Ending the Corruption and Injustices and Enslavement and Misery created by corrupt politicians and political parties in Ireland
Our focus will be on tackling and solving the serious problems facing the Irish people and Ireland today. These points below indciate the most serious problems. Points 1 to 21 show the Corruption, Criminality, and Injustices created by corrupt politicians and politicial parties in Ireland, and this is the Corruption and Injusticeswe will work against and we will end in Ireland.
Padraig Pearse, the Irish patriot, summed it all up :
Beware of the thing that is coming, beware of the risen people Who shall take what ye would not give. Did ye think to conquer the people, or that law is stronger than life, And than men’s desire to be free? We will try it out with you ye Ye that have harried and held, Ye that have bullied and bribed. Tyrants… hypocrites… liars!”
(1)The housing crisis and the homeless crisis. AND
(2) The high rents crisis and evictions crisis
Homeless Irish people being ignored today and for over 20 years.
Are you sickened by the homeless crisis in Ireland caused by corrupted politicians. They kept 100,000 properties
empty and land banks of hundreds of acres near towns and cities empty and un-developed while over 14,000
Irish people were homeless and over 100,000 people were on housing lists. They caused financial bubbles and
crashes which destroyed house building, enforced unnecessary lockdowns which caused massive shortages in
housing, and a disastrous planning process and too much red tape which reduced housing. Their policies caused
over-priced properties, over-priced mortgages and rents, high rates of evictions, housing waiting lists of over
100,000 people etc. all of which have caused mass homelessness in Ireland. Politicians and political parties are
landlords and profiteering from this homeless crisis and housing crisis. Politicians have also aided and abetted the Vulture Funds and other globalists in overcharging, over-pricing properties and robbing the Irish people and nation.
Globalism and Globalists in the form of Vulture Funds, private equity funds, hedge funds, and big speculators have vast financial resources and are out-bidding ordinary workers and families in house prices and pushing up house prices. Idiot economists many of them professors and academics support this as being "free market" but the reality is that this is an example of a "rigged market" and a "highly biased market" which is skewed against ordinary workers and families. Furthermore vast amounts of money are created out of nothing by commercial banks to facilitate this Globalist speculation in house prices and apartment prices. This an example of a "fraudulent money creation market feeding a property speculation market". Proper economics needs to be taught in schools, colleges, and Universities. Nations, schools and Universities should be educating students not creating fools.
These facts stated above have made homes unaffordable, rents unaffordable, led to big increases in mortgage payments and increases in rents, promoted mass evictions around Ireland and destroyed home and family security. They have mistreated the Irish people in a ruthless manner as bad as the British landlords in the past. People are paying too much in mortgage payments for over-priced and rigged house prices and are at risk of losing their own home ? court cases are exposing major frauds in mortgages, banks, vulture funds and evictions.
House prices are artificial, fraudulent, and over inflated and determined by speculation and money created out of nothing by the banks House prices have no economic value as they are speculative and fraudulet and can rise and collapse based on the money printing of the banks. House prices have "speculative value based on money fraud". This speculative fraud creates fraudulent over-priced mortgages, making debt slaves out of the Irish people, who are at risk of losing their own homes. Many Economists admit there is a fraudulent money creation system where vast amounts of money is created out of nothing by banks, naturally pushing up prices while debasing and devaluing the currency. All Irish people and voters should watch the documentary about money titled 'The Money Masters', links are provided on https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=money+masters
The existing political parties will continue this robbery of you and put you into permanent debt enslavement and the constant insecurity of losing your own home.
This fraudulent money creation system of the banks and Globalists causes speculative bubbles, speculative crashes and recessions and depressions which cause job losses, ruins the lives and careers of workers, families and communities all over Ireland, making them more vulnerable to losing their homes. Irish politicians, TD's and political parties are the servants of these banks and Globalists. We have returned to the landlordism, rack-renting, evictions, and imperialism, now called 'Globalism' of the 1800's !
The pictures below show that the same thing is happening today as happened in the 1800’s.
Evictions in 1800’s
Famine and Evictions in 1800’s
These pictures show the results of failed government policies and
failed politicians and civil servants and their failed economic system and failed economic theories ; Ireland has returned back to the 1800's.
Homeless Child eating on the streets of Dublin
Irish woman in her eighties begging on the streets of Dublin city
Disabled person sleeping rough on the streets of Dublin city
The work of Independent politicians, Political Independent groups, and the ex President of the High Court, Edmund Honohan to protect home owners and stop the illegal evictions and mortgage frauds
Independent politicians, Political Independent groups, and the ex President of the High Court, Edmund Honohan are working to stop the mortgage frauds
and illegal evictions which have taken place since 2004 and get justice, restitution and compensation for the many thousands of people adversely affected by this. Firstly, the borrower is the owner of the property while the bank which lent to the money is owner of the mortgage and the charge on the property and title. If the borrower fails to pay the mortgage and is evicted and loses posession of the property, then the bank becomes the owner of the property. Most mortgages were sold by banks to Vulture Funds since the year 2004. But the Land Registry and Property Registration Authority have not registered the Vulture funds as the owners of the mortgage and the charge on the property and title. This has created serious legal problems as the Vulture Funds are the owners of the mortgage and the charge on the property and title but NOT registered as such in the Land Registry and Property Registration Authority. In court cases, it is the bank acting as a credit servicing firm OR another debt servicing firm hired by the Vulture Fund which bring the court action for respossession or eviction, but they have no right of audience in court as they are NOT the owners of the mortgage and the charge on the property and title. They claim to be the owners of the mortage and the charge on the property and title but they are not.
Only the Vulture Fund is owner of the mortgage and the charge on the property and title, and they have a right to audience in the court, and to bring cases to the court. This is fraud by the bank OR the debt servicing firm hired by the Vulture Fund and it is also perjury as they have lied to the courts and in documents given to the courts. These are two serious criminal offences. They are also civil offences which they can be sued for in court. The Land Registry and Property Registration Authority are also part of this fraud as they failed to update their records to show that the Vulture Fund is the owner of the mortgage, and the charge on the property and title.
This fraud causes legal problems for sales of reposssessed homes and land to other people or businesses. The passing of property acquired by fraud and theft is a criminal offence. Both the seller and the buyer are liable under the criminal law and the civil law.
Furthermore, the Vulture Fund often buy the mortgage at a big discount from the bank. But the person paying the mortgage is offered no discount, that is no discount on the mortgage amount and on mortgage repayments. The fact that the mortgage is based on money created out of nothing by the bank makes it easy to write down the value of such mortgages and provide them at a big discount to Vulture Funds. In many cases, the person paying the mortgage is not told about this sale of the mortgage to the Vulture Fund at abig discount and is unable to negotiate terms and conditions with the Vulture Fund. There is evidence of the Vulture Fund or the debt servicing firms appointed by the Vulture Fund overcharging mortgage owners and this has created losses, hardship, harms and suffering to families and individuals who have mortgages. Considering that Vulture Funds buy the mortgage at a big discount and then tend to overchage the mortgage payers, this amounts to price gouging, overcharging, unfair terms, unfair practises and use of unfair advantage by the Vulture Fund. This is a breach of EU law and Irish law, and Consumer Protection laws, as mortgage charges must be reasonable, fair, and properly negotiated between the parties. Most Vulture Funds and banks in Ireland are in breach of EU Directive 2021/2167 of the European Parliament and EU Directive 2014/17/EU as they do NOT offer modifications to the terms and conditions of the mortgage to people in arrears. These modfications are outlined in Directive (EU) 2021/2167. This includes extension of loan period to reduce payments, debt forgiveness, deferment of charges, debt restructuring, debt parking, etc.. And they are in breach of the Land and Conveyancing Act 2019 which also proposes leniency and changes to terms and conditions of a mortgage for those people in arrears.
There are additional legal problems with these mortgages, as the private banks created money out of nothing, in the form of electronic credits, and lent them to individual men and women, or families or businesses, and this loan is known as a "mortgage". Creating money out of nothing is the crime of counterfeiting and fraud, and this criminal act is a breach of contract, and there is an additional breach of contract as the bank did not offer 'financial consideration' in legal terms for the contract.
Do bank conditions and policies relating to the sale of mortgages to vulture funds and then the vulture funds charging exorbitant
or unaffordable interest rates breach private property rights under (i) the Irish Constitution (ii) the new EU Directive 2021/2167 of the European Parliament and EU Directive 2014/17/EU as explained by Edmund Honohan ex master of the High Court in his public letter (iii) the law of contract where one party has created money of nothing, out of thin air and called it consideration in a contract. (iv) the non registration of the vulture fund on the database of the PRA and land registry which means they have no legal status in court.
(3) The high energy prices and energy crisis
mostly caused by their corrupt net zero policies and their high taxes on fuel and energy, and the manufactured wars and "regime changes" of Globalists and their military alliances and military-industrial complex, and the speculation in energy prices by big speculators. And the incompetence of government and some businesses, in their failure to make use of alternative sources and supplies of fossil fuels in Ireland itself and worldwide.
(4) The high inflation crisisand high prices of food and basic goods caused by
(a) the manufactured energy crisis mentioned above and
(b) the excessive money printing by the European Central Bank and other central banks
during the covid19 lockdowns according to top economists. Costing Ireland 35 billion euros
during the bail out of the banks, developers, vulture funds and speculators from
2008 to 2012 and bailing out bankrupt Ireland and other nations from 2008 to 2019. Costing Ireland 80 billion euros.
Over $20 trillion of new money was created worldwide to fund the unnecessary lockdowns and and bail out of businesses, organisations and workers and for other covid19 measures. This massive amount of money printing has led to high inflation. Excessive money printing leads to high inflation, and this is especially the case where lockdowns cause a big reduction in production and productivity. Economists agree about this, and there are many published scientific studies to back this up. This is a fraudulent money creation system where vast amounts of money are created out of nothing by banks, naturally pushing up prices while debasing and devaluing the currency. We are all being governed and ruled by criminals and fools. All Irish people and voters should watch the documentary about money titled 'The Money Masters', links are provided on https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=money+masters
How Globalists caused this crisis.
This is directly affecting you and your family and your friends and community. Your food bills have gone up in price and will keep going up in price. Economists and financial experts believe food prices will keep rising now and into the future and are becoming unaffordable. Your fuel prices have also risen and will keep rising. Many ordinary working class people and families are suffering food poverty and fuel poverty. Even the price of socialising has risen, the price of drink is nearly 10 euros per pint and the price of takeaways have risen by 20% already and they will keep rising this year and next year. Even Netflix and the cost of cable and satellite has risen in price in 2022, and will rise more in the coming years. They are becoming unaffordable. This is the highest inflation in over 40 years. Your wages and salaries and income are becoming worthless. We explain why below.
Causes of High Inflation
(a) The ECB printed 5 trillion euros between 2020 and 2023 and lent it to governments around Europe to pay for the unnecesary lockdowns and bail out of businesses, organisations and workers. Ireland borrowed over 35 billion of this money. In the USA, the Federal Reserve printed over $10 trillion between 2020 and 2023 for covid19 measures. The Bank of England printed £900 billion between 2020 and 2022.
Sources: https://www.atlanticcouncil.org/global-qe-tracker/
This was massive money printing, the largest in human history for a 2 year period. Money was created out of nothing by the ECB and other central banks and was used to pay for lockdowns and a massive loss of production and output. Massive money printing combined with a loss of production and output leads to high inflation, and this is accepted by all economists and economic science. This money was not backed up by production or investment or hard assets. In these circumstances, massive money printing devalues every euro or dollar or pound. This massive money printing was highly inflationary and this inflation will persist for years. It was a huge strategic error by politicians and governments and central banks and has led to high inflation and economic disaster. They are to blame for the high inflation we have today.
Too much money printing since 2020 to pay for unnecessary and ineffective lockdowns was proposed, supported, funded and enforced by Globalists to support Globalist objectives : these Globalists include the WHO, the EU, the EMA, the ECB and other central banks, the NIH and Mr. Fauci, the Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and GAVI, and the WEF. Elected politicians and governments serve these Globalists and do their bidding. Trillions of euros and dollars were printed in the period 2020 - 2022, yet these were lockdowns for healthy people, masks for healthy people, vaccine discrimination and vaccine mandates for healthy people, loss of jobs for healthy people, loss of businesses for healthy people, loss of production including food production for healthy people which shut down nations and led to massive money printing to bail out healthy people and healthy businesses which didn't need lockdowns and bail outs. The massive money printing devalued the currency leading to high inflation, while the loss of production and breakdown in the supply chains caused by lockdowns led to shortages in goods which worsened this inflation. This has been acknowledged by the world's top economists. This was in addition to the large scale money printing to bail out the banks, bondholders and speculators from 2009 - 2017, amounting to trillions of euros. From 2009 to 2022 has been the largest money printing era in human history, an estimated 30 trillion euros / dollars were printed and this is the real cause of high inflation. History has proven that large scale money printing leads to high inflation. The Nobel Prize was awarded to Professor Dr. Milton Friedman for his work scientifically proving a strong relationship between money printing and high and rising inflation. Link to details of Nobel Prize winner at https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/economic-sciences/1976/press-release/ .And this inflation is worsened if there is no comparable increase in the production of goods and services OR lockdowns which cause a massive reduction in the supply of goods and services, and a breakdown in supply chains. Too much money chasing a limited supply of housing or goods and services, or a reduced supply caused by lockdowns, always leads to high inflation and economic disaster. There are many published scientific studies about this. The experience of very high inflation in Weimar Germany proved this point in the early 1920's.
(b) The combination of loss of production due to lockdowns and the breakdown of global supply chains due to lockdowns led to shortages in supplies of goods, and inflation. Bankruptcies of businesses caused by the lockdowns worsened this. Supply chains are vital as they are highly integrated internationally and any disruption can be disastrous. This was caused by political corruption, stupidity and incompetence and subservience to Globalist agendas. Lockdowns which were promoted by Globalist institutions to serve Globalist objectives and agendas. The lockdowns promoted by Globalist organisations such as the WHO, the EU, the EMA, the ECB and other central banks, the NIH and Mr. Fauci, the Gates Foundation, Big Pharma and GAVI, and the WEF proved to be ineffective and useless according to top scientists, medical doctors, health authorities and published scientific studies. Lockdowns were unnecessary according to the science and were a disgrace, enforced by corrupted and incompetent politicians and by brutal police tactics and compromised courts. They share the blame for the high inflation, that they caused.
(c) While these lockdowns were in place between 2020 and 2022, the government (and some other governments) and health authorities blocked certain effective medicines for treating covid19. These included Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine, the Zelenko Protocol, the Fareed and Tyson Protocol, and the Front Line Critical Care Protocol and early treatment of covid19 with these medicines. These could have prevented over 80% of covid19 deaths according to Dr. Pierre Kory and Dr. Peter McCullough in the USA and other top medical doctors. This could have ended the lockdowns and restored normality by Summer 2020. This coruption in government kept the fear and panic going and the lockdowns in place. This led to the massive money printing and the high inflation and economic disaster we have today.
(d) Globalist carbon taxes on fuel and energy in addition to existing taxes and duties on them. This has made fuel unaffordable, and increased the cost of transport and of all goods and services. This is part of the climate change panic of Globalists, which is flawed according to top scientists. This has greatly increased the costs of production, of farming and of transport and led to a rise in inflation.
(e) The proxy war between the Globalist organisation NATO and Russia in the Ukraine has added to this fuel problem and has had an adverse effect on fuel supplies and perceptions of shortages in fuel supplies. Globalist speculators in London and Wall Street and other exchanges are manipulating this fear to speculate in fuel prices and drive prices higher.
(f) Anti farmer and anti rural policies by governments and Globalists which are reducing the food supply in many countries worldwide. They are destroying farmers through new policies, new laws, new costs, and changes to grants to farmers. Big Globalist cartels and monopolies are buying up vast amounts of agricultural land and this land is lying idle, unused and untilled leading to vast reductions in the food supply. This is also part of the climate change panic, which is flawed according to top scientists. This is creating inflation in food prices.
(g) Globalists are promoting the eating of bugs and insects in order to stop climate change. Government policies and grants are favouring this. They want us all to stop the eating of meat and poultry and replace them with bugs and insects. This transition is leading to less production of meat and poultry and higher prices.
(h) Over-taxation of workers, businesses, investors, families and communities to pay for massive debt created out of nothing by Globalist banks. And pay off the interest which is also created out of nothing, and not even included in the loan amount. This has added to the costs of production and transportation and to higher prices.
(i) Globalist banks creating vast amounts of money out of nothing which they loaned to speculators to keep bidding up prices of properties and land and forcing higher costs in the form of commercial rents, mortgage payments and interest payments on businesses, farmers, workers and families. This feeds into higher costs of production and higher product prices, service prices and food prices, and higher inflation.
These disastrous policies were promoted by Globalist organisations and enforced by politicians and governments. Most elected politicians are too stupid to realise and understand their mistakes and failed policies. Most elected politicians have no understanding of banking, money creation, credit, debt slavery, and economics.
(5) Debt Slavery is enslaving the people and nation of Ireland, and this is caused by the fraudulent money creation system where money is created out of nothing by banks when making loans and compound interest is charged (on money created out of nothing). This keeps people, families, businesses, farms, and governments in permanent Debt Slavery. This Debt Slavery creates permanent national bankruptcy in Ireland and in other nations, and this leads to high taxes and over taxation, excessive levies and charges, high prices, over charging, and steals from you, rips you off and exploits you every day. For example, the bail out of the bankers, the developers, the speculators and elite cost the Irish taxpayers 80 billion euros since 2009. This added over 80 billion euros to the national debt. The covid19 lockdowns and bail out added another 35 billion euros to the national debt. The national debt is over 240 billion euros which is more than 46,000 euros for every person in Ireland. This Debt Slavery will rob and afflict your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren.
(6) This Debt Slavery created national bankruptcy which means government and state bodies are too bankrupt to invest properly in Ireland and this means constant under-funding, cutbacks, cuts, and crisis for hospitals, housing, schools, transportation, communitty centres and facilities, communities, etc.. And at the same time we are all over-taxed, over-charged and over burdened. And this is getting worse over time.
(7)Their fraudulent money system creates speculative booms and busts and the need for bail outs, and recessions and depressions.
This is boom-bust economics which has bankrupted and destroyed Ireland. It destroys nations and peoples and local communities. The best example is the 80 billion euro bank and developer bail outs in 2010 which you are still paying for and your grandchildren will pay for.
(8)Anti Business and Anti Investment Policies of the government and political parties
The political parties have destroyed many Irish businesses through unnecessary lockdowns, high taxes, high energy costs, high commercial rents, too much red tape and bureacracy, and
high costs of doing business. Most Irish towns and also cities have had high numbers of vacant, boarded up and empty properties since 2011 and this has worsened since 2020. Ireland is being governed by politicians who are imbeciles, idiots and are incompetent.
(9) High Crime rates in Ireland. Ireland has become unsafe. Are you disgusted by the high crime rates and the fact that the government and political parties have ignored this problem for many years and decades ? They have no resources to fight crime but plenty of resources and money for wasting on daft and unnecessary government projects, open borders, and NGO’s, wasting billions of euros. We will end this nonsense and waste, and restore law and order and properly resource it.
(10) Thefailed Open Borders policy and People Trafficking policy of the government which is worsening the housing crisis and homelessness in Ireland for Irish people and is also putting massive stress on hospitals, schools, childcare facilities, policing, crime levels, the courts, etc. and increasing the national debt to pay for all this, pushing Ireland further into national bankruptcy. It is also forcing lower real wages and salaries on the working class. There is no police and army vetting of new arrivals into Ireland and deportation orders have NOT been enforced and are ignored in Ireland. This has led to increased crimes, murders, rapes, sexual assaults, drug crimes, etc. including the stabbing of 3 children and 2 adults on a street in Dublin city in November 2023.
This criminality is being promoted by Globalists and corrupted politicians who are bought and paid for. This is also undermining and destroying Irish and Gaelic culture, and Irish national sovereignty.
(11) The hospitals crisis and healthcare crisis and long waiting lists crisis where many people are being neglected and left to die. And this is worsened by the bankrupted government and permanent Debt Slavery and the illegal trafficking of large numbers of people into Ireland which put too much pressure on hospitals and the health system.
(12)The crime crisis and illegal drugs crisis in cities and towns and villages throughout Ireland
The corruption in the legal system, the courts, thw gardai, and in politics worsens this crime. While debt slavery and national bankruptcy has starved the gardai, the legal profession and court services of proper funding.
(13) The high legal costs crisis which prevent access to the courts and to justice
The champerty and maintenance laws were introduced into Ireland by Oliver Cromwell in the 1600's and used by the British and elite to deprive the Irish people of justice in the courts. These Cromwellian laws have been used in Ireland since 1922 and are supported by the political parties in Ireland.
(14)The loss of Irish national sovereignty and democracy. The loss of Irish control of fiscal and monetary policies, and currency policies and loss of Irish fishing rights and waters and loss of cheap energy sources and national health policies has had devastating consequences for Ireland. The lockdowns were imposed by Globalist power structures which seek to remove national sovereignty from nations. The loss of border control has led to excessive migration into countries and to housing shortages, homelessness, over-burdened healthcare systems, poverty and social instability throughout Europe. The wars and injustices caused by Globalists and Globalist war machines worldwide is the main cause of this mass migration and refugee crisis. These same Globalists control Ireland and the main political parties.
Since 1992, Ireland has lost it's national sovereignty. The Irish government (representing the sovereign Irish people) have lost control of
our own Irish currency
- the creation of new money in Ireland. The government has to beg for their own money from the ECB and foreign banks
and this leads to more national debt
- Irish fiscal policies and monetary policies. These have to be approved by foreign bureaucrats and politicians first.
their government expenditure and investment policies and social policies
public investment policies
their housing policies
healthcare and education expenditure policies and capabilities
control of the Irish banking system
their government borrowings system (now rely on ECB and international banks and bondholders)
their bail out capabilities for resolving financial crashes, economic crashes, pandemics and other crises
the Irish fisheries area
their farming policies
the national border and immigration policies
- the bankrupting of Ireland by the EU and ECB. The EU instigated money printing and speculation mania led to the crash of 2008 and bankrupted Ireland and then the EU and ECB forced Ireland to bail out 42% of the EU banking system and many rich bondholders. This cost Ireland 80 billion euros in direct and indirect costs and bankrupted Ireland.
- Irish laws
which are over-ruled by EU laws
- loss of the jurisdiction of the Irish courts and Irish Constitution
loss of Irish neutrality through membership of NATO's 'partnership for peace' and the new EU army
Ireland's foreign affairs policies
Irish trade policies (which is greatly affected by Brexit).
The Irish Government have lost most of their powers. They are no longer a government ; Ireland has been reduced down to a vassal state of the federalist European Union, which is Globalist organisation. And there are ongoing efforts by the EU to take over all Irish taxation policies. This loss of national sovereignty is serious.
EU federalism has destroyed national sovereignty and democracy and freedom in Europe and turned it into centralised control structure, controlled by unelected bureaucrats, a Communist state comparable to the USSR. National governments elected by the people have no control, no power, and are mere vassal states or servants of bureaucrats in Brussels and globalist organisations such as the WHO.
Disgraceful speech by Irish political leader, Michael Martin, where he rejects and opposes Irish national sovereignty
The WHO Pandemic treaty of 2024 will end the national sovereignty of nations and the sovereignty of living men and women. It will over-rule Irish laws and the Irish Constitution. An expert analysis of this was carried by James Roguski in the USA. I include research papers showing the facts and evidence about the Pandemic treaty below:
Exit the WHO - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/exit-the-who
100 Reasons to stop the Pandemic treaty - https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/100-reasons
Video by Irish Barrister
The WHO is not elected by the people of Ireland and does not serve the people of Ireland. Yet the Irish people and nation will be subjected to the laws and corruption of WHO.
For hundreds of years Ireland and the Irish struggled to get national sovereignty, and this involved a long fight against British Imperialism. Today, some Irish politicians reject and oppose Irish national sovereignty ; this is a disgrace. Globalism is a continuation of the Imperialism and Colonialism of the past. Examples of Globalists were the empires of the British, French, German, Spanish, Russian, Ottoman, Mongolians, Romans of the past, the German nazis, the Soviet Union and its empire, etc. Wealthy elites imposed and benefitted from these empires - enforcing this imperialist or globalist system on nations and peoples for many centuries. Globalists have always dreamed of global dominance and this continues today.
(15) The breaking up of families around Ireland and child abuse by state bodies, criminal gangs and the elite
This is being caused
by bad government policies, anti family laws, and failures and defects within TUSLA and government policies, and the refusal of the government, state bodies, medical bodies, and businesses and communities to fully address the drugs and alcohol addictions crisis in Ireland. There are failures in many areas by government. The use of new educational material in schools is worsening this problem as most parents believe it is damaging to their children. This ties into a bigger agenda which includes child neglect and child abuse. The continuing failures of the police and courts to investigate, prosecute and close down and jail elite paedophile rings and political / religious paedophile rings means crimes have gone un-punished and the problem has continued. A recent news article published in the Irish Independent newspaper in June 2023 shows that that TUSLA and care homes and institutions for children are being used by paedophiles and paedophile gangs around Ireland. https://www.independent.ie/irish-news/gangs-targeting-young-people-in-residential-care-for-sexual-exploitation-study-finds/a992797402.html
Pornography in national and secondary schools and in the children's sections of libraries. This is against the wishes of parents and is damaging to young children. All of these factors are destroying the lives of many children and families around Ireland. Political parties and politicians and senior civil servants have failed to deal with these problems.
(16) Denial of Free Speech and Free Expression
The government is bringing in new laws to end free speech and freedom of expression in Ireland. This will end political debate in Ireland and will end democracy in Ireland. This will result in jailings of people for expressing their right to free speech and freedom of expression. This will enable corruption and injustices to thrive in Ireland and silence all critics. This is leading to dictatorship and authoritarianism.
(17) Buying off and bribing elected politicians and governments The following videos by American news stations shows how elected politicians are bought and bribed. Large investment funds, hedge funds, vulture funds and big banks are doing this in many countries including Ireland. Click on picture links below
Click on picture below
(18) Anti Human Rights
no compensation programme or proper medical assistance for the many thousands of people injured, made seriously ill or disabled or killed by vaccines and medical drugs. This is a national disgrace for many years in Ireland.
Whole nations have been bankrupted by Globalist policies, including vast speculation and bank failures, recessions and depressions, outsourcing, capital flight and de-industrialisation, and the vast number of illnesses, disabilities and deaths caused by their poisons, drugs and untested and unsafe vaccines. When 'the law' does not reflect humane values in alignment with the sovereignty and sanctity of human life, respecting of freedom of expression and other values that bind modern democracies; then it is no more than a tool of oppression for the globalist diabolicals and the servile political people who serve them. Slavery and tyranny by increments in other words. The facts and evidence show that they are trying to drag us all into their personal, ugly, profitable Hells!
(19)the rural crisis and farming crisis created and worsened by politicians and political parties and the bankrupting of farmers and many rural businesses. Farmers protesting all over the world, see picture below.
(20)The 39th amendment to the Constitution in Ireland gives the state permission to seize private property, including your property, to further Globalism objectives and Communist objectives. The WEF has stated that "you will own nothing and be happy".
In 2021, the leader of the WEF Klaus Schwab publicly declared that the Great Re-Set will mean "You will own nothing and be happy". This is the objective or goal of the WEF. You will own nothing and it is the elite who will be happy. This "delimiting" of private property was introduced into Dail Eireann in Spring 2022. This is being done for the so called "Common Good"
and in the "Public Interest" which are vague and ambiguous terms, which can be easily manipulated. This will be used to enforce compulsory purchase orders to take homes, property, houses and land off Irish people. It will disposess Irish people and give properties to favoured groups and multicultural groups in Irish society so as to further Globalist objectives and Communist objectives. This is the proposed Constitutional amendment below.
If this Constitutional amendment is passed, this will enable new laws and policies to be implemented to disposess Irish people of their homes and land and dispossess businesses of their properties. This Constitutional amendment has coincided with a massive increase in migration into Ireland in 2021 and 2022 due to wars, famines, poverty, injustices and the destructive effects of lockdowns worldwide, all caused by Globalists, and massive housing shortages and housing crisis in Ireland. The Irish government has admitted that it does not have enough accommodation for everybody in 2022.
The robbery, theft, and stealing of private property by the state can be done in the name of a so called "common good" and "public interest" which are vague and ambiguous terms which can be manipulated and misused by politicians to destroy Constitutional rights, Human rights, Sovereign People rights, and Democracy and introduce totalitarian policies which seize and rob private property, and enforce a type of Communism. The "common good" term was used to enforce unnecessary and prolonged Lockdowns and social restrictions and vaccine passports and discrimination in 2020 - 2022, which robbed Irish individuals, families and businesses of billions of euros in income and wealth and private property while enriching big globalist corporations which operated online and also as massive retailers offline. The Lockdowns and now the proposed seizure of private property in Ireland prove this point and provide more evidence of government over-reach, dictatorship and a blend of Globalism with Communism / Fascism. Irish people must not stand idly by and allow their private property to be robbed.
This Constitutional amendment to rob people is supported in the Great Re-set of Mr. Schwab and the WEF. His famous quote "you will own nothing and be happy" is very relevant here.
(21) What kind of world do you want for you, your children and grandchildren ? More Globalist wars and regime changes ?Nuclear, chemical, biological wars ?
Irish politicians and political parties and governments have tacitly and indirectly supported Globalist wars and regime changes. They have refused to condemn them, oppose them, criticise them, and refused to support peace and justice in the world.
Do you want more Globalist 'regime changes', invasions and lies ? more expansion of Globalist alliances and organisations ? more proxy wars between NATO and other countries ? more globalist crime networks and people trafficking and child trafficking and elite paedophile rings ? more Globalist manipulated conflicts and wars for more profit, natural resources, wealth, geo-political domination and Globalism? the pictures below provide some of the results of this.
The corrupt press and media actively promotes wars and conflicts. They lie to and deceive the generla public and act as propaganda agents for war mongers. See video below.
Ireland has been destroyed by this corruption. The political parties will continue this corruption if elected. This has been proven many times in the past and present. Politicians in political parties are only interested in serving their own pockets, themselves and their cronies.
We as elected Independents will end the corruption, injustices and misery caused by politicial parties and their financial backers, and by the fake and controlled opposition parties.
The Freedom Manifesto and a More Just, More Fair and Better Ireland for All
Independents have the power to make promises and keep promises to voters and constituents and deliver on these promises when elected. And to serve the people who vote for them. The main political parties cannot do this as they have become compromised, misdirected, corrupted and are dictatorships run by party leaders and their cronies who serve elitist interests and globalist interests. They constantly break election promises and ignore, fob off and betray the voters who voted for them. You may have experienced this yourself. We aim to replace the corrupt party system which has destroyed Ireland. We are actively replacing the corrupt party system in many counties of Ireland, building a national Anti Corruption Aliance in all counties who will run against and defeat the corrupt political parties in elections. This national alliance is spread across many counties and this will give us the numbers to contest elections across Ireland and the high numbers of elected politicians to form governments or be a dominant part of coalition governments.
Corrupt party leaders are dictators and they use the party whip to enforce obedience and dictatorship on all party members and to bulldoze laws and policies through which benefit the leader's and party's donors and financial backers - the corrupt elite and Globalists and their lobbyists. The guillotine was and is still used in the Dail to force through certain laws and policies. The leaders and their cronies force party members to ignore corruption and not speak up against it. This is a well known fact and was exposed in several state tribunals and court cases in the past. Charles Haughey was only the tip of the iceberg, there were and are far worse politicians than him. Men and women who would sell out their country and people to Globalists for money, property, and wealth. Offshore bank accounts and secret payments still dominate politics. Our vast natural resources worth many billions of euros were sold out to Globalists by gombeen politicians and parties in the past. Political parties are dictatorships ; there is no room for dissent in the party or for serving the people and the voters. There are many examples of elected politicians being expelled from political parties or being threatened with such.
A new and better Ireland is possible, an Ireland which serves all the people of Ireland in line with the aspirations of the 1916 Proclamation and leaders, and the First Dail and Democratic Programme of the First Dail and the Constitution of 1937 is possible. This will require your involvement, your participation and commitment with many other people and groups in a radical new political movement. We need to tear down the corrupt in order to build up the new.
Choices for Ireland and the Irish
(and sovereign nations worldwide)
The Choice is between Freedom and Slavery
The Choice is between National Sovereignty and it's Democracy and Freedom serving and accountable to the people on one side
and on the other side Globalism with its totalitarian policies, it's destruction of national sovereignty and destruction of Constitutional rights and human rights, it's corruption of politicians, the courts, the police and legal system, it's destruction of rural Ireland, it's lockdowns, its over priced properties, evictions and homelessness, it's debt slavery and perverted capitalism and mass poverty, it's imperialism and wars, and it's service to the elite
Padraig Pearse, the Irish patriot, summed it up
Beware of the thing that is coming, beware of the risen people Who shall take what ye would not give. Did ye think to conquer the people, or that law is stronger than life, And than men’s desire to be free? We will try it out with you ye Ye that have harried and held, Ye that have bullied and bribed. Tyrants… hypocrites… liars!”
As independents promoting freedom in the broadest sense and representing and serving the ordinary people of Ireland and empowering the ordinary people of Ireland NOT Imperialists in the form of Globalists, vested interests and the elite.
We follow in the tradition of the First Dail of 1919 and the 1916 leaders pictured above, and the tradition of Daniel O'Connell, Wolfe Tone, Emmet, Parnell, Stephens, Devoy, Kickham, O'Leary, Pearse, Clarke, Connolly, McDonagh, Collins, Breen, Brugha, MacEoin, Barry, Flanagan, Griffith, Hyde, Browne, McBride, Costello, Aiken, Lemass, De Valera, Hume, and others who worked for a more democratic, free, independent sovereign and just nation for all Irish nationals and citizens.
Michael Collins, Padraig Pearse and Eamon De Valera (pictured below), the Irish patriots supported National Sovereignty, National Freedom and Individual Freedom, Democracy, the Four Freedoms, and Justice NOT loss of national sovereignty to Globalism which is the new Imperialism, and includes and EU Federalism, and political and legal corruption, deliberate over-pricing and speculation which led to unaffordable homes, homelessness, and food and fuel poverty, and the slavery which exists today