national sovereignty has been destroyed. There has been no political opposition by political parties.

Only Independents can provide opposition which serves the people of Ireland or provide a government which serves the people of Ireland.

(iv) No leaders, no dictators, no tyrants, and no parties led by dictators
Every elected independent is a leader in his / her own constituency and is accountable to the people of his or her constituency. This decentralises power and makes elected politicians accountable to their constituents, the local voters, and ensures that they serve their constituents, and deliver for them. This is real democracy, this is grassroots democracy. And they are not controlled by party leaders, and their lobbyists and elite funders including Globalists. Elected politicians should be accountable to the people of the nation not to the corrupt elite and globalists and their lobbyists who bribe, blackmail and corrupt. As elected Independents we will invoke, implement and enforce Article 6 of the Irish Constitution of 1937 making all elected politicians, government, all civil servants, all gardai, and all state bodies fully accountable to We the People, the people of Ireland, and to the Constitution.

' All powers of government, legislative, executive and judicial, derive, under God, from the people, whose right it is to designate the rulers of the State and, in final appeal, to decide all questions of national policy, according to the requirements of the common good. '

Independents will restore real power back to the ordinary people of Ireland, the local voters.

(v) We will put the Irish people first and Ireland first
We will put Irish people first in terms of
- housing
- education
- healthcare and hospitals
- employment
- investment
- farming and rural businesses and development
- infrastructure
- training including continuous professional development
- Irish neutrality

We will not prioritise foreign interests. The political parties and Irish governments have prioritised foreign interests over Irish interests. We will explain to the people of Ireland how political parties are dictatorships serving their own pockets, the elite and foreign Globalists and are the root causes of the problems in Ireland and around the world. And how political parties lie to and deceive the people and disempower the ordinary people while independents empower the ordinary people. Opposition political parties are controlled opposition and support the government party's corruption and destruction of Ireland. The opposition have supported the government and have provided no opposition since 2011, when Ireland was moved into massive debt and national bankruptcy, while corruption has worsened, and Irish national sovereignty has been destroyed.

Homeless crisis, Housing Crisis, and Evictions similar to the 1800’s
Are you sickened by the homeless crisis in Ireland caused by corrupted politicians. They kept 100,000 properties
empty and land banks of hundreds of acres near towns and cities empty and un-developed while over 14,000
Irish people were homeless and over 100,000 people were on housing lists. They caused financial bubbles and
crashes which destroyed house building, enforced unnecessary lockdowns which caused massive shortages in
housing, and a disastrous planning process and too much red tape which reduced housing. Their policies caused
over-priced properties, over-priced mortgages and rents, high rates of evictions, housing waiting lists of over
100,000 people etc. all of which have caused mass homelessness in Ireland. Politicians and political parties are
landlords and profiteering from this homeless crisis and housing crisis. Politicians have also aided and abetted the Vulture Funds and other globalists in overcharging, over-pricing properties and robbing the Irish people and nation.

Political parties keep the problem in place and ignore the problem and provide superficial and useless solutions which don’t work, have not worked, and create more problems. We propose to fully remove the problems and the root causes of the problems. Then we can put Ireland right.

(vi) No More Lies and False Promises and Lack of Accountability
The Irish people have been lied to many times by politicians from big political parties. Lies and false promises have been used at election time for many years and decades and continue to be used. They lied about everything including housing, the hospital crisis, taxes, corruption in politics, the courts, the police, and the banks, the bail outs, neutrality, open borders, national sovereignty, etc. For example, in 2020, Michael Martin of Fianna Fail lied about not going into government with Fine Gael, see video below.


The big political parties regularly lie to the people

This alliance between independents is based on Values such as
- Trust, delivering on promises
- Honour,
- Truth not more lies
- Respect and Dignity
- Integrity
- Individual and Group Responsibility
- Honesty
- Commitment
- Loyalty to Ireland and to Irish national sovereignty and the Irish Constittution of 1937. Not foreign interests
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Irish Neutrality and working with other neutrals for international peace not more globalist wars and regime changes
- and a commitment to serving all the Irish people of Ireland and the Irish Constitution of 1937 and Irish Democracy, Freedom and National Sovereignty, not more Globalism and the enrichment of the elite and the impoverishment of the Irish.

(vii) No more control of Ireland by foreign Globalists. No more loss of Irish national sovereignty and Irish democracy
Klaus Schwab the leader of the WEF has openly boasted about penetrating the governments of many countries around the world through its Young Global Leaders program and through its membership program for elected politicians and government ministers - there is a video below.

The WEF Young Global Leaders Program has been used to groom young business people and young highly qualified people with political ambitions and young elected politicians and prepare them to serve the WEF's agenda when they get into government. Penetration into governments is the key factor according to it's founder Klaus Schwab. The WEF Young Global Leaders Program has political leaders and Ministers and politicians from Canada, Ireland, New Zealand, France, Germany, Netherlands, Austria, USA, Russia, Britain, Finland, Australia, Belgium, Switzerland, Norway, Sweden, the EU Parliament and EU Commission, Greece, Denmark, Slovenia and few countries in Africa, Asia and South America.

Klaus Schwab is the author of the book 'The Great Reset'. This outlines his plans and the plans of the WEF. Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset have a famous quote "you will own nothing and be happy" and this is one of the objectives of his 'Great Re-set' and the WEF. The proposed 39th amendment to the Irish Constitution in 2023 / 2024 which is detailed below is part of this Great Reset. If passed into law, this will dispossess Irish people of their properties to meet the demands of Klaus Schwab and the WEF which claim "you will own nothing and be happy". This Great Reset also states that it supports Transhumanism, the use of Digital ID's and Social Credit scores to control people, seizures of private property to make people own nothing and be "happy", new lockdowns, a continuation of open borders and people trafficking, support for a Pandemic treaty by the WHO which will end the national sovereignty of nations and the sovereignty of living men and women, continued creation of money out of nothing by banks to debt enslave people and nations and cause speculative bubbles and crashes, the end of national sovereignty and Constittutional rights and protections, the end of Natural law rights and human rights, and much more, and the imposing of technocracy, centralised control and Globalist control on nations. Communist China is the model.

Many people claim that this Great Reset and the WEF plans are very similar to George Orwell''s book '1984'. These political leaders and politicians including the Irish take guidance, direction and even orders from the WEF.


There was a childish denial of the facts and evidence in the Dail.

Disgraceful speech by Irish political leader, Michael Martin, where he rejects and opposes Irish national sovereignty

The WEF is not elected by the Irish people, and it is not accountable to the people of Ireland and the Irish Constitution. The WEF does not serve the people of Ireland.

The WHO Pandemic treaty of 2024 will end the national sovereignty of nations and the sovereignty of living men and women. It will over-rule Irish laws and the Irish Constitution. An expert analysis of this was carried by James Roguski in the USA. I include research papers showing the facts and evidence about the Pandemic treaty below:
Exit the WHO - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who
100 Reasons to stop the Pandemic treaty - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/100-reasons

Video by Irish Barrister

The WHO is not elected by the people of Ireland and does not serve the people of Ireland. Yet the Irish people and nation will be subjected to the laws and corruption of WHO.

Globalism is the New Imperialism and is similar to the Imperialism of the past, including the British Empire. In the past, Hitler, Stalin, Mussolini, Mao, Genghis Khan and others supported Globalism and have also tried to implement globalist policies and a 'Great Reset' but failed.

(viii) Eradicate Corruption which is highly destructive to the Common Good and Constittutional rights and human rights in Ireland and other countries
As Independents in an alliance with many other independents and independent groups, we will work together and coordinante together to eradicate corruption. We will prioritise the corruption which is destructive to the Common Good as defined in the Irish Constitution. The following video gives an exmaple of corruption which is highly destructive to the Common Good and Constitutional rights and human rights in Ireland and other countries :

(ix) Strategic cooperation by many Independents and Groups of Independents in legal, business, social and political issues

Strategic cooperation across many areas including legal, business, financial, social groups, unions, community groups, sporting organisations, and political activists to increase the reach, the power and the influence of all Independents and strenghten and consolidate the power base of all Independents.

(x) We will maintain Irish Neutrality and work with other nations to achieve Peace, Stability, and Justice worldwide and we will oppose the Globalist war machine
Globalists love wars and promote wars as they profiteer from them and they increase their geo-political power. We will
(a) maintain Irish neutrality and the triple lock
work with many other nations to build peace and justice between nations and within nations
(c) work with many nations to invest in healing centres to heal a sick humanity and use this to build peace between nations and within nations. See https://www.healingcentres.org

This will involve working with many nations and international organisations and bodies to end Globalist wars and regime changes and proxy wars, and the profitable Globalist war machine. We will support promotion of national sovereignty, trade, investment and goodwill between all nations internationally NOT more 'regime changes', proxy wars, invasions and lies, NOT more expansion of Globalist alliances and organisations, NOT more proxy wars between NATO and other countries NOT more globalist crime networks and people trafficking and elite paedophile rings, NOT more banker and more Globalist manipulated conflicts and wars for more profit, natural resources, wealth, geo-political domination and Globalism. The Globalist organisation, the WEF have long supported this Globalist war machine and many of their members are beneficiaries of wars, conflicts, regime changes, arms races, coups, etc.

War is all about massive loans from banks and military contracts worth billions of euros / dollars to supply vast amounts of equipment and fuel and supplies and provide contract services. Contracts are signed for billions of dollars / euros between government and business contractors who are Globalists. Today, we have proxy wars by Globalists, which could escalate into world wars. The picture below shows you what the Globalists and their wars have given us for many years now and they are supported by the main political parties in Ireland today and they supported this for many years and decades.

Those powerful people and organisations profiteering and gaining from these conflicts have a vested interest in continuing the conflicts and slaughter of human beings and in funding, bribing and manipulating elected politicians and governments to promote this agenda. These vested interests make massive amounts of money out of intensifying, manipulating and worsening divisions, prejudices, apartheid, hatreds, and hate crimes and the conflicts which emerge from this. They have stolen trillions of dollars of taxpayers money doing this, and most taxpayers are too ignorant and ill informed to raise any objections. Mick Wallace, the Irish MEP gave a brilliant speech in the EU Parliament in December 2023 where he condemned a former British Prime Minister and NATO for deliberately destroying peace talks and a peace agreement between Russia and Ukraine in 2022. The facts and evidence show that there are demonic entities promoting wars and conflicts.

The pictures below of war provide examples of what the political parties in Ireland and abroad tolerated or instigated.

The following video interview of Dr. Jeffrey Sachs of Harvard University outlines this push for wars and conflicts and the expansion of empires and desire for global domination which causes refugee disasters, migration disasters and humanitarian disasters.


The following video interview of Robert F. Kennedy jnr, the son of Bobby Kennedy and nephew of President Kennedy who is runnign as an Independent in the US Presidnetial election in 2024 describes the cause of these wars and the corruption involved


As Independents we will work against the globalist war mongers and their big contractors and corporations who profit from wars and we will work for Peace and Justice
in Ireland and
between Israel and Palestine
between Russia and the Ukraine
between India and Pakistan and Kashmir
between China and Taiwan
within Algeria, Benin. Burknino Faso, Cameroon, Chad, Ethiopia, Democratic Republic of Congo, Iraq, Libya, Myanmar, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen

And to bring healing to these peoples and nations around the world through healing centres, see one example here at https://www.healingcentres.org and many other healing programmes.

For example peace between Jews and Palestinians has many component parts such as
- justice under law and equality before the law for Jews and Palestinians
- the rule of law for Jews and Palestinians
- an end to apartheid against Palestinians and against Jews
- respect for the human rights of Jews and Palestinians. Including an end to prison camps or 'containment camps'.
- an end to religious extremism by Jews and Palestinians
- an end to terror attacks by the Jews and the Palestinians
- financial compensation and/or land compensation. This is particularly important for Palestinians.
- a 2 state solution for Israel and Palestine as recommended by the UN and its resolutions
- full religious freedom for Jews and Palestinians. Respect for the religious sites of Jews and Palestinians.
- a lasting peace between these two new states, Israel and Palestine, which is supported by ordinary Jews and Palestinians and grassroots organisations in both states, and also backed up by the UN Security Council and the UN and other organisations such as the EU, the OECD, the G8, the World Bank and IMF.
- the ending of political corruption in Israel and the new Palestinian state. Set up Structures of Accountability to end all forms of corruption. Overight by Transparency International, Amnesty International and other Independent organisations.
- New Structures to break down prejudices, discrimination and apartheid
Investment in many new orgnanisations and NGO's to build tolerance, understanding, trust, friendship, cooperation and peace between Jews and Palestinians
- forums where Jews and the Palestinians can pray together to the one God.
- the healing of Jews and the Palestinians and the building of new societies based on this healing. See https://www.healingcentres.org/

(xi) Our Theme Song for the grand Alliance of Independents and groups of Independents is 'Mise Eire'
The song 'Mise Eire' is our theme song, this means We are Eire, We are the Irish, and represents a new and better Ireland for all, and celebrates Ireland, its land and people, it's potential, its wild scenery, Irish culture, history, and identity and the national sovereignty and the democratic ideals of Ireland's founders and patriots. Mise Eire is a poem written by Padraig Pearse, the well known Irish patriot. It inspires and uplifts.

The Freedom Manifesto of our Alliance of Independents and a More Just, More Fair and Better Ireland for All

Padraig Pearse, the Irish patriot, summed it all up :

Beware of the thing that is coming,
beware of the risen people
Who shall take what ye would not give.
Did ye think to conquer the people,
or that law is stronger than life,
And than men’s desire to be free?
We will try it out with you ye
Ye that have harried and held,
Ye that have bullied and bribed.
Tyrants… hypocrites… liars!”

The communists and far left have the 'Communist Manifesto' which is a program for enslaving peoples and nations and creating state dictatorships and tyrannies. The Fascists had Nietzsche and Mussolini and Hitler and their writings and books which were programs for enslaving peoples and nations and creating state dictatorships and tyrannies. These tyrants and totalitarian regimes murdered over 130 million people in many countries around the world in the 20th century. Communism and fascism and now globalism being examples of state run tyrannies, totalitarian systems ruled by evil dictators.

Our grouping of Independents, the Alliance of Independents, has a 'Freedom Manifesto' which promotes freedom, democracy, national sovereignty, individual sovereignty, free speech, freedom of the press, full accountability by the government and state bodies, human rights, Constitutional rights and civil rights. The 'Freedom Manifesto' is a brief outline of our policies and is referenced in an Election leaflet for use at all elections. Other Independents and other groups of Independents have their own manifestos, policies and election leaflets which suit their needs and requirements. This allows all Independents to be truly independent and free and follow their own agendas and what is is best for the Irish people of Eire.

Download Our Freedom Manifesto here which outlines our aims and objectives.

and Our Elections leaflet (print on both sides of page) to be used in all elections, including local elections, national elections and European elections

Ireland has faced many challenges in its history :


The Four Freedoms below represent our Core Principles and Policies:

Page 2 - Ending the Corruption and Injustices and Enslavement and Misery created by corrupt politicians and political parties in Ireland

Twitter: https://twitter.com/NationalistAnt1 Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1030597910925548